Incidently, finallyfree... even numbers are on the north and the west, odd numbers on the east and south. FOR SHAME you didn't look across the street :)
I'd like some place a little les noisy next time :)
happy saturday everyone.
last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well.
something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved.
Incidently, finallyfree... even numbers are on the north and the west, odd numbers on the east and south. FOR SHAME you didn't look across the street :)
I'd like some place a little les noisy next time :)
happy saturday everyone.
last night a few of us got together for a couple of drinks, i really enjoyed it and i hope those there did as well.
something we should do again soon with the hopes of getting more people involved.
Yeah, we'll try again. I'm thinking a lunch this time. Maybe a sunday or saturday afternoon thing then we can all go and picket something or play some snow balls or sledding or something. (actually, sledding would be terrifically fun)
I'll pick another date and time and start another thread. :)
when you sit down to write a program, there are tons of different ways you can go about it.
the "best" way doesn't exist.
sometimes it's driven by how many people will be using the program, or how quickly it has to be written, or how much money is supposed to be spent writing it.. but sometimes none of that comes into play because of the standards established by the company you're working for.
You this this is bad, but imagine splitting this across multiple vendors... everything takes sooo much time.
mrs kwin has really wanted to get into digital imaging and has taken several courses over the last couple years for it.
well, on the weekend she got a job offer from her aunt.
her aunt is starting up a company and needs someone to do just that!
Tell me your fav cuisine, and we'll go somewhere tasty in the GTA for it! (or make it if its something we know how to do)
p.s. btw, what do you do for work?
i've never been df'ed and reinstated, but i'm curious about how this process went for you.
did it seem very arbitrary?
were there very perverse or explict questions asked?
I've never been DF'ed and reinstated, but I'm curious about how this process went for you. Did it seem very arbitrary? Were there very perverse or explict questions asked? Did it seem very one-sided (that is, you had to give information, but when you asked anything, it was very tight lipped)? Was there much scriptural basis for anything said or done given? Was it generally worse than the DF'ing itself? thanks.
i have not yet to find another organization in the world that is like jw.
yes it has made mistakes, there imperfect humans, but what other organization in the world goes preaching house to house like jesus did.
why is that jw are persecuted all over the world?
Sorry, i just got here :)
What makes you think Jesus ever engaged in any house-to-house (read: door-to-door) work?
this was in the ms about two years ago:.
the camels are the typical representation of the magazines, that carry the good news around the world.. hb (of the "heave and barf"class)
How about, an obvious anachronism that points to a later date of writing for Genesis? :)
i was thinking today about my business.
i've been working in the field of educational therapy for the past 4 years, helping children and adults with learning challenges.
in the past year, i started working with infants as well, supporting their first year motor development.
Yes, i think we need to distinguish between helping people and feeling responsible for people.
i was wondering how the wtbts can maintain their non-profit status when they are charging interest on loans?
doesn't this contravene their non-profit charter?.
i have no idea how this stuff works, but i was hoping someone who knows more about this could answer.. ackack
I was wondering how the WTBTS can maintain their non-profit status when they are charging interest on loans? Doesn't this contravene their non-profit charter?
I have no idea how this stuff works, but I was hoping someone who knows more about this could answer.
hope everyone is having a good day.
wondering how many fellow ontarians there are here?
please drop in and say hello, thank you.
I too am in Toronto. Hey Toth, are you related to the family of Toth's in Ontario? I know J & A with children R and err.. can't remember the girl's name. Just curious. :)
Whats the point of this thread? Do all the xjw's in the toronto area need to get together for a group hug? I'm down with that :)