Fantastic ! I had all your piano pieces downloaded on my old computer, lost everything when we moved stuff from that computer to the new one... Now, on dial-up, it will take me a whole day to download it again ! But I have your cd somewhere around here...
Posts by Celia
My Music is Up Again
by Farkel ini know this part of is about 'friends" and i also know that i don't have any, or very few of them.
the friends i do have are awesome, and the friends i don't have don't know what they are missing!.
that being said, several human beings have asked me to provide them access to some of the music i have recorded in the last few years.. since i happen to be working on a website that i can get access to, i uploaded some of my stuff there.
DNA For Dummies
by Farkel indna for dummies.
it would be remiss of me to not state that i know absolutely nothing about dna, except that the abbreviation points to a collection of words that no one can pronounce: it means something like "deoxygenated ribo-rabid-nucleaic acid trip", or something like that.
i first heard about dna in 1964 in a high school biology class and promptly went comotose.
Good to see you again Farkel !
What a great way to start the day! An essay by Farkel !
Where have you been all these months ?
Article on Origins of Xristianity I Wrote REALLY UPSET Local Christians
by Seeker4 ini had an assignment to write a bunch of holiday articles that would be shared by all the various papers owned by the guy who owns the paper i'm the editor of.
after i'd had enough with the usual holiday stuff, i decided to get a little adventerous and expanded one in the series to include, not just the origins of christmas foods, but also some ideas i've been reading and watching about the origins of the chrisitain religion itself.. this is a link to the article, which ran a few weeks ago: .
I read your article when it was published, liked it alot. My first reaction was telling my husband: "Bob is going to get a lot of hate mail!"
Good job!
Saying I love you foreign languages
by BlackSwan of Memphis inhey all, i could really use some help.. i am looking for the proper way a parent might say to their child i love you in these languages.. spanish, french, italian.
i am definitely interested in other languages, gaelic, arabic, russian etc.
but many languages involved alphabet characters i am not familiar with.. i do know that there are online translators, babelfish etc.but i have found out the hard way, those are really not reliable, and i need to know as specifically as possible.. i am finding that unlike the english language, there might be one way to say i love you in a romantic manner and a way to say i love you in friendly, non romantic manner.
Ich liebe dich (lovers) (and I believe you could say that to your child)
Ich mag dich sehr (friend)
The Loving Husband
by Celia inthe loving husband... .
a man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to jerusalem.
while they were there, the wife passed away.
The Loving Husband...
A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem. While they were there, the wife passed away. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000, or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land, for $150." The man thought about it and told him he would just have her shipped home.
The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"
The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the dead. I just can't take that chance."
Get A Load Of This Anti Watchtower Site!
by minimus ina preview of what's coming in january is on this link, it sounds scary to me!!!!
I can't access the site through Minimus' link.
After getting a screen asking for a name and password, here's what I get:
Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.
Aaawhhah... I am crushed ! Dumbledore dead dead !?
I love the Harry Potter books. Read the first four at least 9 times each.... a little less for the last two...
BTW, I have strong suspicions that Severus could actually be a good guy, despite having killed Dumbledore. He didn't kill Harry off when he had the chance, which was very, very odd... and Rowling always leads you one way and surprises you from the other side.
Snape didn't kill Dumbledore. Dumbledore is not dead. Snape and Dumbledore planned the whole thing to have Voldemort and his followers believe that he was out of the way... Can't wait for the last book!
Give me your best conspiracy theories.
by XJW4EVR inthe thread on the wt$ and the illuminati got me to think, and since i have to write a term paper in my sociology class i thought why not research some conspiracy theories.
please help be listing some of your favorite ones.
i only ask that you not tell me about 9/11, or the kennedy clan assassinations.
Wars are a way for governments to help their rich friends in the arms industry to make even more money.... and keep their monetary support and stay in power....
why can the big bang now be excepted by dubs
by looseend ingrowing up i was always told, (like most of you) that evolution was crap.
my dads friend was visiting (who is an elder) and was talking to my dad (who is still a dub) about how the universe could have fit in the palm of his hand at one point in time.
this elder was talking about the big bang theory and how god put it in place.
excepted ? or accepted ???