WTWizard --- yes, we can only hope.
Posts by LV101
More apostate hating from the Watchtower
by Igot2bme ini ran across this post on fb-.
the november 15, 2011 study version of the watchtower, has this to say in an article praising jehu's actions against the family of ahab.
"the prophet elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to anoint jehu as king and to instruct him to kill every male of the apostate house of ahab.2 ki.
"Mentally diseased" article to be published in The Independent tomorrow
by cedars inhi everyone.
as a parting gift to you all before i take a much needed break from this forum, i thought you would be pleased to know that the independent, a leading uk newspaper, will be publishing a piece on the "mentally diseased" watchtower article in tomorrow's edition.. i would like to thank everybody who has assisted the journalist, jerome taylor, in his investigation.. best wishes to all of you,.
cedars you are modest in what you've accomplished. the world definitely needs individuals like YOU who will stand up to EVIL AND PROTECT those who can't protect themselves and it's not for sissys --- look at the stress you've endured on this board w/rules (which are needed) and moderators doing their job. most of us need a leader to inspire us/move us and i can't thank you enough for your tenacious work. most of us get so disillusioned because of w/tower's rights as a so-called religion and w/towers' power w/the lawyers/legal system. it's not a cakewalk swimming against the current and doing what is right. they have poor adherents' money for legal fees to play the game out. maybe ex-followers of the cult will end up w/rights someday because of you and many others out there fighting the cause. hope the bloggers are involved big time.
i can't wait to show this to a couple of lawyers for their opinion--- keeping in mind they're brainwashed on laws of this country/religions' rights (i get sick every time i bring it up). it's one specialized arena in law but the courts must wake up and protect the people.
Jehovah's Witnesses and The Worldwide Church of God
by JWStruggle ini recently posted an article on my blog that tapped into a comment made to me by an awake witness about the worldwide church of god.
it discussed some questions that have been on a lot minds among the awake jws and ex-jws lately.
questions adressed are:.
Bella15: liability is "HUGE" right now because of blood doctrine/sex abuse??? haven't heard too much lately but realize they settle out of court w/gag orders on the victims. apparently, not HUGE enough to make a dent, unfortunately.
i'd love to see a group of attys. advertisement on TV about representing vics of the sex abuse and the blood deaths. maybe law professors should be contacted to get the ball rolling. it's called FEAR of the witnesses to come forward and seek legal counsel. there needs to be billboards --- the power of suggestion.
Which music do you use to mourn the JW experience?.
by mankkeli insince realising i have been dwelling in a spiritual ghetto, this is the music i have been using to mourn the demise.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwahvbaygv4.
I was so happy the day i made up my mind to end my poor attendance track record AND NEVER RETURN all i could think about is "CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES" from that moment on ---- BY KOOL AND THE GANG. that place made me sick/miserable --- just like the toxic-family of origin!!!
Sugar: The Bitter Truth (YouTube)
by leavingwt inthis is an interesting presentation.
robert h. lustig, md, ucsf professor of pediatrics in the division of endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods.
he argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin.. .
leavingwt: --- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR this video/INFO!!! i'm going to take time and really listen to this. i never abused sugar trying to be 4 sizes smaller than my body frame/genetics (stupid!) but with age, etc., things turn on ya and you can't eat the same garbage. i think the aspartame turned on me and i had to ween myself off of the poison --- OMG!
thanks, again.
Sky News emailed about UK charitable status
by cedars infollowing the recent breakthrough i have just sent the following email to sky news, expanding on the issue of the "mentally diseased" article to incorporate the issue of uk charitable status.
i feel this is a good angle to go at, because sky news tends to focus on uk economic policy issues quite extensively.
5 million per year in government gift aid being frittered away on a charity that condones breaking-up families and blocking medical treatment seems to me to be a newsworthy item.. here is the email.
Thank you, once again, Cedars.
City Overseers discontinued immediately 9/16/11
by Gayle inletter dated 09/16/11 to all boes about city overseers being discontinued effective immediately.. this is from a very reliable jw anonymous source.. .
why do they eliminate free labor in downsizing? just restructure --- this gives the circuit overseers more control?
More apostate hating from the Watchtower
by Igot2bme ini ran across this post on fb-.
the november 15, 2011 study version of the watchtower, has this to say in an article praising jehu's actions against the family of ahab.
"the prophet elisha sent one of the sons of the prophets to anoint jehu as king and to instruct him to kill every male of the apostate house of ahab.2 ki.
how about providing the psychiatric communites w/these two watchtower articles --- not that it would surprise them but might be info to help/aid people.
ahhhh, thanks, ZIDDY!
Some JWs are exhibiting signs of violence because of WT hate speech. Read the threat to me and others posted at Topix yesterday
by AndersonsInfo inyesterday, i opened a topix account so i could post the information about watch tower representatives attending the political ocse meeting in poland for two weeks and the proof that they are an ngo.
one of the posters responded with these words: .
"barbs-info," eh?
Some good advice above to report/file any necessary threats to police, online security, whatever, and have the documented evidence. i'd consult legal counsel regarding watchtower's responsibility regarding this evil. more proof of their disordered, disturbed, zealots following their commands.
Stay safe --- be prepared. They are bullies.