What did last weeks WT say about following negative news stories? This should all go away if we ignore it.
on monday 22 october 2018, the prime minister of australia, the hon scott morrison mp, will deliver the national apology to victims and survivors of institutional child sexual abuse at parliament house in canberra.
this apology follows the individual apologies to child abuse victims and congregations by religious leaders and religious institutions across australia, with the exception of the governing body of jehovah’s witnesses who have refused to ‘say sorry’ to any victims or survivors of child sexual abuse or to acknowledge their suffering.. .
jehovah’s witness victims and survivors to attend the national apology ceremony.
What did last weeks WT say about following negative news stories? This should all go away if we ignore it.
the 2014/2015 international conventions have been announced, and will be held in the following cities.... melbourne, australia october 2014london, england august 2014quito, ecuador january 2015frankfurt, germany july 2014athens, greece june 2014seoul, korea september 2014mexico city, mexico november 2014harare, zimbabwe august 2014as always there is a long list of requirements for those wealthy enough to attend - including the requirement to keep your "exemplary status" right up to the day of departure or lose all your money.. there is also a curious paragraph that seems to indicate an element of subterfuge.... special rooming: confidentially, we will be asking the host branch office to poll local brothers to determine if some might be able to provide limited rooming provisions in private homes.
this information is not to be made known to the applicants in general.
however, if the elders are aware of a longtime, faithful servant, perhaps with many years of full-time service, who is not able to fully finance such a trip, he could be encouraged to apply and the secretary can check the box on the electronic jw.org application that this delegate qualifies for the special rooming provision, if available.. basically, watchtower is admitting that it is possible to attend an international convention even if you can't afford the hotel, but they don't want everyone to know because they want as many full-paying delegates as possible.. my article on this can be found on the link below.... http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/watchtower-announces-new-international-conventions-while-downsizing-district-conventions-for-2014.
With the 2019 International conventions coming up, I think the most ever for one year. This will be a BIG money earner, invites have already been sent out. Our area, we are only allowed to attend one of two conventions, and they are the most distant two to get to from here. And who are the ones that get to go? mainly only the ones that havn't followed instructions and simplified their lives. Most witnesses struggle to earn enough money to even attend the local convention. Oh what a wonderful arrangement...
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jehovah-s-witnesses-use-bible-victim-shame-sex-abuse-survivor-n916326jehovah's witnesses 'use the bible to victim-shame,' sex abuse survivor says.
on the heels of a $35 million jury award to a woman who alleged the congregation mishandled her childhood abuse, other survivors say there's a pattern of cover-ups.
by elizabeth chuck / oct.07.2018 .
In response to questions from NBC News about what happened to Smith, Fairfield Kingdom Hall did not return a request for comment
And because they did not return a reply for comment, the media fill in the gaps as best has they can with the information available, and if the media report something incorrect, well what do you expect. They are controlled by Satan, so of course they are going to make up negative lies about Jehovah's people. Thus making this whole news item an unbelievable Satanic lie to the average JW.
1) throughout the whole article jw's were being told not to believe or pass on everything they hear, but to examine the information to prove whether it was true or not.. 2) throughout the whole article jw's were being told not to listen to or look into any information or challenges which sounded negative about the org.. mind-numbed jw's will be leaving their kh's today wondering, "do i try and prove to myself and others that that what has been said is definitely a lie, (1 timothy 4:1; 1 peter 3:15;1 john 4:1) or do i totally ignore it and believe everything the org tells me is true?
" (proverbs 14:15).
cult-training in full flow..
Yet not a whisper on JW.org about the 38 million dollar lawsuit that they lost last week.
Does makes you wonder if they timed this study to coincide with the out come of that lawsuit?.
As this study brought out "Don't believe the negative lies the media say about us...or you could lose your faith, how sad that would be".
i just saw an ad last night for this.
it will be televised in november on a&e..
Time to start watching A&E.
i just saw an ad last night for this.
it will be televised in november on a&e..
Is that cedars
Looks and sounds like him.
i asked the question on quora: .
if the governing body abandoned the 1914 teaching, would you leave jehovah's witnesses or you would remain a member regardless?.
ok. we are all aware of the scandal around the non reporting of child abuse cases to the authorities by the elders and how it was part of watchtower policy.. this has probably been discussed before, which i apologize for now if it has.. the obvious view that most of us make as to why the gb are so reluctant to comply with the authorities by revealing their database around child abuse allegations, is that the leadership at watchtower hq likely were trying to safeguard the reputation of the organisation.. however, (just a theory) are they hiding something more sinister which could in effect devastate the organisation ie could it be they are hiding some things within the gb itself, whether it be some individuals within the gb of the past or even present who might have had some serious allegations made against them which the authorities are never going to know about?
i mean why the hell are they going to such lengths to hide everything???.
any thoughts?
Ding said "Granted, identifying and DFing pedophiles and other child abusers would be one way of doing that, but people (including JWs themselves) would start asking why the problem is so widespread within Jehovah's happy organization in the first place"
What about the high % of JW divorces. (At least in the 3 congregations I've been in over the last 30 years). That hasn't made the people question / doubt the org. In fact the one time I heard a faithful old sister question an elder over the high divorce rate within her congregation, his answer was "not when you compare the number of divorces to that of the world". I did compare, and still today I hear of more & more divorces going on in WT land.
in today's wt study, 9th sept 2018, para 14. we learnt that jesus mother, mary, is one of the 144.000 anointed at penticost.
just another classic, we know more than what is contained in scripture..
From the WT studied 23rd Sept 2018 is this picture:
Quote from the para "If you realize that your associates pose a threat to your good standing with Jehovah, act decisively by limiting and if necessary ending such friendships.—Prov. 13:20."
Well, I can say 3 of those 4 bad subjects that they are talking about are items very much related to WT interest, Suits, money & Ipads.
What about that angry looking guy that could be about to smash his glass? Where have I recently seen something similar? smashing a glass in anger over an unscriptural idea...
i have just watched the glass smashing on the wt video on education.. please consider these experiences from the opposite side of that "coin".. i have heard young ones say out-loud on the mike in the kh that "jehovah is my special friend.."these ones who were at the top of the wt 'tree' pioneering, putting in the hours etc but, it followed that soon saying that pivotal statement they dropped their pioneering, faded, picked up the girl/boyfriend and suffered being dfd.. so where did their wt "education" leave them?
it left them as young adults naive to the world, unskilled, with no qualification to offer any employer and having to replace their former family/associates/friends with new ones.. ( dont get me going on shunning) in some cases with little success as we have read here where they moon about for months or longer unable to emotionally heal after the leaving or df'ing and also others with such a turn around they would never have believed it possible... there was a wt that related how a brother (!
) followed an interest in history and left the truth.
The org seems to have something going on with wine glasses and anger. There is a picture in last weeks WT study showing an angry brother holding a wine glass.