I don't get it. The war started in July. This supposed ouster occured in October. How is that cause and effect?
read ezekiel 40:1 in the twenty-fifth year of our exile, at the beginning of the year, on the tenth of the month, in the fourteenth year after the fall of the cityon that very day the hand of the lord was upon me and he took me there.
--- one verse showing that babilonian captivity is not the same as jerusalem destruction.
ofcourse if we start to count the 70 years from babilonian invasion into whole region (jeremia is talking about whole region not only jersualem and even not only judea)
I don't get it. The war started in July. This supposed ouster occured in October. How is that cause and effect?
labashi-marduk: (9 months) succeeded by nabonidus
(insight volume 1 p.453 chronology; watchtower 1965 january 1 p.29)
evil-merodach: 560 bce562 bce (2 years)
Just doing a cursory search for the timeline of Jerusalem I get ...
OMG! it says 538/537! Seeing as this date is a little uncertain, I think I'll throw out my far more certain date of 515. How do I arrive there you ask? Its based on what my dog ate last night and what not... sigh.
is quotes web site off line temporarily or permanently shut down?
I believe this is quotes's ISP
They appear to be based in NY, I guess if they couldn't get to quotes, they could always get to the ISP in a US court.
forget all the other smoke.
b-days, xmas, holidays.
forget doctrine issues.
Whatmore, after 1919, JW's were not terribly numerically successful. Sure, lots of converts leading up to 1925, but after that, blammo, 80% left.
After all, post-1919, the big preaching campaign went out for 1925... Advertize Advertize Advertize..
forget all the other smoke.
b-days, xmas, holidays.
forget doctrine issues.
AlmostAtheist: did someone hi-jack your brain again? you really shouldn't leave it hooked up to the internet without a firewall. :)
it seems lately, with more pressure on education, this new insane blood card, is the watchtower just on auto-destruct now?.
seems like they're going for a "double or nothing" approach.
does this seem accurate?.
I can understand the reason to celebrate... but how much damage will it do going down? If someone thinks they're cornered, they'll do maximum damage before they go down. Waco Texas, Jonestown, both examples of that. (Danny Hazard, YES we've seen the pictures... please don't post them again :) )
So there is some worry about family members being hurt in this process.
it seems lately, with more pressure on education, this new insane blood card, is the watchtower just on auto-destruct now?.
seems like they're going for a "double or nothing" approach.
does this seem accurate?.
It seems lately, with more pressure on education, this new insane blood card, is the Watchtower just on auto-destruct now?
Seems like they're going for a "double or nothing" approach. Does this seem accurate?
i know that many of you have the information discussing the watchtower's view on this and why so many thought it was going to be the beginning of armageddon and the mass exodus from the org when nothing happened.
i remember it very well and my mom telling me not to get my hopes up because she had been looking for the ancient worthies to appear for years at the assemblies and that never happened.
then they changed their prophesy on that too!!!
My parents (who lived through the 1975 stuff) downplayed the date issue. They felt (and I think its prolly sincere) that they shouldn't put too much confidence in a date, and so ignored as best as they could.
There is obviously a fair bit of variance with regards to how much local speakers hyped it up. The talk over on quotes, "Serving With Everlasting Life in View" shows one example of it being hyped.
Regardless, the numbers do not lie. There was a great disappointment after 1975, and this can be seen statistically. Did people get too excited about it? Sure, I'm sure some did, and threw caution to the wind.
My complaint with regards to the Watchtower I suppose would be:
This leads to the other disappointment with regards the WT's behaviour over this incident. No apology. They never apologized for this mistake (or any other). I don't think an apology when one makes a mistake is too much to hope for.
Having said that, I think there is enough room for both viewpoints, that 1975 was not a big deal, and 1975 was a big deal. So much of it depended on the local environment.
a very loyal and loving jw requested that i read the book jehovah's witnesses proclaimers of god's kingdom, sincerely confident that it will lay to rest all my objections and convince me this is indeed god's organization to which i must return right away.. ok, i will read it, but only because it's my mother that asked it of me, and she has tried so hard to be tolerant and understanding of where i am coming from as regards my firm stand in not returning.. i thought i would post my notes along the way in case they would be useful to someone else, and if anyone wants to add their own thoughts and notes i would be grateful.
chapter 1--why should jehovah have witnesses?.
since all references to such in the bible are pre-christian and refer to israelites being witnesses that their god, yhwh, is the god, the one god, the only god, and in a contractual relationship with them.
Perhaps try reading it alongside Penton's Apocalypse Delayed. That could be interesting. :)
Find all the funnies in the Proclaimer's book that don't quite match up with reality.
jesus gives a sign .
he told them about things that would happen right here on earth.
so jesus told them about things that would happen to jerusalem and its temple.
LDH, wow. What a disturbing thought. And this mother who committed infacide was held up as a good example? wow.
My sister lived in perpetual fear too, about being raped, about being tortured. So much fear. Glad she's free from it (to some extant)