Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine commonly known as the malaria drug is presently being used in New York hospitals and other countries (S. Korea, France, and others) with great success - FACT. There's not been a control study in US, yet, for the COVID 19, but it's been around for over 50 yrs. and is an FDA approved drug. The only problem is they could be running out per doctor in NY. However, one report today indicated Bayer donated 3 million tablets to the Trump administration. Doctors can prescribe it now. Also, plasma from pre-infected COVID 19 individuals injected into COVID 19 patients has been successful in other countries.
There's another drug that's being used and has been successful. I'll think of it here - also being used. It will be months before a vaccine is available - latest info 6 mos to 1 year. These reports are hopeful.