"I wonder how the attendants are going to do the count,"
Number watching gets txted to the group overseer.
dress up for the show.
... and now please be seated.
proudly presenting your 2020 convention program.. ... and, thank god, for the ff button on my player.
"I wonder how the attendants are going to do the count,"
Number watching gets txted to the group overseer.
heard from a close relationship that their congregation is handing out food to some and the message is that it is from the gb.
this person is elderly but is not needy in any way and is very active/respected in the local cong.
they would also never embellish or say something like this unless it was the actual message.
Have you read this recent post:
for a long time, i thought pimi (physically in, mentally in) jws were unique in their inability to simply type and read the latest "google" news results about "jehovah's witnesses " or "watchtower".
however, it appears it is not uncommon for a large portion of the population purposefully to avoid facts...on purpose!
"why do people avoid facts that could help them?.
There was a WT quote about 10 years ago that went along the lines of "we (rank & file JWs) dont need to examine the scripture, thankfully the GB have done that for us".
tonight there was an 8 minute segment allocated to reporting on jws regarding child abuse and the redress scheme.
it was presented by lisa wilkinson for the project.the australian branch has issued a statement to the show advising that they will not be joining the scheme.. they state:.
statement from the jehovah’s witnessesthe religion of jehovah’s witnesses does not have the institutional settings that the voluntary national redress scheme is designed to cover.therefore, the ministry for families and social services has been advised that jehovah’s witnesses will not join the scheme.jehovah’s witnesses have responded and will continue to respond directly to individual claims for redress in a caring, fair, and principled manner, taking into consideration the unique circumstances of each claim.. https://10play.com.au/theproject/articles/statement-from-the-jehovahs-witnesses/tpa200621ycelq.
They are finished in Oz
No, very unlikely. This media attention only reinforces in the minds of JWs that their WT teaching is true, that the governments will turn of true religion, an event JWs have been warned about from their leaders for some time now, an event that supports the idea that the end is very very near. Since the GB's warning are coming true in this instance, JWs are continually told to remain loyal to the organization and not allow the lies of Satan's media to cause them to miss out on everlasting life. How sad that would be.
i would like to ask the ex-jws on this site to put their ‘apologists hat’ back on for a moment, so that i can go through the overlapping generation teaching in an attempt to make sense of it.
i apologise if these points have already been addressed on this site.a quick background for the reason for my request… having never confronted a jw apologist on the topic, i recently engaged with a jw regarding the official understanding of a ‘generation’ and unfortunately he didn’t have an answer to the points i was making.
i was left a little confused as to what the official jw response would/should be.so i was hoping that my thoughts below might be considered from an apologist’s perspective.the point in question relates to this section of the watchtower article below from 2008, as well as the jw.org video explanation of the overlapping generation:---:w08 2/15[box on page 25] can we calculate the length of “this generation”?the word “generation” usually refers to people of various ages whose lives overlap during a particular time period or event.
I like the way you have related the modern day WT generations to those found in Matt chap 1. That clearly shows the nonsense idea of an overlapping generation.
Unfortunately with JWs, whatever the GB say over rides scripture. It is a very serious sin if a JW were to openly admit that something the GB says does not make sense. You must defend that belief with your life until the GB get new light, once this overlapping generation timeframe runs out. Then the new teaching will be so clear and obvious. But not until Tony's earthly course ends.
1.--2020-06-18-- english--instructions for our online meetings.. distractions.
personal appearance .
Yes, please.
he talks about how a group of 5,000 broke away from the organization due to distrust of government agents infiltrating the jws.
they weren't regarded as apostates, just distrustful.
he uses phrases like "their leader" and "his elders", and how they had a meeting with the governing body and made the decision for all these thousands to reintegrate them into the jws, splitting them up among congregations.
i guess it's the covid-19 thing.
but very little news from a couple of people i know well there.
they can't leave the "compound" or much of anything else.
Normally they would be out in the open informing everyone that all is ok and everyone is thinking of everyone and all are sending there love etc...but nothing like that this time???
documents that have arrived as of 2020-06-02 in english and spanish.letters are:.
if you are on the email list these are already under your coffee cup.
if your not on the email list, then reply below if you want the link put in your pm box.petra!.
Yes, please.
i'm reading babylon the great has fallen, god's kingdom rules, published 1963. this was studied years ago when i was about 10-12 years old.
i wanted to just read some of the beliefs from decades ago.
my wife wants to know why i'm reading this book.
When I joined this religion 30 years ago, a sign of how spiritual you were was based on the size of
your personal library. I built myself up an awesome sized library that any witness would have been
proud of, we would compare books, who had the oldest etc. When visiting other brother’s homes,
where is your WT library if it wasn’t in full view in the main room in there house.
Not anymore. Owning any WT book older than about 10 years, now gets me a sideways look from
my PIMI, usually followed by the question, why do you need that? everything we need is now online.
I’ve even had this guilt line said to me, “What if we come under ban and you still have those books”.
We had a letter read out about 7 years ago, asking for all old WT books to be returned to the Branch
office so they could add them in the WT museum, we were expected to cover the cost of postage to send them. Not me, I
ended up selling online (kept the good ones), my PIMI told me to put the money into the donation
box at the KH, I kept the money, why would I want to pay for those books twice?