One of Englishman's great thread.... Hi Mike! How is everything in your beautiful Weston-super-Mare?
Posts by Celia
Do You Think That You Might Turn Back To Jehovah?
by Englishman ini`ve never yet been snubbed by a jw.
the reason is that i refuse point blank to speak to them unless they speak to me first.
so, if i`m visiting my jw mum and jw visitors arrive which they often do i just smile, raise one eyebrow slightly, and look `em straight in the eye!.
Hi Amanda,
There is a discussion about the new tract, and go see this:
I've just finished cooking our Christmas cake!!
by Gill ini've just finished making our christmas cake!.
it took nearly five hours to cook but it's a beauty.. it contained nearly 4 lb of mixed fruits.
12 eggs.
I love fruitcakes ! A friend gave me a home-made one last year, and it was really good, lots of brandy....
I just had a very interesting phone call from the JC
by hambeak ini got a call today from a member of the judicial committee asking if i would meet with them.
i asked them what for?
i was told it was about my asking questions about wts involvement with the un and bethel layoffs and my getting information from an apostate website.. i told them i have never attended their kh and had been inactive for more than 20 years and no longer accepted their authority and they no longer had a control over my mind or what i read or say or do.
My mood improved so much I started to listen to polka music.
Garybuss, great quote May I use it ?
Sad thread. my cat is dead. looking for sympathy.
by avengers into all of you who know what it is to miss a loved pet.. i never knew in all my jdubb years that it can hurt so much when an animal dies.
i never knew that a man could get attached to a cat.
when i was a dubb i would not allow the kids to have a housepet 'cause then you couldn't spend as much time in service.
Sorry for your loss. It takes time to get over it. As someone else said, getting a kitten would help.
Would you mind to explain what happened? you said:
I left him at home for three nights in the care of someone who now I can see doesn't give a hoot.
What did this someone do or didn't do that brought on the death of your pet?
Da Vinci Code, what did you think?
by gaiagirl ini had recently read the book, "the da vinci code", and just saw the movie this weekend.
essentially, the plot revolves around a 2000 year old "cover-up", in which it is claimed that jesus was married to mary magdelene and had children.
this knowledge was suppressed by the early church, but kept alive by a secret society of which leonardo da vinci was a member.
I liked the book. Was disappointed in the movie. I love Tom Hanks, but found him weak in this role. Not his fault entirely though, the whole movie lacked suspense, speed, emotions, resolve....
What are you reading - Summer 2006?
by eyeslice inalways a popular thread the what are you reading at the moment thread?.
my favourite reads for the summer of 2006:.
the history of love by nicole krauss.
I am reading Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, not a new book, but I saw the author in an interview with Bill Moyers, and I was really impressed by what he had to say and how he said it.... not an easy read, and I do not enjoy it at all.... but I'll get through it, one paragraph at a time.... I guess you have to be a moslem indian to get into the story....
Who's the woman dancing at the end in this video? (fluff)
by MsMcDucket in.
for those of you who know, don't tell.
So..... who is it ? my dial-up connection doesn't even allow me to see the video...
Has anybody successfully quit using caffeine altogether?
by DanTheMan inmy anxiety and stress levels are really bad lately.
i think i'd be doing myself a favor to quit caffeine, as it has become a real catch-22 for me, where i need it to stay awake, but it causes me to lose sleep, so i need more of it to stay awake, etc.. i've learned through experience that i'm very sensitive to any sort of chemical substance that affects neurotransmitter flow, and, given my general propensity towards depression/anxiety/paranoia/add, i think that at least one thing i could do to give me a calmer, more stable neurotransmitter mix would be to eliminate caffeine.
i've tried to reduce before, and i've found that i just start making excuses to have a little more, a little more, until i'm right back where i started.. so, i'm just wondering if anybody else has had a similar experience where they felt the need to not just reduce but eliminate caffeine altogether, and if so, how did it go, did it help, how long has it been, etc.
I have found a grain beverage called Pero that is pretty good though, it's black and sorta bitter; you wouldn't mistake it for coffee but it has it's own unique flavor that I find to be pleasant enough.
Is it chicory ? I like it. I start the day with a cup of coffee, but that's the only time I drink coffee.