Hmmm I dunno EF, how can I be sure the Jehoba wont be demonized coming from you? Id swap with a nice clean living guy in a shirt and tie...
JoinedPosts by katiekitten
Pass the Jesus I need a hit!
by free2beme ini hate to say this, as there may be some here that fit this description, but people deep into jesus with all that saved talk and accepting jesus talk, look the same as the person trying to get me to take a hit on the bong.
these people seem stoned hard core and in la-la land of some fantasy and wonder why others don't want to ride the crazy train with them.
personally, i find these people to be almost alien to me, in that they seem so into their religion of "save" and "accept" this, that there is no reasoning or even discussing a different subject with them.
I do believe we have a spiritual side, but it seems to me that it can be stimulated equally as easily by praying, drugs, not eating for a long time, stress, freaky co-incidences and probably some other stuff too
Im willing to swap a nearly new budha for him, only worshiped once, still in original box
by Es inwhat is it with the majority of inlaws that seem to thrive on making your life hell???
?my fiance's mother is really getting to me ive put up with a year of her opinions thrown in my face and year of her telling me how to raise my son.
she has completely taken over our wedding day and at our engagement her daughter who is also my bridesmaid turned up 2 hours late to our engagement party drunk and brought her friends and had her own little party, it aslso took her another hour to come and say hi to me!!!
Yay, its not just in the UK.
Im so sheltered!
by Es inwhat is it with the majority of inlaws that seem to thrive on making your life hell???
?my fiance's mother is really getting to me ive put up with a year of her opinions thrown in my face and year of her telling me how to raise my son.
she has completely taken over our wedding day and at our engagement her daughter who is also my bridesmaid turned up 2 hours late to our engagement party drunk and brought her friends and had her own little party, it aslso took her another hour to come and say hi to me!!!
If men could shag their mothers they would never get married.
Es I feel for you. I think mothers have a sick sort of love for their boys, and get REAL jealous when the boys get partners. Its all very incestuous in my opinion.
Theres a great comedy sketch show in the UK where this big dopey upper class boy takes his girlfriend home to meet his parents in this big mansion. Halfway through a normal conversation, he says in this upper class baby voice 'bitty' 'i want bitty' And the mum goes 'no bitty darling it will spoil your dinner', He goes 'I want bitty mummy I want bitty', and she goes Oh go on then, and gets her tit out and proceeds to breastfeed him. Maybe it loses something in the translation, but its real funny when you see it.
Music that debases
by katiekitten inwhich albums did you throw out after that landmark talk at an assembly round about the mid 80's?.
i got rid of:.
elo (widely regarded as having back tracking on one song).
Well I think there definately IS something in back tracking, because I played the queen album backwards and clearly heard the message 'decide to smoke marijuana', and GUESS WHAT????? 21 years later I DID decide to smoke marijuana.
You've got to admit, thats pretty spooky isnt it!
Stickers on magazines
by Apostanator inwhenever i would see a watchtower or awake at the laundromat, i used to just rip them up and throw them away.
but now i carry labels on me that have been printed off my computer and stick them on the mags.
i have several types that are printed with such sayings as ( " this is a cult " included with freeminds website ) and ( "jehovah's witnesses cover-up child rape and abuse " included with silent lambs website ) i feel this is more successful as the magazine cannot be picked up without having the sticker in your face.
I agree, im embarrased at the things I used to think were a great idea - like I cant wait til millions and millions of non dubs go screaming to their death - 'and they will know you are the one true god', and they will be sorry they never bought the magazines off me, and they'll be begging us Oh please can we become Jehovahs wiltnesses, and we'll be like 'sorry old love the doors firmly closed by jehoba so all we can do is watch you die'
One immature young man used to say to people when the didnt take magazines 'thats OK youre gonna die at armageddon anyway'
Sick sick sick
You Know You're Old Gertting Old When .......
by xjw_b12 inthey start making remakes of remakes...... i watched the original king kong, not at the theatre but on tv.
i watched the remake at the theatre and fell in love with jessica lange.
now they are remaking that movie.. i watched the superman cartoon series and the the tv series.
..when you still think its wrong to have a blood transfusion
..when you still think armageddon is coming during the lifetime of people that were born in 1914
..when pineering meant doing 70 hours a month, and regular pioneering meant doing 90
..when you still believe the UN is a disgusting harlot and you should run the other way if you see her, not sign up to her fricking best buddies list
You Know You're Old Gertting Old When .......
by xjw_b12 inthey start making remakes of remakes...... i watched the original king kong, not at the theatre but on tv.
i watched the remake at the theatre and fell in love with jessica lange.
now they are remaking that movie.. i watched the superman cartoon series and the the tv series.
..when you still think its wrong to have a blood transfusion
..when you still think armageddon is coming during the lifetime of people that were born in 1914
..when pineering meant doing 70 hours a month, and regular pioneering meant doing 90
..when you still believe the UN is a disgusting harlot and you should run the other way if you see her, not sign up to her fricking best buddies list
Pass the Jesus I need a hit!
by free2beme ini hate to say this, as there may be some here that fit this description, but people deep into jesus with all that saved talk and accepting jesus talk, look the same as the person trying to get me to take a hit on the bong.
these people seem stoned hard core and in la-la land of some fantasy and wonder why others don't want to ride the crazy train with them.
personally, i find these people to be almost alien to me, in that they seem so into their religion of "save" and "accept" this, that there is no reasoning or even discussing a different subject with them.
THeyve got an old london bus round here, with JESUS ARMY painted on the side.
Those guys couldnt fight, no way. They all limp wristed, they got no cammo gear, no ammo, how they gonna kick ass when the Debil and his hordes come rampaging through Cheltenham biting off heads and fornicating wid the preety ladies huh? They gonna chuck leaflets at em an run like hell?
Dey always boys too. frickin JESUS QUEEAHS more like.