cookiemaster -- the daughter of the head dude at hall I was at literally used to walk out of the hall after the boasting session - her head throbbing and blurry vision (like a migraine) and start throwing up. They lived block or so away from the hall and she'd walk home - or try to walk home - this is a young girl jr. high school. To this day she's using this as an excuse. It's hilarious -- I saw her few mos ago and she told me her parents are begging her to return to Jehovah, etc., and she told them she's too depressed -- her mom said, "we're all depressed," and can imitate her mom so well - we were laughing so hard. She'll never return but thus far her parents haven't X'd her out of their life. I don't think their mental/physical life can deal with it and live out of state - which helps.
Like the smart dudes above said -- don't play their game but if you do (even temporarily) have fun with it. That religion makes one mentally/physically sick - your doctor confirmed it (lol) and your health can't take it. I feel sorry for your parents.