Nuisance rooster?!?

by bebu 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu

    Yesterday at 5:00 am I awoke to a rooster crowing. He crowed for 10 minutes and then kept quiet for 10 minutes. Just enough to allow me to fall back to sleep before starting up again. I called the cops to complain at 6:00 am... but they drove by while the bird was in his silent period. I called again after 30 minutes, and then the bird fell silent for good after awhile. I figured the problem was solved, maybe even gastronomically.

    However, this morning at 5:00 am sharp, the rooster returned. I groaned, but stayed in bed. Later I called the cops to find out what was going on.

    The dispatcher told me that there was no regulation against chickens or roosters within the city limits, except to raise them for business purposes. And roosters simply tend to crow. I told her I have nothing against people keeping roosters, I just don't want them to crow before 8:00 am. Give it a trache-ectomy or whatever. She then went thru great lengths to explain why I should put up with this bird (I could get used to it, she said). But since I wasn't interested in learning how to tune out noise or simply start my day a great deal earlier, she transferred me to the animal control officer.

    He went around the neighborhood and discovered him only 2 houses away from us. It turns out that the woman living in the house is relieved to get a written warning from the officer, because her boyfriend brought the bird home and it is driving her crazy.

    Ya know... I suspect that the boyfriend has been trying to figure out a way to 'graciously' leave his girlfriend. Because at this point, he can give the ultimatum that if the rooster goes, he goes with it!


    *The rooster is crowing at this moment....

  • under74

    do you have a gun? : )

  • rebel8

    Ask her if you can have the rooster. Then pay the next-door neighbor of the Elder of your choice to keep him for a few weeks.

  • Tigerman

    So sorry, Bebu ! But, years ago, the same thing happened to me. The people next door had this huge, beautiful white rooster and he acted exactly the same; crowing right outside my bedroom window early in the morning. I couldn't sleep so I was forced to complain to them. They were very understanding and got rid of him. Where he ended up I don't know . . .someone's Sunday dinner?

  • AlanF

    I had a similar problem with a rooster some years ago in a suburban neighborhood. After months of wondering what was going on, I traced the noise to a rooster in the backyard diagonally opposite to mine. Turned out there was an extended family of Cambodians living there, including some older folks who were refugees, and a couple of younger people who had lived in the States a long time. The older ones sacrificed chickens during religious ceremonies. I found the same lack of noise ordinances, and the cops wouldn't do anything. So I told one of the young men that they needed to keep the chickens quiet, perhaps raising them in their garage. They did that for awhile, then the noise started up again. So about 3-4 times, at 5:00 am or whenever the rooster started up, I went over and banged on their door until someone got up and I gave them what for. I threatened to harass them in court, or do whatever it took to get them to keep the damn rooster quiet. Finally there was no more noise. I guess you sometimes have to take matters into your own hands, especially when local authorities are too stupid to make proper ordinances.


  • bebu
    The older ones sacrificed chickens during religious ceremonies.

    AlanF, maybe they finally did all their sacrifices at once, to appease your wrath!

    Ya know, I pointed out to the dispatcher that when dogs barked incessantly, their owners could be cited. The astute lady countered with, "But not all barking is nuisance; some of it is warranted such as when there is a burglar..."

    Ooooo-keh. So, roosters crowing at 5:00 am are not a nuisance because crowing is warranted: The sun is coming up, ya know! Guess it really isn't a nuisance rooster after all!


    *But he's still crowing. Maybe NOW he's being a nuisance??

  • Valis

    hi bebu...why not get your neighbors in on the complaining?

  • IP_SEC
    I guess you sometimes have to take matters into your own hands, especially when local authorities are too stupid to make proper ordinances.

    Here they come to snuff the rooster
    Yeah here come the rooster, yeah
    You know he ain?t gonna die
    No, no, no, ya know he ain?t gonna die

  • Narkissos

    The worst rooster I had to cope with was when I was in Bethel, in the neighbouring farm, just off my window. Actually it was a mad rooster crowing any time of the night (you were never sure you could betray anybody thrice before it did) . When they crow at regular times (such as the ones I now have in the next house) you get used to them and they don't wake you up anymore.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    when I was a kid we had a similar problem.

    One of our neighbors had beautiful male peacocks that roamed the property. Their mating call was like something out of a horror movie. A blood curtling scream These birds would literally strut their stuff. They would stop traffic and if they wandered onto your property ( no fences) they would scare little kids ( they were not the friendliest birds in the bird roster). After a while we would let the dog out to chase them. They stayed away.

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