Negative -- miserable until epiphany of the con game and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough but I was half way out the door/never gave up social life. I did receive calls (kind, good, men, for the most part only one bad apple and he got message real fast!) but I leveled plain and clear and living on private, live-security, property, helps -- they didn't have to waste time/call easier. They knew legally -- everyone has legal right to stand up to them (WT/clergy class just doing their job) and many have.
Posts by LV101
would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?
by ExBethelitenowPIMA ina good question is would you be more happy not knowing what you now know?.
were you more happy pimi?
are all the pimis more happy than the the pimos or the pomos?.
PROOF Mormons have the truth
by neat blue dog indaniel prophesied that god would “set up a kingdom” that would “never be destroyed” and would “stand for ever” (daniel 2:44).
in making this prophecy, he spoke of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints... and it will continue to progress until it has “filled the whole earth”... hundreds of thousands of people are baptized every year.
the book of mormon is being translated in many languages.
joe134cd - Yup. Successful family lives, businesses, friendships. People not begging for handouts like JWs. Some can't help if compromised health, age, etc., but they certainly don't encourage strong work ethics or education for the young.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
ExBethelite - yes, Geert Vanden Bossche has been right but his timing or something re/the escape of Omicron info is quite horrific. He does indicate it won't kill all those vaccinated (golly, that's good to know and gives us 'hopium') but society thinks the C-19 pandemic is calming but he's quite a different prognostication -- "Society Caught by Surprise," statement.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Obesity is not why -- elderly and people were denied antibiotics when most advanced 'COVID' patients had serious bacterial pneumonia desperately needing them. False PCR positives (95% false positive when cycle count threshold was above 24), sedation using diamorphine, midazlolam, isolation - it kills and WT should be held responsible for their shunning on this alone -- it's been proven! Also, malnourishment, dehydration of elderly locked away (Covid protocol) administered deadly Remdesivir (kidney and liver toxic) intubation and then put on deadly ventilators which blow up the lungs.
Never have so many young people died.
We all need to hope, pray, chant, whatever, the handful of ethical virologists/vaccinologists in world are WRONG beginning with Geert Vanden Bossche.
PROOF Mormons have the truth
by neat blue dog indaniel prophesied that god would “set up a kingdom” that would “never be destroyed” and would “stand for ever” (daniel 2:44).
in making this prophecy, he spoke of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints... and it will continue to progress until it has “filled the whole earth”... hundreds of thousands of people are baptized every year.
the book of mormon is being translated in many languages.
Not too sure that's always been the case or if factual re/net worth now or ever. LDS have owned so many cos (huge corporations) for decades plus rake in all the controlled tithing. They were quite successful and impressive to the younger people -- there's big wards built within ft. of high schools for recruiting. Offer many craft, cooking, sewing, courses for the female members as well as dance events for teens, holiday celebrations, sports areas for all. Even in the dark ages receptions/events were nicely done on their properties. People don't run when someone says they're Morman. They're respected and many well off financially - very industrious people -- quite influential in their communities. -
Regional Convention Attendance
by XBEHERE inelder friend of mine texted me asking what my rc attendance was 2 weeks ago (family and i streamed it since wife is not well).
he told me that his rc in the jersey city assembly hall last weekend was low.
co told them that around 2600 were the total from 16+ congs that were assigned.
Respectful Observer - thanks for the Six Screens video. I only viewed from the 52 min. on but well worth it. Next guest is Barbara Anderson -- I'll try to watch.
How does God communicate with Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Vanderhoven7 ingilles gray writes:.
the short answer is, god communicates with jehovah’s witnesses very poorly indeed.. jehovah’s witnesses are the first to affirm that god doesn’t directly communicate with them at all.. however, this fact doesn’t stop them from making the baseless assertion that god communicates to them through reading the bible, through holy spirit and through their leaders (known as the governing body, or the faithful and discreet slave).. here is a claim made by one of the first leaders of the watchtower organisation:-.
communication through reading the bible.
Spirits -- alcohol. Ask Tony. -
PROOF Mormons have the truth
by neat blue dog indaniel prophesied that god would “set up a kingdom” that would “never be destroyed” and would “stand for ever” (daniel 2:44).
in making this prophecy, he spoke of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints... and it will continue to progress until it has “filled the whole earth”... hundreds of thousands of people are baptized every year.
the book of mormon is being translated in many languages.
You're spot on blondie (as well as other posters) - they've some really wackadoo beliefs and, of course, like the JWs think they're special and outcasts.
I worked with several -- very cliquish or were. They've spent gazillions marketing themselves (sound familiar) to appear more mainstream and attract members. They do serve their country and vote -- very important -- and win much support from their communities. They push higher education (emulating the Jewish people) and are prominent in politics.
Many who run from the cult are still considered members (not sure about those accused of causing divisions like JW apostates) and would receive statements for tithing due -- even many yrs later. I knew about this yrs. ago not sure today but knew wealthy family who laughed tossed the statement in trash - Utah residents. You have to be understanding of them to reside in Utah - it's changing fast. They're always subtly recruiting/saving one for another notch on their lipstick case. I've family member in NV who experiences same -- have to be very cautious 'loving your neighbor but keeping the hedges high' per Mark Twain - I think. The demographics have changed much and no one cares but so many make great, responsible, neighbors -- they bother no one in my hood but there's few. It's amazing how many people admire them -- strong families, successful careers, etc., -- focus on charitable works in community.
Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?
by slimboyfat inhave you seen this video about the covid vaccines?
have you got any views on the information?
i find it worrying at least.
Latest info from vaccinologist, DRGEERT.COM -- "Omicron Causes Enhanced Large-Scale Immune Escape Dynamics." "Experts Were Wrong?" He's asking 'Where has all the science gone?'
Don't be fooled -- 'Nobody Can Conceal The Science That Nature Is Now Desperate To Unveil -- Societies In Highly Vaccinated Countries Will Be Caught By Surprise.' I hope he's radically wrong re/his virus expertise although he's stood by his words for couple yrs.
A New List of the J Versions and Where to Find them
by pizzahut2023 inhi!i am doing a very long and exhaustive study of the "j" versions, based off the new study edition of the new world translation:
this list has about 300 sources, mostly bibles, that the jehovah's witnesses have used to "justify" their insertion of "jehovah" into the new testament.i am doing an excel spreadsheet of where to find digitized copies of these j versions and then some notes on them.. they contain some really interesting renderings, some that would make a jehovah's witness's head spin!for example, in j29:the original aramaic new testament in plain english (an american translation of the aramaic new testament), by glenn david bauscher, seventh edition, australia, 2012which you can find here:. luke 2:11 it says:.
WOW - thank you, pizzahut23, SBF, Earnest and all contributing on this blog -- very informative/interesting!! I'm still stuck on Luke 2:11 Jehovah the Savior being born and the trinitarian slant of many. WT - oh my!