Smelly Ive read this whole thread, and im left with one question. What are you doing here?
If I didnt like jews that much I wouldnt go onto a jewish board and say things like 'well, you know Hitler had some good ecomonic policies', and then howl loudly that I hadnt said anything personally hurtful to anyone, so why was everyone being so horrible to me?
If I thought gay people were not such a good idea I wouldnt seek out their discussion board and say something like 'well AIDS could be from god', and then keep on going back and back to argue with them when they repsonded.
I suggest you stop waving your salty fingers around peoples wounds. Some of us only have paper cuts, some have gaping big wounds, some of us dont even have scars, just a wicked sense of humour. Out of human politeness we try to keep our salty fingers to ourselves because we dont like causing hurt to our friends. You havent been here long enough to count any of the people here as a friend so I guess I can see why it might bother you less to cause hurt carelessly.
Im kind of embarrased for you because you sound so young, and you sound like you still think you know everything. Nevermind, there are lots of people here who wont hold it against you that you have been so insensitive to our friends.
Now you will have to excuse me, Smelly, because right now i am hurting for Avashai and his brother. Please feel free to apologise to him if the spirit move you.
Also use peoples names, its a fundamental part of human interaction, and generates closer relationships between parties.