Where I came from they started going out to actual sit down restaurants ordering up big breakfasts. After an hour and a half at the restaurant people would just call it a morning and head home. It's all just busywork anyway, designed to keep them occupied.....
JoinedPosts by MsShockJock
Do Witnesses still go door-to-door??
by MsShockJock injust wondering if they still go door-to-door?
i never see groups of people walking around the neighborhoods all dressed up or out in fastfood restaurants on saturday mornings or groups of people driving around in cars.
Do Witnesses still go door-to-door??
by MsShockJock injust wondering if they still go door-to-door?
i never see groups of people walking around the neighborhoods all dressed up or out in fastfood restaurants on saturday mornings or groups of people driving around in cars.
I think you're probably right ruderedhead about them not being as active or as enthusiastic these days. Clarity, I've never seen one of those contraptions. Interesting! OneEyedJoe--So it's mostly tract work these days. Also, interesting. It sounds like things are really slacking off. Where's the sense of urgency???
Do Witnesses still go door-to-door??
by MsShockJock injust wondering if they still go door-to-door?
i never see groups of people walking around the neighborhoods all dressed up or out in fastfood restaurants on saturday mornings or groups of people driving around in cars.
Just wondering if they still go door-to-door? I never see groups of people walking around the neighborhoods all dressed up or out in fastfood restaurants on Saturday mornings or groups of people driving around in cars.
Are JWs chronic liars?
by Kristofer init's been about a year since i've been on this board.
and what brought me here was me (a non-jw) seeing a jw girl.
i've been out of this situation for a while now.
Right on! How true, how true....and once you stop believing and become a pretender it's all a pretense after that, and you live with the fear of being found out that you are a faker and a liar until you can't take it anymore and decide to be true to yourself, stop the lie and leave to org.
What scary stories were you told?
by sundawn77 ini'm new here; i "faded away" 3 years ago.
i'll tell my story soon when it's not so hard to think about.. i'm just wondering what stories other people were told about demons that ensured that nobody watched scary movies or listened to certain music (in my case, stevie nicks, go figure).
elders and my friends' parents, and other kids in the congregation all had stories of people watching movies and waking up to see a demon in their room!
There was a circuit overseer who told the pioneer group about a pioneer sister from another congregation who had a demon sitting on her legs all night while she slept to prevent her from being able to walk out in service the next day. He always had bizaare, and grossly graphic, stories to tell the congregation. The WTS used him and his wife in one of their videos on marriage.
This is so huge.
by La Capra inwhen i was four, i believed that my life could be painfully and tortuously taken from me, in a ball of flame, crashing down from the heavens, just while i sitting down to a bowl of oatmeal in the morning.. when i was nine, i believed that my life, as i then knew it, would be drastically altered, that i would be tortured for being a jw, and after suffering for who knows how long, i would die (because i still hadn't lived up to jehovah's expectations).. when i was 13, i wanted to be a nuclear physicist-because it sounded cool, but in the meantime i believed that i would die in armageddon because i wanted to go to college, get really educated, and have a great, "worldly" life.. when i was 15, i felt guilty that i hoped armageddon would never come, because i so desperately wanted to go to college.. when i was 17, i was offered an honors early admissions in a prestigious program in a highly regarded engineering program.
my mother flat out said, "no!".
when i was 18, i scuttled semi-secretly to the local university, part-time, trying to hide my daily activities without actually lying to anyone.. when i was 19 i quit pretending and disassociated.
CONGRATULATIONS! You better watch out, the witnesses may want you back so you can donate your time in free legal services. I've heard Bethel is in need of some good lawyers. LOL Best of luck to you!
Are JWs chronic liars?
by Kristofer init's been about a year since i've been on this board.
and what brought me here was me (a non-jw) seeing a jw girl.
i've been out of this situation for a while now.
Hi Kristofer,
I have to tell you all the years that I have known the witnesses I have found them to be the biggest liars I have ever known. They will skirt around an issue, avoid answering questions, stretch the truth, and out right lie and think nothing of it. They even justify lying if it will advance kingdom interests like in the door to door work or to get themselves out of a sticky situation. They will not tell people what they really teach just to get them interested in the truth. Those in business for themselves have been known to have some shady ways of keeping the books and avoiding paying taxes. There are also a lot of younger ones leading a double life as you found out. I'm glad you have moved on. You don't need people like that in your life. It's so funny that they talk about Satan being the father of the lie so often at their meetings and they are the biggest liars of them all. By their fruits you will recognize them.......
WAITING FOR ARMAGEDDON (good for halloween night)
by Dogpatch injehovahs witnesses are waiting for armageddon, .
and this is what occupies their time while they wait!
abraham waves his staff in their faces.
You're killing me! That is so funny, and true.
Your View of "Worldly" People as a Jehovah's Witness ... Then and Now
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 {font-family: arial, sans-serif;font-size: 16px; } .style2 {font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; } --> #secondary { position: absolute; top: 311px; left: 563px; width: 132px; font-size: 100%; border: thin solid #000000; background-color: #ffffcc; height: 122px; padding: 5px; }
} your view of "worldly" people as a jehovah's witness being in the organization was unique, in the sense, that we were told to.
love our fellowman and we showed this "act of love" through our preaching.
I just had the experience of witnessing (no pun intended) an elder from my old congregation treating a food service person at a local establishment very badly . He was waiting in line for his food not realizing I was directly behind him. He reamed out the poor girl for not getting his food to him right away and how he was sure it was cold by now. He was very rude. I told my friend who I was out to lunch with that that was a JW and an elder at that. She said, "They are not very happy people, are they?". It's funny how they are so nice at the KH or out in service while being observed by others, but when you catch them out in public they are totally different. I don't think they realize that people know who they are and they should behave better if they want to live up to the reputation they have in their own minds as being such shining examples of Christians.
Bizarre November 2006 KM
by yakata inthe insert is called "how do i view blood fractions and medical procedures involving my own blood?
" i will attempt to transcribe the more salient points for everyone here.. paragraph 1 (verbatim): the bible commands christians to "abstain ... from blood.
" (acts 15:20) thus, jehovah's witnesses do not accept transfusions of whole blood or the four primary components of blood-namely, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma.
....Could I explain to a physician why I reject or accept the use of certain blood fractions?"
I'd really like to hear somebody actually try to justify this stance. Well, ah doc, you see, it's like this........ I will accept this, this and this, but not this, this and this, because my bible trained conscience tells me that this is okay but that is not okay. Wtf! No wonder the medical profession think all JWs are a bunch of delusional hypocrites . Either you accept blood or you don't.