If the clot shot kills off the elderly it's a win for the borg -- they pick up estates and add to their money chest. If it snuffs off the younger JWs it's less members they have to control/fool and can regroup the religion/real estate co w/new nonsense.
Posts by LV101
GB pushed the vax
by Diedsuddenly ini remember during the pandemic the gb updates got progressively stronger pushing the vaccines .
they even had experiences of some who were reluctant to get them and then due to the gb keep saying fully vaccinated these poor jws went out and got all the catch ups shots and even all the boosters.
i remember someone making a compilation video showing all the gb update clips of the gb pushing the clot shots, even tony morris saying the words ‘go get vaccinated’.
Am out of line for being pissed off.
by Riley inyesterday i got a call from the my seven year old sons school.
they told me he was quite sick and should take him home.
of course i am the contact because she makes no effort know where her phone is or if it is even charged.
Two Translators Who Restored God’s Name to the NT
by Wonderment inone of the first prayers that many people learn is the lord’s prayer, which jesus taught his followers.
this prayer is found in what is commonly called the new testament.
the prayer begins: “our father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified [or hallowed].” (matthew 6:9) yet, god’s name, rendered in english as “jehovah” or sometimes “yahweh,” is rarely found in english translations of the new testament.
Christmas, yes or no ?
by jhine ini have just started to steep the mincemeat for my mince pies in dark rum .
christmas is a big deal in my family and circle of friends.
however among ex jws it's a bit different or so l understand.
Always wanted to attend midnight mass at a Catholic Church as my friends in Catholicism -- they loved it and it's tradition for some. Maybe this year or the xmas decor at the Bellagio Conservatory - always so gorgeous. Have to arrive early at the Catholic churches here -- so packed at Christmas time and I've seen photos -- beautifully decorated and some professional musicians/singers. -
Christmas, yes or no ?
by jhine ini have just started to steep the mincemeat for my mince pies in dark rum .
christmas is a big deal in my family and circle of friends.
however among ex jws it's a bit different or so l understand.
Love, love, love, Christmas -- everything like beautiful lights, decorated trees/ornaments, gorgeous wrapped boxes pictured and on display everywhere, home-baked specialty items, delicious foods, the amazing Christmas, music, caroling, amazing choirs at churches, schools, greetings to strangers that cheer many up. Many contribute more/help feed/donate and provide toys to the disadvantaged children and that's always beautiful.
Vandy - Thx for linking one of my fave songs. Can't wait to listen. Love Mariah Carey - O Holy Night (Official HD Video). Not a note the gal can't hit.
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Paypal sucks
by peacefulpete ini know its been said many times before but man does paypal suck.
for anyone out there who uses ebay and its paypal payment system, take warning!
i've used it many times before as both seller and buyer and no complaint except for the fees involved.
Car Projects
by peacefulpete inhow many of you enjoy car projects?
we do one for the parade most every year.
this year was a bust but the project is done and ready for next july.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Twitter - interesting thread under Texas Kate "Until Proven Otherwise." - @DrAseemMalhotra
Another -- Vaccine Narrative Collapses as Harvard Study Shows Jab More Dangerous than COVID: https://www.theflstandard.com/vaccine-narrative-collapses-as-harvard-study-shows-jab-more-dangerous-than-covid/; not sure this link works: @childcovidvaccineinjuriesuk -- re Prions Disease proof HIV (Glycoprotein 120) was inserted into spike protein
Now CDC has 2 boosters in one jab - not sure approved yet but most likely. Per jabs already taken -- Dr. Tenpenny reports they've found a way to slow kill people w/these jabs so most don't connect the dots. She's been spot on thus far, unfortunately.
Former Pfizer VP Mike Yeadon "toxic by design" - they're weapons to reduce global population.
Unimaginable horror - better not to have time to read any of this after - 3 yrs. of the night mare.
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Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
CV19 Vax Destroys Hearts & Brains of Billions of People -- Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi
SOURCE: https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts--brains-of-billions--of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/
He's referencing autopsies demanded by families - very interesting/found no proof initially but highly credible German scientist (also now "pensioned"/punished by his country) -- worth listening to. Many scientists around world calling this genocide.
I'll try to find link - hospital ICU units full of "vaccinated" individuals although not reported. Children being infected by vaccinated parents (shedding) and some states' hospitals overwhelmed.
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Anonymous Message to Watchtower
by jwleaks inhttp://www.bit.ly/jwleaks-anonymous.
hello citizens of the world.
we are anonymous.. dear brothers and sisters,.