Good post, Shelby.
Ziddy, I'm PMing you about vegetarianism.
to the household of god, israel... and all those who go with... may you all have peace!.
man, it's pretty tough out here in this "wilderness", isn't it?
hot, dry, dusty... no meat... only the wretched manna and lukewarm water.
Good post, Shelby.
Ziddy, I'm PMing you about vegetarianism.
i don't know if this is accurate or not.
it's on of those fb chain letter thingys but it's awesome and i'd thought i would share:.
in her radio show, dr laura schlesinger said that, as an observant orthodox jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
QUENDI --- i've heard nothing about her being confronted about her biblical views and i agree these questions are good ones. wish everyone could see them! they are too funny. i don't care/endorse her belief system except w/respect to the protection of children --
so glad he posted this.
Cagefighter --- chill/sorry, dude.
just posted by vampire665 on facebook.
lola-rabbit --- i know/i agree! we could keep the religious section of news media loaded down forever w/watchtower saga/evil. bet the reading stats for newspapers/media cos. would fly off the charts. recall reading yrs. ago someone in the mental health community (psychologists, etc.) said it was the most intelligent run CULT IN THE WORLD! i'll buy that!!
i don't know if this is accurate or not.
it's on of those fb chain letter thingys but it's awesome and i'd thought i would share:.
in her radio show, dr laura schlesinger said that, as an observant orthodox jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
PSac --- funny, FUNNY! yes, i heard she posed for some nudy/cuty stuff and heard she admitted same. she has said to her listeners to do as she says/not as she does/did. she's one educated/intelligent lady and one point was making comments she was on a spiritual journey and had thought of seminary school --- OMG!
we should email her and tell her to join this site and she'd save herself time/money --- and have more time for helping the abused children in the world.
just posted by vampire665 on facebook.
yourmomma --- you're right ---- the w/tower lawyers were sloppy and they will fight like dogs now, trust me. these money for nothing losers are livin well off the watchtower retainer moolah. thanks to the bloggers scientology has probably learned a big lesson and many lawyers hired.
i don't know if this is accurate or not.
it's on of those fb chain letter thingys but it's awesome and i'd thought i would share:.
in her radio show, dr laura schlesinger said that, as an observant orthodox jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
in all fairness to Dr. Laura -- she apparently (i know, i sound like the watchtower's speech here using apparently) knows about the watchtower and rescued a witness from the cult or helped her survive it. i must have read on this board couple yrs. back.
i think she'd be a great one to group up with for protection of children in the watchtower/blood doctrine/shunning. i've heard her discourage more than one caller about returning to the catholic church and tells them they'd be donating money toward their pedophile lawyers --- and i only listened to her in car/radio a few times. she really tries to protect children and adult children from loser parents/clergy/whatever, so i love her for this.
i don't know if this is accurate or not.
it's on of those fb chain letter thingys but it's awesome and i'd thought i would share:.
in her radio show, dr laura schlesinger said that, as an observant orthodox jew, homosexuality is an abomination according to leviticus 18:22, and cannot be condoned under any circumstance.
i LOVE THIS!!!! Someone has posted in past (perhaps you!!) and I'm going to be sure to copy this time and send to some zealots.
Thank you,
i think our engineering dept. is rated high. FORD MOTOR CO. instituted/chose UNLV. at one time we were rated no. 1 for hotel management, perhaps still no. 1, not certain. don't think we'll ever have a great football team w/all the outside attractions and VEGANS are into basketball i guess. i love football, too.
it's rumored corporations are speculating heavily on VEGAS to relocate here w/housing so affordable for employees. the canadians have really flocked into the area choosing VEGAS over phoenix past few yrs.
nothing more beautiful than desert sunsets!!! the beautiful pinks/purples/sherbet-coral sunsets are majestic over the mt. charleston mountains/red rock area mountains.
Cagefighter: nothing great in football and still shakey there but there's hope for our basketball. and they'd love to have a pro baseball team here --- we have the B team (i don't know what they call it) for the dodgers, but no big deal. i doubt there will ever be another basketball team like we once had and a couple of those street boys are still doing great.
palmtree67: UNLV --- yea!!! there's hope for our basketball team!!! UNLV's ratings were moving up the ladder for academics (rated no. 5) for awhile. business/engineering and now we have medical/dental school.
you should have been here back in the basketball Rebel days -- omigoodness!! you've never seen such an exciting time in vegas!!! hopefully, it will revive.
when you travel in europe just mention you're from LAS VEGAS and they part the waters for you.
don't you love the weather here w/the exception of summer.