Antonie Dixon was a well known name in the media here in NZ up until he took his own life. Even TV doco's were made about him.
I have not heard of that name John Beaver, maybe I'm in the wrong area of NZ to have known him.
there was a very high profile murder case in new zealand a few years back involving a guy by the name of antonie dixon.
i have noticed that there have been discussions on him in years past on jwn, and i'm sure a google search will bring news articles on him.
what i can't find on discussions in jwn (and the question i have) was he was sexually abused by a witness called john olave beaver.
Antonie Dixon was a well known name in the media here in NZ up until he took his own life. Even TV doco's were made about him.
I have not heard of that name John Beaver, maybe I'm in the wrong area of NZ to have known him.
it might be the way i think and see, but the first time i looked at the image on pg 27 of the april 15th watchtower i was trying to figure out how it applied to this study.
this is a darkened black and white image that appears in my edition of this magazine, (its colour online).
anyway, para 9 talks about a brother that had an issue with looking at online porn.
The black and white version of this image looks more pornographic than the colour online one.
it might be the way i think and see, but the first time i looked at the image on pg 27 of the april 15th watchtower i was trying to figure out how it applied to this study.
this is a darkened black and white image that appears in my edition of this magazine, (its colour online).
anyway, para 9 talks about a brother that had an issue with looking at online porn.
It might be the way I think and see, but the first time I looked at the image on pg 27 of the April 15 th Watchtower I was trying to figure out how it applied to this study. This is a darkened black and white image that appears in my edition of this magazine, (Its colour online). Anyway, para 9 talks about a brother that had an issue with looking at online porn. It says, “Before coming into the truth, one brother regularly viewed pornography, but he overcame the habit. Yet, his old inclination was still there, smoldering like the embers of a fire. When he obtained a new cell phone, his bad craving was reignited. (Jas. 1:14, 15) He used the phone to access pornographic Internet sites”.
Now looking back at the image on page 27, at the girl looking out the window (can someone scan this image from the black and white magazine?) all I could see is a girl wearing a tight dress, and the corner of that bowl positioned in such a way that it looks like that girl is nude, at least from the waist down.
And then just to make my shake my head again in wonderment, in para 11, why did they decide to use an example of a person that lived in an area called Masbate? Of all place names to choose, they choose Masbate?
if someone asked you for information regarding your identity, would you tell them?
NO!!!. Well not at this stage in time.
Hi karter. I'm in the south island.
check it out and download before i am forced to take it down!.
Can someone re-upload that video with just the 15 to 18min happy song part with no negative jw headers. Would love to show some active jws this and what is aloud to happen in KHs. Thanks
last summer was pretty crap for me.
lots of "social" things going on in the congregation but i wasn't invited.
you know what i mean, hey??.
People pushing into my conversations at the KH and taking over, leaving me standing there in the background, that regularly happens to me. I normally hang around for about a minute before I just walk away. I don't normally stay after the meeting's so for me to talk to anyone is rare, and then to be pushed out of it by some rude person that obviously can't see me. The interesting thing about this behavior is that it only happens in the KH.
I live here, been here all my life.
we are up for a new kind of persecution in the future.
a new form that was unheard of for us.
in australia, disfellowshipped and dissasociated are planning on suing jw for emotional and mental hardship for being cast out completely.
Wild_Thing: I was once told this by an MS friend of mine "That if I wasn't being persecuted in some way for being a JW, then I wasn't putting in enough effort in doing Jehovahs will". So yes, we need to be looking to make persecution so that we can prove to ourselfs that we have the truth.
how's these comments in this weeks study?.
i understood that i had neglected my children when they most needed my guidance and affection, admits eduardo.
i had not been there to read them bible stories, to pray with them, to cuddle them, and to play with them.
What a far fetched conclusion that kid come up with. I have know plenty of witness kid that were brought up with parents doing all the WT stuff and today most are not in jehovahs organization.