NO -- the tests will show who has it - many have no symptoms and it will never tell us just how many have had it and SURVIVED this cold virus.
Check the history/facts - when the SWINE (most have selective memory or never heard in the first place) PIG FLU broke out CNN never reported it as a main topic (2009). MEDIA didn't even make it front page - NY Times - joke! They were all protecting Obama! AFTER WARNINGS from the World Health Organization. ONE THOUSAND PEOPLE DIED in the US before the administration (Obama) paid any attention. 300,000 were hospitalized; 60 MILLION infected. 18 THOUSAND died in the United States under Obama (PIG FLU/SWINE FLU).
40 People have died to date -- none under 50 yrs. old - that's still too many but why would we believe the fear or anything fake news says NOW!! The level of panic is unreal - wrecking the economy. I don't - I take all flus/yearly outbreaks seriously -- their tract record is mob driven.
Amazing how many people die of yearly influenza (and there are thousands here in the US like auto accidents) and no big deal because it's 'all factored in'.
Worldwide there's approximately 137,000 cases of the COVID 19; 81,000 are in China; 15,000 Italy; 11,000 Iran; 8,000 S. Korea per John Hopkins. US: 1,268 - 40 Deaths. 2010 there were 18,000 deaths in United States with Swine flu.
I'm not saying throw out your hand soap, stored beans (I'd rather starve) or chocolate, etc., etc. and NOT be cautious -- but really! This is authoritarian management for power/control and nothing new