Hi Old Major
What was it that cracked the protective shell of the WT for you? What was the main issue or issues? For me personally it was the lying about what they claimed they knew about the 1914 date in the 40 years leading up to 1914. (As published in WT mags from before 1980 - Now). It was only when I read the old WT books (Study of the Scriptures - Vol 2) from that (early 1900's) time period that the real origin of 1914 and what they taut during that time came to light, vastly different from what they want you to believe today. In fact bringing up this truthful information to any witness today would have me branded "apostate" in no time. Simply because the real origin of 1914 is not the current version of truth they want you to know today. How could an organization proclaiming the truth publish misleading information regarding what they knew about 1914.
Enjoy your stay here.