and another one
Posts by booby
No One Should Be Made to Choose ..LIES from July 09 Awake
by Hopscotch inthe following quote is taken from the article is it wrong to change your religion?
in the july 2009 awake p29:
no one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-21-09 WT Study (GOD'S WISDOM)
by blondie inpardon the problems in posting.
comments you will not hear at the 06-21-09 wt study (april 15, 2009, pages 15-19)(jehovah's wisdom).
review comments will be in red.
Back in the day I never noticed how they use for reference material !Voila thier material. But this article is sooo obvious. They could have said, *For more information on the gecko, see the Awake! of April 2008, page 26 for more info on the gecko, do a Google search. But nooo couldn't go there could we.
by Yizuman inwell, i'm the last to know.. so i see the wt successfully sued and won.. so now where can i find a website that contains quotes like the old site does?.
that's pretty sad he got shut down.. yiz.
but this still exists:
Questioning me as an apostate
by God_Delusion ini am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
Reniaa, I shouldn't be this rude but . . . . . you are an idiot. He is not associating a mindless killer with God, he is making the point that not being able to understand is not exclusive to things that God has done, and definitely no answer to arguing that the organization has a brain.
Coptic John 1:1 makes it into the Watchtower.
by slimboyfat inwt november 1st has a two page article on how the early sahidic coptic version of the new testament translated god with an indefinite article in john 1:1 and argues this supports the new world translation's rendering "and the word was a god".
online witness apologists have been using this piece of evidence in support of the nwt for a few years now.
in particular solomon landers promoted the coptic version of john 1:1 in discussions with evangelicals and other who oppose witness theology.
He performed what may be called the first operation of painless surgery. “Hence Jehovah God had a deep sleep fall upon the man and, while he was sleeping, he took one of his ribs and then closed up the flesh over its place. And Jehovah God proceeded to build the rib that he had taken from the man into a woman and to bring her to the man.” The man was overjoyed to receive and accept her at his heavenly Father’s hand, and he named her to show she was part of himself. “Then the man said: ‘This is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. This one will be called Woman [or Ish·shah′], because from man [or Ish] this one was taken.’” (Gen. 2:21-23, NW) God had now divided the feminine characteristics from Adam and put them in this woman or Ish·shah′ and thus produced the human sexes. In the fatherly blessing that he now gave them as a married couple he set before them the work that he authorized them to carry on together. As it is written: “And God proceeded to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. Further, God blessed them and God said to them: ‘Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is creeping upon the earth.’” “This is the book of Adam’s history. In the day of God’s creating Adam he made him in the likeness of God. Male and female he created them. After that he blessed them and called their name Man in the day of their being created.” (Gen. 1:27, 28; 5:1, 2, NW) So human marriage is a divine arrangement and should be viewed as holy.17
When Jehovah God caused Adam to sleep soundly and removed one of his ribs and used it as a base with which to build Adam’s wife, was he foreshadowing something future, something four thousand years later? No. He was not foreshadowing that his Son Jesus Christ would become the only other Adam, “the last Adam,” and would fall asleep in death as a human sacrifice for his “bride,” the congregation of his 144,000 followers, and that Almighty God would raise him from that deep sleep of death and afterward present him with his spiritual “bride,” his faithful congregation, in heavenly glory. (1 Cor. 15:45; Eph. 5:25-27; Rev. 21:2, 9) Had God done this, it would have meant that he peered into Adam’s future, that he let himself foresee that Adam would sin by eating from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Thus God would have foreordained that Adam should break his law and come under the sentence of death and that Jesus Christ should die as a corresponding ransom to save his 144,000 followers from among Adam’s descendants that these might become a bridal organization, a wife to Jesus Christ in heaven. To have foreordained that Adam should sin would have made Jehovah God responsible for his sin, whereas God is not responsible for sin and is not bound to make a sacrificial atonement for it.18
Rather than foreshadow and foreordain something by the way he created Eve, Jehovah God was copying on an earthly level a great heavenly pattern of his own. As Eve was taken from Adam and was really bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh, so Jehovah’s universal organization, his heavenly organizational wife, was taken from himself. It was a creation emanating from himself without pain and beginning with his Word, his only-begotten Son, and finally taking in all his holy angels of heaven. This holy organization of them all he presented to himself as his “woman,” his “wife,” whom he will never divorce, for she will never be estranged from him, come a Devil even.19
Because the first woman was taken from the first man instead of being made a distinct creation, not only was she one flesh with him but also all the human family that sprang from them is one flesh. This fact made her man’s closest relative on earth. For this reason he should stick to her. God pronounced this bond of husband and wife to be the closest relationship of two humans on earth, closer than that of a son to a father and mother, and hence the husband should stay with the one to whom he was closest, his wife. In Eden after uniting the man and the woman in wedlock God said: “That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh.” (Gen. 2:24, NW) Thousands of years later certain self-wise ones brushed aside this genuine account of the ideal human marriage in the paradise of Eden and the Son of God said to them: “Did you not read that he who created them at the beginning made them male and female and said: ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will stick to his wife, and the two will be one flesh’? So that they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has yoked together let no man put apart.” (Matt. 19:4-6, NW) The Christian apostle Paul gave his measure of support to the trueness of this marriage account by quoting from it in his argument and saying: “For, ‘The two,’ says he, ‘will be one flesh.’” (1 Cor. 6:16, NW) A married man’s place, therefore, was to be, not with his papa and mamma, not with his gang, his men’s association or his social club, but with his closest partner, his wife. He was to stick to his wife, not send her back home to her father who gave her to him. He was to permit no one to get in between. -
Coptic John 1:1 makes it into the Watchtower.
by slimboyfat inwt november 1st has a two page article on how the early sahidic coptic version of the new testament translated god with an indefinite article in john 1:1 and argues this supports the new world translation's rendering "and the word was a god".
online witness apologists have been using this piece of evidence in support of the nwt for a few years now.
in particular solomon landers promoted the coptic version of john 1:1 in discussions with evangelicals and other who oppose witness theology.
leolaia: because I am lazy I pulled this from a former posting of mine and yes It is a bit off thread but have you read this and does it simplify Jesus' divinity as they put it being an "emanation" of God himself?
Isn't clarifying the trinity doctrine an oxymoron. I would love to have someone read the 1956 watchtower September 1st paragraph 18 and see if you get the thought that the society here says that Jesus and actually all the spirit creatures were as God in nature, being children of God. They say that these were creations emanating from himself. What was the thought conveyed there?
Questioning me as an apostate
by God_Delusion ini am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
reniaa. I was actually looking for a response on my question from about 16 posts back. In that post I wondered if we can't fully believe the bible, while taking the flood as an illustration or alagory (spelling?) I am not suggesting that is what some group or individual says/thinks just asking for your take.
Questioning me as an apostate
by God_Delusion ini am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
reniaa. why not answer the questions that others pose rather than posing your own questions which you know you can answer.
Questioning me as an apostate
by God_Delusion ini am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
1:31)31 After that God saw everything he had made and, look! [it was] very good. . (And then look what happened!!!) -
Questioning me as an apostate
by God_Delusion ini am an active jw.
i was born in the "truth" (i really feel uncomfortable calling it that) and am now married to a witness.. for a year now, i have actually come to see that the gb are just business-psychologists.
anyone who views jehovah's witnesses as a religion and not a cult, really needs to evaluate their way of thinking and they also need to look up the definition of the word "cult".. anyway, my parents recently came over on holiday (they live in another country and are also residents of bethel).
reniaa. I am not going to go through all the examples that are clearly for the purpose of teaching thru illustration, like the prodigal son, the good samaritan, etc, but do you have good proof that the flood story, that of Job and others are not also illustrations or stories to teach a point to us.