Wonderful story, very well told and written... I hope you will give it to your local newspaper or the Reader's Digest or any other magazine to publish
Posts by Celia
The horror of blimps
by pr_capone ini posted this about 2 years ago and just came across it again today.
its definately worth re-posting.
last week while travelling i stopped at a zany brainy store and saw that they had a blimp for sale.
Funniest WT Pics.....
by Preston ini thought this was "bull" from night court when i was a kid.... .
lucille ball?!
?...from "i love lucy"??!?!?.
OMG What's this one about ???
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
I may just be there too.... The more I think about it, the more I'd like to be at EMan's barbecue and meet all those posters.... I'm trying to put a travel plan together.... Fly into Heathrow, take the bus to Weston-super-Mare, crash at a B&B... that's Friday the 8th... Go to the party on Saturday the 9th.... Bus back to Heathrow the next day and fly to my final destination in France.... Or.... where does the train from Britain to France leave? You know the one under the Channel? Take the train to Paris, and as my kid will be with me, see some of Paris and then the TGV to my final destination in the South-East of France... Now I just have to look at times and schedules....
by Jacques in.
je decouvre avec plaisir votre forum - je vous lis a l'aide d'un traducteur automatique mais je suis vraiment heureux de savoir que sortir de la secte des temoins de jehovah est aussi une nouvelle facon de se faire des amis grace a l'internet.. cordialement - jacques
Bonjour Jacques,
On parle Anglais ici.... Connaissez-vous le site de Jacques Luc en Belgique?
Bienvenue - Racontez-nous votre histoire....
A proud brother writes. letter to Bill Bowen.
by avengers in"so william bowen, what did you get disfellowshipped for?
i can't believe.
the false information you are giving about jehovah's witnessess.
Not a very good speller, is he/she ???
Why don't you say anything good abouyt the religion like how millions are donated each year to the people in need every year like in Africa and several other third world countries, how in natural disasters Witnesses help EVERYONE with cleanup letting starngers stay in there home, contributing money. There is no other religion in the world who will do that enless they expect to make money.
Millions, every year, to people in need.... Can he/she prove that?
The Catholic Church does help people in need all over the world with their charities, schools and hospitals....
Silly Quiz Question...
by Englishman inok, try this one.. michaelangelo's statue of david.
you know the one, somewhere in italy?
if you look closely, actually very closely, you'll notice something unusual about this statue.. david has got a very, very, tiny willy!.
Well, Englishman, the British Mail is fast, I must say...
I just received the goodies, and not just a tube of Smarties----- Do you hear me UncleBruce?----
but also a roll of Rolos and a Cadbury Dairy Milk bar...
Thank You very much! Now, where do I start?
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
Just take the M4 West towards Bristol
M4 ??? a train ??? from Heathrow ???
Don't know much about Great Britain class....
2005 Barbecue Is Definitely On!
by Englishman insaturday seems to be much preferred over sunday, so this years bbq will be held on saturday, july 9th, commencing around 2 pm.
location is our home in weston super mare.
as usual, the day will be very boozy and proceedings will conclude in the waverley pub.
I may go to France this summer. No date set yet. If I fly into London Heathrow, how can I get to Weston super Mare?
About Narkissos
by fairchild in.
i don't know if it is appropriate to ask, but if there is anyone here who has an e-mail address for narkissos, please send me a pm.
i will pm you back with my own e-mail address so that you can forward it to narkissos, i'm trying to get a hold of him.. jacques started a thread about narkissos having problems logging on to this site, but he (jacques) has still not read my pm's.. thank you.
Has Narkissos solved his problems with the board? Jacques will read your pm eventually, give him some time. He does not spend the day at his computer, he's a night computer kind of guy, and it's sunday, church, good dinner and all that....
Faith and the Meaning of Life For Bozos
by Farkel inone who accepts it is either called a ?true believer,?
god is by nature ?good.?
satan is by nature ?bad.?
btw, when are you going to post the one with all the *******cough****** nookies ?