JoinedPosts by Ramblin_rose
King James - why ?
by Ramblin_rose ini trust the following links will prove very enlightening regards the subject of bible "translations" and why it is very important to ensure that you are studying god`s pure word, and not a translation which was put together to suit the whims of those whose interests it best suited.
al cuppit .
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
LATEST NEWS from the "Say NO to I.D. cards" website ......
Thank you for this. NO2ID has no view on Revelations, but you may be
interested in the Regulatory Impact Assessment issued with the Bill
In particular:
* section 47 where it is implied that the ambition is to require ID
checks to stay in hotels, rent accomodation, buy mobile phones, and
carry out day to day activities;
* sections 60-61 where it is implied that the ambition is to use the
cards in relation to ordinary purchases. (We understand the Home Office
has been conducting market research in relation to the price level at
which the public would be happy to have an ID check for purchases.)
* section 79 on where it is heavily implied that employers will be at
risk if they do not require an identity check for workers.Best regards
Box 412, 78 Marylebone High St
Office phone: 020 7793 4005I still believe it may be "the mark of the beast" whilst clearly IF we refuse this proposed I.D. card.... we will be able to do NOTHING AT ALL.... and Bible does say : "cant buy or sell"
King James - why ?
by Ramblin_rose ini trust the following links will prove very enlightening regards the subject of bible "translations" and why it is very important to ensure that you are studying god`s pure word, and not a translation which was put together to suit the whims of those whose interests it best suited.
al cuppit .
I trust the following links will prove very enlightening regards the subject of Bible "TRANSLATIONS" and why it is very important to ensure that you are studying God`s PURE Word, and NOT a translation which was put together to suit the whims of those whose interests it best suited.
Al Cuppit http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/alcuppit.htm
New Age Bible Versions - bibles friendly to New Age doctrine http://www.benabraham.com/html/new_age_bible_versions.html
Holy Bible KJV ONLY
http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/KJVonlyYES.htmThe NKJV: A Deadly Translation
After reading that list, one might surely ask: what others are left, and just how reliable are those ?
Personally, my own choice of Bible is the old King James 1811 which not surprisingly claims LESS changes than the others....
Exposing the Myth and Lie that men have been able to change the Word of God in the KJV Holy Bible
To decide as to whether that claim is absolutely correct, one can perhaps better decide after reading the chronology of Christianity :-
The question now remaining is WHY have such changes been made. Those who are familiar with their Bible will of course know that Revelations gives us a STERN WARNING about not "adding to" nor "taking away from" God`s Word :-
Re 22:18 - For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book
WHO therefore would be so bold as to lead man to do these things ?
The ONLY answer I can personally find is SATAN.
By leading man to believe that it is "okay" to make alterations just for ease of reading, then satan is in effect causing "confusion"
How many times have we heard non-Christians claim that the Bible cant be true because there are so so many contradictions and differences.
But God`s Word does NOT contradict itself.
God`s Word is very clear.
And the great dragon was cast out , that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan , which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
1 Corinthians 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
Good afternoon,
Yes I am aware that they "cut out" those who do not share their beliefs.
To be honest I couldnt actually defend any particular denomination totally whilst each and every one has got its good and bad points, and not one has got everything correct, although they might claim they do.
Since moving to this area a few weeks ago, I have only just re-started going to church. I kept away for many years because of the hypocracy. However and whilst there are 2 little country churches on my doorstep I thought I would give each of them a try. One is C of E (my own faith) and the other is Methodist.
I`ve only been to the C of E one once whilst I was disappointed to find they were using the NIV of the Bible (a subject, I promise, I will today post my views on) Ive been to the Methodist one the past few Sundays.
Last Sunday (being trinity sunday) I discussed this topic with their preacher whilst I myself do not believe in the trinity doctorine (another subject I would like to post about in due course) Like with most vicars, preachers and priests I found he was not able to offer me any kind of explanation that made sense.
The subject of "doctorines" is a fascinating one if one looks into it deeply enough and rest assured the J.Ws are not the only ones who have some un-scriptural doctorines. One only needs to take a look at the R.C. church to see that (yet another topic I do intend to post about)
For now, sufficient is it to say that Jesus was right when He said :-
Mt 7:14 - Show Context Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.:
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
Its my belief that the J.Ws got several things right....
First of all, they were quite correct about all the pagan customs/traditions that have been allowed to get entangled with Christianity.
Secondly, it`s my adament belief they were right when they said that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are NOT a 3-in-1 "trinune" entity. Thats my belief also.
Unfortunately, and as we know, they got abit too carried away trying to put "dates" on armegeddon. The Bible tells us that Jesus said: no man knows the day or the hour, not even Himself, ONLY THE FATHER. We can all look around at the world and see the comparison between what is happening and what Jesus called "the signs of the times" - but none of us can, nor should try, to put a date on things. That knowledge belongs ONLY to God.
I further believe that the J.Ws were quite sincere in their belief as regards taking the gospel message out to the people. Jesus had said: go and make disciples of all men, and the Bible tells us "this good news of the kingdom will be preached, and then the end will come" But again, as I think many would agree, they were somewhat over-zealous.
I often wonder though..... WHO is really the most guilty ? Is it people like the J.Ws who at least tried to decifer the Scriptures ? or is it people like the R.Cs who (when you ask awkward questions) will tell you : "its a mystery, my child" ?
Granted there are things that none of us perhaps understand, but Jesus said: "there is nothing hidden that wont be revealed" and we need to TRUST His Words.
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
Bible version...... now there is a topic I DO have fun with.
The one I use is the KING JAMES 1811.
I wouldnt dream of using any of the modern versions (like NIV) and I intend to explain why in my next post tomorrow.
For now nite nite & God Bless everyone
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
No dear, I`m NOT a J.W. but I can tell you I DO share a few of their beliefs.
Unlike my Christian counter-parts, I do not believe in the trinity either. I believe in God, I believe in Jesus and that He died for all mankind, and I believe in the Holy Ghost, but NOT as a 3-in-1 entity. I am more than aware that all the pagan gods of old were trinune gods. Also (like the J.W) I can tell you that old pagan customs got entangled in with Christianity. For example the Romans celebrated "the winter soltice" around the 21st Dec with their feasting, drunkeness, orgies and by decorating their homes with lights. Can you therefore see where we get our xmas festivities from ? The Bible doesnt tell us to celebrate Jesus`s Birth (only to remember His Death) Therefore not only are we doing that which we were never told to do, but worse still it became entangled with pagan customs, and then we called it CHRIST-mas.
Anyway back to the subject in hand, do I take it you do not believe we are in "the end days" ? Obviously everyone is entitled to believe as they will, but sometimes it pays not to laugh until you are 100% sure you are right. In fact the Bible does forewarn us that in the end times there will be those who MOCK.
Jude 1:18
How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings,
Ecclesiastes 7:6
For as the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is the laughter of the fool: this also is vanity
Have you never looked round in the world and asked yourself: how much longer can it go on ? Everywhere you look there is evil and crime, wars & hatred, and even regards the state the planet is in, scientists are spelling out the final verdict.
So what does God`s Word say ? Is He just going to continue to ignore us until we finally destroy ourselves and the earth ?
- Mt 24:22 - Show Context
- And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
NOW is the time for everyone to get their lives in keeping with God`s Word.
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
I understand fully what some of you ppl are saying regards criminals, yobs & terrorists.
However, and as regards the yob culture, the answer lies in giving the police STRONGER POWERS. As it stands at the moment in the U.K. the youngsters get chance after chance after chance... and NO action. I.D. cards will NOT solve that problem.
As regards criminals bring in STRICTER SENTENCES and perhaps then they will think twice before committing a crime.
As regards terrorists, maybe they should give out cards for all NON-U.K. residents AND stop so many ppl from entering into our country (that would be a good start)
As regards this card, clearly I suspect a few of you are NOT Christians otherwise you might just better appreciate the seriousness of what it says in the Bible book of Revelations.
IF this card does transpire to be "the mark of the beast" and you accept it, then you are bound for eternal hell that is a cert. I am sure the genuine J.Ws on this website will very much appreciate my concern in this matter. I would ask EVERYONE to re-think. YES we do all want to live in peace & safety, but those things are but temporary. In these "end of days" what we need to be considering is our ETERNAL WELFARE. This world is passing away, and so also will all the bad things that ppl have mentioned, but until it does it is down to each & every one of us to OBEY what our Creator says, AND THAT DOES INCLUDE: AVOIDING "THE MARK OF THE BEAST"
PEACE in Christ.
Compulsory I.D cards in 2008
by Ramblin_rose indear brothers & sisters in christ,
may i say at the onset: i am not a j.w.
but i am a fellow christian.
Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
May I say at the onset: I am not a J.W. but I am a fellow Christian.
At the moment I am most concerned by the news that the U.K. government intends to introduce COMPULSORY I.D. cards in 2008.
My reasons being as follows :-
In Revelation 13:17 we read :-
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
This week and in a MSN news article regards the I.D. cards, it stated :-
"the planned bill will ensure that people`s access to "specified public services" will be linked their having a valid I.D. card and it will include penalties for those failing to register"
Whilst it has already been stated that the public services WILL include things like BANKS, then I am solely convinced that this new I.D. card is potentially "the mark of the beast" which we are WARNED TO AVOID. i.e: none-registration will mean NO access to banks (probably also things like "benefits" and other things we use in everyday life.
A campaign site has already been set up so that people can voice their concerns regards this technology :-
http://www.no2id.net/ Say "NO" to I.D. cards
http://www.no2id-petition.net/ Sign the petition
http://www.no2id.net/getInvolved/volunteer.php Get involved
http://www.writetothem.com/ How to write to your MP & local councillor.
Clearly we are all aware of what the Bible tells us that in "the last days" even "the elect" might be deceived.
I am deeply troubled by this issue, and would welcome your opinions.
If anyone wishes to contact me via email also, I can be contacted at :-
Love in Christ NB. I have posted this under "politics" also, whilst I believe it to be a VERY URGENT matter for our consideration.