JoinedPosts by katiekitten
Let's go HYPER!!! - Warning Will Robinson, Dansk time ahead...
by LittleToe inas you are probably very well aware, one of our posters is fighting a nasty and rare form of lymphoma.. .
ian has a lot of grit, and would really appreciate our positive thoughts/vibes/prayers, etc., whatever suits your paradigm .
it's every tuesday evening, with the first tuesday of a month (like this one) making a special effort to join in for a hyper-effort!!!
Bad examples of intelligent design?
by gringojj in.
i am trying to think about examples of animals that would be bad for the intelligent design theory.
i like to use the ostrich because it has wings but doesnt fly.
Oh COME on this is an OBVIOUS question.
Bad example of intelligent design?
FIrst god made man, then she realised what a cock up that was, upgraded the whole system and made woman .
formal declaration of shenanagins on my dear deluded mother
by colorado5591 in(crying as i write) .
so, our(ip_sec and my) mother getting married on wednesday in her best friends backyard, asked her if i could come, and she says to me........ .
"i don't know, i'll have to ask jo" (her bff) because i am not reinstated.
I feel for you hun, that sucks.
Cant you do the Starsky & Hutch thing and turn up as the mime entertainment artist and do that 'im trapped in an invisible box' routine really badly?
quick builds
by loosie inok was lying awake last night @ 3am wondering: when jw's build a hall in a weekend how do they get an inspectors approval so quickly?
( i know i need a life).
i mean various portions need to be inspected before the next step can be built, right?
hey Andy, Jmember the farce that was Hellaby, and how we all had to donate our gold earrings and wedding rings - like we was building Solomons Temple or something and they used to display what had been given on a table at the back to make everyone who still had irrational attachments to their wedding rings feel guilty.
I remember going to Hellaby, and there were a load of scousers working there, cos lets face it there werent no jobs in Liverpewl - in fact all respect to those guys, im suprised they knew how to work at all!! Well I just thought to myself - these chirpy chappies cant be witnoids, cos they are laughing and cracking joke and wearing jeans. They were clearly VERY worldly, and i wished they had chatted and joked with me cos then I wouldnt have had to spend the whole time frowning and looking down my christian nose at them!!
What have you gained?
by bagpuss inits two years since i last attended a meeting or thought of myself as a jw.
despite the prophesys of doom and gloom for those who leave the org i have gained lots and lost nothing.. i have much more time to spend with my husband which has led to our relationship improving fantastically.. i have a better relationship with my children who stopped going to meetings when they were teenagers.. i have become much closer to my family (i've just returned from yorkshire from my great nephews 1st birthday party.
my confidence has grown dramatically as i no longer view myself as worthless.. the guilt of not doing enough has gone.. i now have real friends.. the list goes on, but i really would like to hear what you've gained or hope to gain by leaving the borg.
Peter pan collars low cut blouses
long modest skirts belts that double as skirts
guilt masturbation
kingdom melodies led zeppelin
book bag - watchtower sized handbag to dance round in clubs
blood card gala bingo card
flattie walking shoes f*ck me shoes -
silly ? for Brits
by carla inwhy on the decorating shows from the uk do they not use paint rollers?
they often show them painting an entire room with small brushes.
just curious.
Brushes for eyebrow hair, rollers for nasal hair.
HONESTLY, people, get it right!! What will the colonies think if we cant even get a simple question like that straight. Im off for a G&T. Dont bother me again with this nonsense.
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
Andy, love your pic, love you , DID I really say that??? Im still waiting for the hoodoo gurus off you... (actually about 7 years after getting married I made Rob buy me a couple - never forgot you see?) Now you know a real practical wedding present would have been a pair of plastic pants!!
Jeez, guys, I just luv you all - HOLY SHIT - I just peed the sofa out of happiness...
me and the deemunz
by katiekitten ini was lucky to have been brought up in the troof, because if i hadnt, i wouldnt have known about the demons and how they are always looking for opportunities to lead us astray by appearing as ghosties, or by making household objects float, or by getting into our house through items bought from car boot sales.. my first memories of the deemunz was quite early, say aged 5 or 6. i used to think they were at the end of the bed, and so i had to sleep with my legs curled up as tightly as possible, so they wouldnt get my toes.
i cant even begin to think what terrible things they were going to do with my piggies, but sure as the apostles i wasnt going to give them a chance.. aged 7 or 8 i knew the deemunz were after me, because i was special.
i was a jehobas witness.
I was told by elders and and a CO that praying to jehovah made them go away if they were attacking you, and that if that wasnt working you had to say his name out loud - literally calling on his name, because they heard his name and shuddered. That was my understanding anyway.
Mind you, shuddering isnt much of a reaction. I would be hoping for self combustion and green goo on the walls at the very least. If all they were gonna do is shudder, well I might as well just give them the frowning of a lifetime.
silly ? for Brits
by carla inwhy on the decorating shows from the uk do they not use paint rollers?
they often show them painting an entire room with small brushes.
just curious.
We didnt get where we are today by using rollers. We built an empire using those silly little brushes and we are not about to start changing things now.
If we are to remain in our position as a world leading industrialised country we cannot afford to start making fundamental internal decoration changes.
by andy2tanx inwhat with the job i do and possibly my internal make-up, its really quite rare that i see something that i find moving.
however, seeing bob geldof bring on the beautiful african lady who had 10 minutes left to live 20 years ago, who has now finished her agricultural degree in africa and has grown up due to live aid's efforts, i felt i had to post something here...
so if you haven't been to www.live8live.com and signed the electronic petition then stop whatever you're doing and do it now!!!!!
You - Moved? Surely not! I wont tell anyone.
I was pretty moved by that beautiful african woman too.
I remember you going down Dewsbury and collecting for Live Aid too, sweetie. You were only young. I thought it was very radical of you, seeing as how Jehobahs wishwashers werent supposed to care about charity and stuff, as god was going to sort it all out. Well hes taking his time, so hats off to saint bob and everyone else whos not willing to wait.