Hmmmm..... AGuest, what happened?
Posts by Celia
To the Household of God: Another "Season" Is Upon Us...
by AGuest in(dear ones, because the spirit of my lord has directed me to remind his belongings of the season, i initially started to restate this message entirely; however, after reading it, i believe i can simply repost it as is, as it is as true, accurate and thorough now as it was before.
i beg your patience, concession, and simon's kind consideration.
to those who would find fault, i humbly ask you to re-read the subject line and note to whom this message is addressed, and ask that, if possible, perhaps you can find it in your heart to reserve your chagrin, if any.
I think the jws might be right
by holly ini really like this board.
i hate making this statement bec i dont want you to all start hating me.
but since i came on here i have been researching a lot.
this is just how i feel. blood is special - its special to god - its life giving and i think its an important rule in the bible. im fortunate i wouldnt take it anyway, so it will never be an area of controvesy for me, like it is for some.
Yes, it's life giving, as thousands of lives have been saved by a blood transfusion....
You're an adult I presume Holly... So if you want to refuse a blood transfusion, even if you knew that it would save your life, (after an accident for example where you have lost a lot of blood) that's ok, your life, your decision.... What about all the children who have died because their parents refused to let them have a life-saving blood transfusion? These kids didn't have a choice, didn't decide to die - their *#@#*$%&^ -up parents decided for them.
Nuisance rooster?!?
by bebu inyesterday at 5:00 am i awoke to a rooster crowing.
he crowed for 10 minutes and then kept quiet for 10 minutes.
just enough to allow me to fall back to sleep before starting up again.
We also have a huge goose (actually a gander).... this guy is much noisier than the coq (I prefer the french spelling stillajwex.....)
Nuisance rooster?!?
by bebu inyesterday at 5:00 am i awoke to a rooster crowing.
he crowed for 10 minutes and then kept quiet for 10 minutes.
just enough to allow me to fall back to sleep before starting up again.
We have 2 beautiful, huge roosters... and yes, they start crowing around 4.30 in the morning, later in the winter... We live in the country and a morning without the rooster crowing is just not right...
Gary Brolsma doing the "Numa Numa Dance" LOL TOO FUNNY
by wednesday ini saw this on aol this am and remembered that xw had put this clip on another thread.
feb. 26) - there was a time when embarrassing talents were a purely private matter.
Wow! I love it! The tune is very catchy. How can I put it on my desktop?
This guy is great! Hey, he is just having fun and seems to enjoy the music very much.
The Romanian group will see a hike in the sales of their CD now!
This is my official Hello!
by SMURF inwassup!.
i have been lurking on this website for about 2 years.
mainly i haven't posted because a lack of information technology at my house.
As a Smurf(ette) myself, I welcome you to JWD!
.....Not one shred of evidence for any of this.
as there is not one shred of evidence of a divine Jesus, savior, redeemer, dying on a cross and being resurrected three days later and going to "Heaven" in the flesh....
WT-1-1-05 Study Article-New Light?
by Bluegrass Tom ini noticed in the article that was studied on sunday february 13, 2005 an interesting point.
at least interesting to me.. paragraph 15 states in part: " they acknowlege that riches can make life comfortable, but they know the wealth does nothing for their everlasting future".
please note the use of the term everlasting future (like after a ressurection), and not everlasting life are used.
Was Blondie's post about this WT study?
WT. Feb.1, has Blondie demolished it yet?
by Celia inmy son removed the wt magazine from a place we go to once a week (won't name it, in case a local jw recognizes it)... he's seen me removing the wt and awake!
from there every time i find them... great kid.... .
life, precious or cheap?
My son removed the WT magazine from a place we go to once a week (won't name it, in case a local JW recognizes it)... He's seen me removing the WT and Awake! from there every time I find them... Great kid...
Life, Precious or Cheap? I won't go into the main article, I'll leave that to Blondie.
On the back cover : "Keep on the Watch"...
Likewise, for over 125 years now, this journal, The Watchtower, has passed on Jesus' encouragement to "keep on the watch" How? As stated on page 2 of this magazine, "It keeps watch on world events as these fulfill Bible prophecy. It comforts all peoples with the good news that God's Kingdom will soon destroy those who oppress their fellowmen and that it will turn the earth into a paradise.. blablablabla.... the JWitnesses, like the ancient gatekeepers are urging people everywhere to "keep awake" spiritually because the Master, Jesus Christ, is about to return and execute judgement on this system of things.
What's comforting about God destroying millions of people? Who are those who oppress their fellowmen? Who are those fellowmen? What do those who oppress their fellowmen actually do to oppress them?
If I say to a JW : "you say that JC is about to return.... what does it mean? next week? next month? next year, in my lifetime?...." what will they answer?
Wisconsin quarters worth more then 25 cents.
by kls inif you have a wisconsin quarter check the back were there is a cow with a stalk of corn .
if the corn has a extra leaf on it it is a mistake and can bring in as much as 500.00 smackers.
if anyone has seen this please post a picture of the coin .
So, how many leaves on the "normal" coin, and how many on the $500 one ?