What is Lloyd Evans' website?
i have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
new cases:.
diaz case, filed on 10/21/2020 by zalkin law firm - two plaintiffs abused (here and hereinafter - allegedly) by two ministerial servants in 1970s.. iglesias case, filed on 10/19/2020 by eisenberg & baum, llp against various nyc and wt entities - abused by an "elder john doe" and "[travelling] overseer john" in 1970s and 1980s.. aldridge case, filed 10/06/2020 by zalkin law firm - abused by a congregation elder in 1970s.. older cases:.
tarry case (no 1 and no 2), filed on 09/17/2019 and 07/23/2020 by parker waichman llp - abused by a publisher in 1984. very weak case.
when we scrub these letters we also rename them.
this one you might want for your records.
besides, who would turn down a free cappuccino?.
frozen2018 oh my re/"thalidomide": Is that the med they gave to pregnant women starting in the 50s - 60s/70s and finally realized babies being born with wing hands at the shoulders, armless, legless, etc., etc?
The geniuses finally had enough data (dark ages) and pulled from the market. I had bottles of that stuff - my doctor told me in the mid 80s what was going on. Thankfully, I was so nauseas couldn't hold anything on my stomach.
There's no factual info yet re/how many have actually been vaccinated. I doubt the CDC would hype the nos😳 - that's hilarious!! I'm all for the vax if it works and doesn't kill us. Some say only about 25-29% somewhere in that range have actually been vaccinated but who knows. At this point in time the older ones (friends/family) over age 60 are doing just fine w/exception of leg pain (2 people w/upper to knee area) and one with heart issue but they didn't do correct lab test - special blood test - to pick up the very tiny clots that MRI/ultrasound, etc., miss. If they're still kicking it's good news to me and time will tell.
Media uses race, levels of education, age, etc., to intimidate along with the #1 fear factor to promote vaccinations. We couldn't wait to race to get the jabba jabba - after all media assured us it was safe. No worries if you missed your shot to be inoculated - Nova has one coming out next month and they'll be plenty of boosters and daily mega-COVID pills to take daily.
Interesting the CDC or FDA are not requiring employees to be vaxxed. Nurses being fired - obviously no pandemic at those hospitals!!
The vaccines' efficacy wears off (4 - 6 mos) and they only protect you for one (1) spike protein -- what about all the other 28 proteins?!
Now we are witnessing the horror of escape mutants they're referring to Delta. CDC stopped counting the breakthroughs first of May and reported only 11,000, however, only 35 states (through end of July) had reported breakthrough nos. at 111,748! They, of course, tried to blame the UNvaxxed but per the stats/data had to come clean. Also, stats out of Israel, Iceland (all vaxxed) Gibraltar it's obvious. Many very ill people in Israel - 90-95% vaxxed are the highest deaths/illnesses. Even Bloomberg did a great article as they could no longer stand the fraud (amazing). You won't hear the horror on mainstream media, including FOX NEWS - Murdock controlled along with Big Pharma/China. Tucker/Laura try to sneak in the reality - Tucker was excoriated mos ago when he had Dr. Malone on his show. Dr. Malone - creator of the mRNA. Good luck getting your facts on media.
A few posters have linked good videos from renown virologists/immunologists/VACCINOLOGISTS which are all over the internet. A good one to watch re/the vacs/spike proteins - there are many but this one is fast/simple in football field graphics - is on highwire.com - it's the video with a chalkboard diagram, I think. It may have been linked here within past month or so.
This is not good determining which jabba-jabba (or clot-shot) is causing the most issues. Worrying about family members, life-long friends, one's own health, is overboard.
Racing along - no time to proof and I'm sure this info has been repeated above.
hi all.. i'm 42 years old.
i have had two jabs of the oxford-astrazeneca vaccine.. after my first jab i experienced flu-like symptoms - shivering, wanted to lie down in a dark room, etc.. i experienced no side effects after my second shot.. how about you?.
how many jabs have you had?.
Dr. McCullough (Baylor) and private practice (lost 150+ patients and some in good health) has CDC whistleblowers saying at least 50,000 deaths from the vacs not to mention a million + injuries - this figure might be Europe's injury stat alone. Others say this death toll is low. Dr. Mike Yeadon (x-Pfizer chief scientist/VP) indicates much higher death toll as well as others.
Depopulating can be brutal. It won't stop with the vaxxed - the powers that be need to doxx out quite a few for the perfect reset. Hope this is hype but not looking that way. Billionaire game successful (new ones created) and Fauci's patent history since 2002 finally scored - YUGE!
apparently biden had an electric vehicle summit earlier this week.. tell me the first name that comes to mind when it comes to electric vehicles?.
tesla ... right?
they have practically defined the segment after all.. but which company wasn't invited to biden's electric vehicle summit?.
dr. leanna wen is currently spreading the fallacy that unvaccinated persons should have vaccines mandated because they are like drunk drivers… they have the right to be drunk at home she says, but wanting to be part of society at large without being vaccinated is like driving drunk and putting others at risk.
besides ignoring the science proving that persons who have had sars cov-2 have natural immunity that equals or exceeds anything that could be imparted from the mrna shot, without the side effects or need for boosters, ( sorry big pharma, you’ll be losing $$$ ) this illustration just smacks of illogical reasoning.
it reminds me of the borg comparing getting baptized to getting your driver’s license.