No time spent outside of making money for the cult - no humaneness, kindness, compassion - just recruiting and donating money to WT - just run along the family member is going to die anyway and let the worms take care of it. They love it when the elderly have no JW witness heirs or the cult has nixed any lineage out of the equation -- the Gov Goons inherit more money - more whiskey, designer suits for old goats, silk ties, vacays, design services for their hotel-room penthouse. Has to be quite an expense for maintenance money for the wives' images alone. I highly doubt they still shop at flee markets (unless the witness shuffle from their Saturday service is still in 'em) and the majority are probably aging so not cheap. Takes serious money - pricey. How many bars/clubs do they have in the compound (mini country club) or do they imbibe alone in their high-rise cell. No Christmases, Valentines, Birthdays, etc., etc., when that money can be dumped into the cult's beg boxes. Holidays aren't more fake than their supernatural crazy and delusional death promises but the minions hang on to the fantasies - on and on. Plus the peer pressure fear of losing their friends/status.
Society has certainly failed humans - so weak.