Still - it "sadddens" me that you hate truth and can't accept reality -- (not really - couldn't really care less about others political preferences like YOU!!) and you're obviously very ANGRY - sorry 'bout that! plus you seem to be a witch and possess magic powers - have a magic ball and know how happy/sad people are. Maybe you could help the mental community by determining others' happy quotient.
I'm actually ecstatic - so much in life to be grateful and happy about - our wonderful country has the greatest leader in decades - everyday there's a beautiful ocean to stare at and be mesmerized by the roaring ocean underneath. Trees, flowers, the moon - beautiful people in my life -- sorry you're so tied down and blue with your losing, pathetic, party. Get a life - we're all entitled to our opinion unless you're "one of those people" -- JW! Try to take a walk on the good side of life. It's beautiful.
I think you had too much WT stuffed down your throat - typical attack MO.