Urdy gurdy burten schmurten blinken schminken - im sure its something like that...
(memories of the muppet chef who used to chase the chickens with a big cleaver)
does anyone know how the baptismal vows are worded in norwegian?
i think they can be found in wt june 1, 1985. but i don't have wts that old.
i also need the page number in the norwegian edition of the 1985 wt.
Urdy gurdy burten schmurten blinken schminken - im sure its something like that...
(memories of the muppet chef who used to chase the chickens with a big cleaver)
when you attended your last meeting ever as a dub, did you know it was your last?
did something happen which made it clear in your mind you were 'never going back' (not to be confused with nvrgnbk)?.
the last meeting we went to was the memorial in 2006. we only went because we knew we were already pegged for the elders' unwanted attention, so we had to go to keep them off our backs a little longer.
Oh, look at all the submarines here tonight. They pop up once a year for the memorial and think they going to make it into paradise. Why do they bother
What a Class A cow. They are the ones that put tons of effort into hunting out everyone who has ever set foot in a KH and inviting them to the memorial in the first place. Why do THEY bother? To make them feel smug and saved?
anyone heard of this group before?.
i just heard about them today on an episode of the skeptics guide to the universe.
No never heard of them.
So they are a bunch of current JW's who want to change the no blood policy, is that correct? Dont they all run the risk of being df'ed?
I will follow the link and try to find out more, thanks.
I always hated that feeling of not having done enough even when I was pioneering. We always had this thing about saying "when armageddon comes will you be able to stand before Jehovah and honestly say you did all you could?"
Well, I used to think if I was literally stood before Jehovah I doubt if I would feel as if preaching night and day would be enough.
Its a terrible way to grind people down. It was such a relief when I finally left, and comitted my first biggie sin and thought 'well thats it Hes going to destroy me at armageddon now'. Then I thought, HEY he can only kill me once! I felt totally liberated!
each one think their concept of jesus....is correct.
Babylon the Grape
They all speak just like Ned Flanders and their kids all have curly hair?
as miracle max (billy crystal) said about westly in the movie the princess bride, hes only mostly dead (i love that movie).
i have gotten a few inquiries over the last few months about why i am posting a little more recently.
wasnt i ill, sick?
I didnt know you have MS, im real sorry that you have to deal with that, and im glad to see you have found a way to limit the impact a bit.
I cant help thinking that if you can type with your tongue you must be a gift to womankind (if you see what I mean) and that you have a duty to share the joy...
Also its just a thought, but it seems to me you have the same symptoms as would be caused by one suggested cure for MS (16 year old scotch) - cant feel fingers and double vision. It might be worth trying a variety of different scotch's just to make sure.
calvin is way cooler than fonzie.
atheists are so much cooler than christians.
and as for brit's and americans .
No im not cool cos I have never managed to look bored enough by everything! When I was a teenager I hated those people who showed up at parties and were so cool they looked positively comatose with boredom - faces like slapped arses! I was always the dweeb who really enjoyed stuff.
Now im a teacher I see students trying to look cool with faces like slapped arses and it makes me laugh (which is also uncool - but then im grown up AND a teacher so theres no possible way for me to ever to be cool again).
No way! Those are both amazing stories.
when you attended your last meeting ever as a dub, did you know it was your last?
did something happen which made it clear in your mind you were 'never going back' (not to be confused with nvrgnbk)?.
the last meeting we went to was the memorial in 2006. we only went because we knew we were already pegged for the elders' unwanted attention, so we had to go to keep them off our backs a little longer.
No more mind control. It drove me crazy and the anger took time to heal. But after 4 years, I'm fine now
I had no idea. My whole belief system collapsed over the course of a couple of hours.
Wow, thats really dramatic! It must have been mind blowing to deal with such a quick un-conversion.
I had no idea it would be my last. I did a long drift, I had probably been patchy at meetings for ages, but I honestly cant remember now. I still regularly have dreams that I am at a meeting and I decide there and then never to go back, and I always get a rush of empowerment when I make the decision.
I can only imagine that I must have been wishing I did have that 'final feeling' and so create it in my dreams instead.
i was just wondering.
is there some sort of doctrine, or belief, principle, rule or whatever, that says that jehovah's witnesses, when asked, must confirm that they're jehovah's witnesses?
(one possible basis for such a rule, that comes to mind, is the bit about peter denying jesus three times before the cock crowed.).
When I was one I would never had avoided a direct question like that, but out on the door knocking service I might have 'clouded' my identity a bit in order to get past the first sentence before the door was slammed in my face! So openers like "we are engaged in a christian ministry", "We are bible students", "We are talking to local people about crime"! etc
You could always ask a series of questions designed to root out the real JW:
Do you celebrate christmas?
Do you salute the flag?
Would you refuse a blood transfusion?
Are women allowed to wear trousers at your place of worship?
If you watched 'The Life of Brian' would you feel guilty if you belly laughed at it?