Science and religion do not have to be enemies just because people like Dawkins say so .(my favourite drum to bang , check things for yourself ) . Christian scientists do not leave their brains at the exit of the lab or research faciltiy . All I am saying is that there are two intelligent , well thought out sides to this , not just one
Science and religion are not enemies because Richard Dawkins says so. The reason that science and religion are in conflict is because religion chooses to put itself at odds with established scientific fact. Religion chooses to push it's agenda into schools (by pushing to teach creationism) for example.
There is no such thing as a christian scientist, there may be scientists who are christians. Christianity has nothing to add to science, there are no christian ideas being published in scientific journals. There is not an intelligent well thought out christian side to this debate at all, there isn't a single credible scientific journal publishing anything on the religious side at all. By all means tells us where this intelligent well thought out religious side to the debate is and I will happily show you why their argument is wrong (with examples!)
This is a debate that the religious side lost many years ago, unfortunately not everyone has got the news yet.