So when exactly did this change? When did it go from "worldly" people will survive to they won't survive? Did this all happen in 1935?
i always found that line confusing, look at this:.
1920 "based upon the argument heretofore set forth, then, that the old order of things, the old world, is ending and is therefore passing away, and that the new order is coming in, and that 1925 shall mark the resurrection of the faithful worthies of old and the beginning of reconstruction, it is reasonable to conclude that millions of people now on the earth will be still on the earth in 1925. then, based upon the promises set forth in the divine word, we must reach the positive and indisputable conclusion that millions now living will never die.
So when exactly did this change? When did it go from "worldly" people will survive to they won't survive? Did this all happen in 1935?
hope the scans show up ok.. the article is presented as it comes, for your own assessment.
you could not make this stuff up!
Oh god! An Avenue Q parody! Sweet!
three tonnes... that is three times the size of the device used in the 1995 bombing in oklahoma city.
just imagine how many people would have been killed if the authorities did not catch these terror suspects!
Yes, because we know when we give the government power to listen to our phone calls, *that* power won't get abused.
three tonnes... that is three times the size of the device used in the 1995 bombing in oklahoma city.
just imagine how many people would have been killed if the authorities did not catch these terror suspects!
Do you have a better suggestion for how our legal system should work? How about enacting prisons in defiance of international law the way the united states has done? Or perhaps we'd be better off just reverting to some sort of police state.
Honestly though, is there a better solution? It looks as though the physical evidence against these people is going to be overwhelming. Do Ontario courts tend to let people off in the face of overwhelming evidence?
three tonnes... that is three times the size of the device used in the 1995 bombing in oklahoma city.
just imagine how many people would have been killed if the authorities did not catch these terror suspects!
If you abandon due process, how are you any better than the JW's with their judicial committees?
"when you receive an encouraging shepherding visit, why not express appreciation for it?
" wt may 1, 2006, p. 21 pp.
sorry for stealing your thunder blondie, but this suggestion really struck home.
I did a shepherding call once with a very nice elder, someone I respected for the most part. Interestingly for prep, we looked an an article for how people were valuable in Jehovah's eyes and as well thinking of ways they personally were valuable in the congregation.
I hope that elder one day realizes the truth about The Truthâ„¢. Would be nice.
something just occured to me: .
we all know that "parousia" doesn`t mean "invisble presence" at all, it just means "presence", but think about the inlogical...ness about the whole jw-doctrine on 1914. my question is: what is jesus` job really, up there in heaven?
- he "took reign" and was "given the throne" in 1914. but what does that mean, really?
Oh GREAT! Did you guys scare off Jesus with your horn again! God, now he'll never come!
a question for leolaia, peaceful pete, narkissos, and/or any others who might know this:.
in this week's "what does the bible really teach" book study lesson, the appendix that is covered talks about the famous "70 weeks of years" prophecy of daniel 9:25. the society claims that the "69 weeks" runs from 455 bce to 29 ce, coinciding with jesus' baptism.. they derive the 455 bce date as "the 20th year of the reign of artaxerxes".
they claim that "historians agree that" artaxerxes began his reign in 474 bce.. i did a quick google search, and found absolutely nothing even remotely hinting at 474 bce as a beginning date for anyone.
This topic was one that really got my brother (Moxy) actually. This was the one he research extensively, and realized it was just wrong.
so i just got back from the convention - yes, feel pity on me... i had to attend all three days, spend money on a crappy hotel, sleep in a crappy town, sit on my ass for 8 hours a day, and all just to hear about the same old crap you can read in any watchtower.
i didn't take notes because not only would my head have exploded from the sheer boredom and stupidity, but i would be responsible for all your heads exploding as well.
are there any highlights?
Rebel8, now I just have visions of why people need penises in order to interpret bible passages.. its a funny mental image :)
When are you and your hubby gonna come back to Toronto btw? I found a really cool new sandwich place (I know it doesn't sounds exciting, but the sandwiches are really really good, its called Sandwich Box)
there is a debate brewing on wikipedia over whether russell's will stated that no new publications be made by the watchtower society, and if rutherford violated his will.. the relevant portion from his will reads:as the society has already pledged to me that it will publish no other periodicals, it shall also be required that the editorial committee shall write for or be connected with no other publications in any manner or degree.. .
what's your opinion?.
And this explanation fits in well with why the early Bible Students would have balked at distributing the Golden Age. Makes good sense to me.
You should write a book ... I'd buy it! :)