Could you add me to Devon please. oooarr
Posts by Caedes
by ballistic ini had an idea that i could build a uk map of everyones location which would show you instantly who is in your area from jwd.. (it might be an idea to do a seperate us one aswell but i'll wait and see if this one takes off first, or if anyone from the us wants to volunteer to do that one).
(and australia but you are all in the same backyard anyway - literally!!!).
anyway, all you have to do is post or email me your username and town and i will draw you on the map above which will change gradually to include everyone!.
Why have you rejected all forms of faith?
by AlmostAtheist init seems that when a person leaves jw's, there's just no telling where he'll end up spiritually.
christian, jew, pagan, jamesthomasism -- i dare say every faith is represented among us.. but there are those that reject faith altogether.
they are often accused of letting the watchtower steal god from them, or throwing the baby out with the bath.. are you one those that rejected faith altogether after your exit?
The only thing that I have faith in these days, is that there is no god. I can't prove there is no god. so it is faith. I doubt that I ever really had any faith to begin with since I was raised a witness and never got baptized. What I do have is a strong sense of right and wrong, I suppose it is almost a code that I live by, primarily based on respect for others and my own sense of natural justice.
I believe that people have a responsibility for their own life and a responsibility to act on more than just their own desires.
Marzipan Babies
by misanthropic ini got this in an email this morning and this was so incredible i thought i would share it with everyone......
marzipan babies
these are made with marzipan....really unbelievable!
mmmm, marzipan
I'm feeling hungry now.
The March of Gay Rights
by truthseeker inbelow is an interesting editorial on the march of gay rights, how it got started, and how it's radical members seek to make changes in society.
the "story" has been omitted from this post due to length of article.
I heard on the news today that there was a guy killed in london in what the police describe as a homophobic attack. There is still a long way to go.
Whoever wrote the article is a reactionary bigot making sweeping statements about a group he evidently has no personal experience of.
SIGN OF JONAH REVEALED BY: The King of "New Jerusalem" upon the earth
by EliJah into all that love g_d, jah, allah
i am a messenger of jah in our modern day with the task of leading the flock of jah under authority of jesus christ reigning from the heavens above.
the prophets of old were put into place as testimony of the authentication of the word of jah.
Thank you very much in all truth an honesty. Jehovah uses my own intellect as I cannot possibly match that of Almighty GOD. Being under the power of the Holy Spirit causes a "dizzy" effect as the mind has to be manipulated by the power outside your body, mainly the Spirit Force. In order to implant knowledge which causes bilogical transformation of the brain, Jehovah has to minimize the effect on my biological structure by placing a cushion within my brain so to speak, in order to prevent any damage to me whatsoever. This is done with His Spirit in Great Wisdom and Love. Thanks again for your thoughts and input. Estephan
Caedes wiping a tear from his eye.
Thank you, I don't think I've laughed so much in days.
Paintball and Lazertag - Can True Christians Play?
by truthseeker ina friend in my congregation enjoys playing paintball from time to time.
others play lazertag.
now, while these may imitate the "concepts of war", has there been any society comments on these games?
I seem to remember as a kid being told that playing chess was bad because it is a wargame that teaches you military strategy etc.
Mind you my parents were pretty hardline about such things. My own rule of thumb as a child was "is it fun?" if the answer was yes then I probably wasn't allowed to do it.
I do play airsoft these days, a bit like paintball really. lots of fun.
Shunned again, and you won't guess where. EVER.
by kwintestal inwell, we were going about our business today as we usually do on a monday.
mrs kwin went to work, kids went to school, i stayed home and made apple sauce and beer.
2:30 comes along and it's time to pick up everyone and, oh yeah ... we have that appointment today.
It seems that Jehovah's spirit is slow in delivering the good news of your re-instatement. It must be tired from the swiftness with which it delivered the news of your initial disfellowshipping.
Lmao. Always seems to be the way with dubs.
I would be wanting to know exactly what disciplinary action will be taken, and I doubt that the organisation this woman works for should be satisfied with anything less than dismissal, since this woman will not be abiding by her duty of confidentiality if it conflicts with her faith. Make sure they know that witnessess will engage in theocratic warfare (and explain just what this means). The main stick you have is the confidentiality issue, her professional misconduct should be used to highlight how little respect this woman has for the rules of her employer when compared with the rules of her church. Only use the press if you don't get your way with this woman's employer, they might just clam up else.
New Light
by Poztate inyears ago just before my exit from "the truth" i had a chat with my father inlaw about changing and conflicting doctrines in the wt.. i happened to use the word wrong what a reaction i got.
i was reamed out on the spot.they are not wrong...they are never wrong...... it is "new light" .
in the next hour i could not get him to say or even think the"w" word.. it was very frustrating.
Watchtower's Third No-Collegiate Dogmationary
Have they published that yet?!
typically ridiculous.
by RichieRich inlast saturday, me and a friend from the hall decided to go to nc state fair together.
i have been told that the state fair is not a big deal in other areas of the country, but here in these parts, it means alot to us, expecially since we live in/near the capital city.
about the friend: he's a year younger than me, and we go to the same school.
Nice (Sorry English joke, but it is a compliment)
shallow men
by Ellie in.
please tell me that not all men are only interested in the size of a girls chest.. come on you men, restore my faith in males.
No we're not all shallow, I'd much rather have a partner who is an intellectual equal (not that I'm making any great claims to being an intellectual of course) and I really couldn't care less how big her bristols are. Being a nice person is also much more important than a cleavage. Perhaps some women are attracted to the wrong sort of guys.