50shekels (rappa christ)
The grandaddy of souls
50shekels (rappa christ)
The grandaddy of souls
what does dub stand for?.
i keep on reading posts and going back in the archives but alas my question goes unanswered!
feel free to add any definitions that may come to mind!.
Borg on - thats great!
Also I didnt know what bttt meant.
Also I used to think LOL meant lots of love, so i was ending all my e-mails with it, but then found out it meant Laugh Out Loud. Make no wonder ive got no friends left.
i need your help on this one, big time!
i am new to this but i like reading everyone's posts on here.. i need advice.
sorry this is so long but if you feel like you could please read it!.
Welcome to the forum LHF.
I really feel for you. I feel the same anger on behalf of my partner, although I have to stress he in no way had as bad a deal as your husband. And I want my partner to rub his parents nose in how rubbish they were, but he is loving and kind to them.
I dont think you should feel guilty at all, you were doing the christian thing in making peace.
They know deep down that they are crap parents. They dont need you to point it out, and if you did they would resist, defend themselves and argue against it. THen they would spend the rest of the time telling themselves that they are in the right and what a horrible wicked wrong person you are.
So I think you have actually opened up the way for further dialogue. She was talking to you and listening to you! She EVEN asked why your husband didnt want to talk to them! Thats an amazing opening you made. That opening would never have happened if you had gone in and told them the truth about their rubbish parenting. Now the lines of communication have been opened BY YOU! They can be developed carefully until they are strong enough to carry the tough message that needs to be told.
I think you may have started something that leads to the result you want. Your partner is lucky to have such a clever, subtle and loving wife. Well done.
Happy burpday.
Shall I wear a special burpday dress on saturday??
now that i got your attention, here`s a quote from the wt, february 1952:.
"really, our colored brothers have a great cause for rejoicing.
their race is meek and teachable, and from it comes a high percentage of the theocratic increase.
Im too white to get brown, and im too white to get down.
I just burn and I cant funk.
hi guys, let me get your opinion on this:.
my mom's a pioneer, so she scrapes by on little money, refuses to work overtime, and tries to even survive on part time entry level work.
she can survive, but when it comes to getting appliances fixed, going on vacation, buying new clothes, she has to rely on others gifts and donations to her.. i want her to come visit me, and i need to pay for her ticket.
If it was just a friend I would say dont pay, but this is your mother. If it was me and my partner was going to cause a stink about it id pay behind his back and lie about it and say she'd paid herself.
My reasoning is this: its your mum, and however unfairly she treats you, you have to live with how you treat her. Even though my mum treats me like shit, and my partner says im a doormat for her, and im a dog that just keeps going back to her for another good kicking, I cant be as mean back to her - because I have to live with myself about that, and it would make me feel so bad.
So do whatever you know you can live with, and if that means paying for her ticket, do it and tell yourself you are doing it to maintain your own level of humanity.
Save your life lessons for other freeloaders who arent as closely related. Just my opinion - feel free to ignore it.
thank you for letting me post this un-sent letter to my father.
i am writing this to voice my opinion; this is not open for discussion.
i find if upsetting that you feel its appropriate to invite my husband into your home and demean the religion he was brought up in, not only have you done that in your home but youve also done it in his home.
Opps, sorry puppet, just read you dont want to send. Well, it helps to get it out of your system, just writing it, then filing it away.
thank you for letting me post this un-sent letter to my father.
i am writing this to voice my opinion; this is not open for discussion.
i find if upsetting that you feel its appropriate to invite my husband into your home and demean the religion he was brought up in, not only have you done that in your home but youve also done it in his home.
Welcome to the forum puppet, an excellent start if I may say so.
By the time you have got some replies here about your letter you will have had a few days to think about it, and you will know if you want to send it, sit on it or reword it.
Maybe you might want to put in something about what you will do if he begins to be rude to you or your husband in the future, so that he is very clear about what is unacceptable behaviour, and what the consequences will be. I sent my mother something along those lines - 'I love you and I want you to be happy, but if you begin to criticise I will immediately end the conversation'. I then listed one or two recent examples of criticisms I was not willing to listen to.
whatever you send, im sure it will help you mark your ground.
at least 2 or three times a week, i get a pm from someone that sounds similar to this:hello richie, .
i just read your recnt post from the assembly.
appears you've no concern about being located?
Ritchie I would have thought it was obvious to everyone that you are a courageous man who already knows his mind, and if you have posted your picture several times in a public space you know what you are doing.
Its not like you post half a dozen pics then think 'oh drat, someone might recognise me'.
Anyway im certain that nearly every male dub in your area looks just like you, they will never work out who you are!
i just read a post that said the audience was not obediently clapping at the convention when the speakers made wild statements (presumably with the rising nazi voice).
did anyone else notice this.. will others look out for it at their dc and tell us?.
i'm not going.. bwaaaaahhhhhhh.
ROFL! This is such a great thread. I used to love it when the speaker had done his voice intonnation and paused for a clap, and people didnt find what he had said exciting enough to clap for, then a few loyal ones would catch on and start a half hearted clap, but by this time the speaker had got a bit embarrased, and not wanting to look like he was REALLY waiting for a clap would have started speaking again.
But this would piss the loyal ones off who would be thinking 'hey buddy we were the few loyal ones clapping you, now youre ignoring the clap and speaking over us!'
Then the speaker would have to stop again, because he KNEW hed pissed the loyal ones off, and he figured If I piss of the loyal clappers now then I aint gonna get no more claps for all the other half ass things I need a clap for.
Theres a lot of psychology to this you know. Its not JUST clapping.