Perhaps being shown up as a hypocrite, a liar, a plagiarist, a coward and intellectually dishonest was good for focus?
Posts by Caedes
Richard Dawkins defends mild pedophilia, says it does not cause lasting harm
by chrisuk in
The Complete Scammer's Guide - by "Pastor" Russell (New Light!)
by Focus inmost of us are reasonably familiar with reports of scandalous goings-on of that old jellyfish lecher, the founder of the watchtower cult, the one and only charles taze russell.. but, are these stories true?.
this thread is going to be devoted to his allegedly scurrilous activities.
so, bookmark it, please, bro' focus is in possession of noo light, and we're going to explore russell like you've never seen him explored before.. we're approaching his 100th death anniversary, and for all i know this virtual exhumation may lead to a real one.
accused by YET another of some form of intellectual dishonesty
I see focus is winning friends on this thread too.
Shame, he couldn't answer any of my questions on the other thread either.
by poppers ini'm wondering what sort of biking shoes and pedals you are using.
i'm a road biker, so i enjoy speed and distance riding, and am upgrading my shoes and pedals.
anyone have experience with specialized road shoes with the boa stem?
I haven't tried the 105 pedals, I'm using shimano XT mtb pedals on my road bike. I was going to get proper road pedals but my local shop suggested using MTB ones instead. They are fantastic and you can walk in the shoes, well better than you can in proper road shoes with a road cleat. I have some specialized kit and it is good stuff, not tried those particular shoes though.
A precious gift to all from Jehovah (channelled via Focus)
by Focus insome souls here may feel i was a little harsh.
if so, i am deeply sorry.
i was abused by a handful right from the start, presumably on the basis of the avatar picture (and 2001 vintage).. when visiting dubland, i often find that others start fights with me - for whatever reason, and i provide quite a supply of them - and when it doesn't quite go the way they expected, they cry persecution.
Still fighting that strawman I see, still can't answer any questions either.
So you thought that if insulting my mother didn't get a rise out of me you would try the same tactic with my wife. As to the pickup comment, yeah, people meet online,welcome to the twenty-first century.
So a new wild assertion, care to back it up with some facts, evidence? No, didn't think so. (And you claimed I was a liar!)
Is that a vague threat at the end there? Keep it classy Focus.
Any members here from Cornwall, UK?
by quellycatface incompletely understand if you don't want to reveal yourself.
pm if you want to.. i was in a congregation in cornwall for 4 1/2 years, you see.. .
Hi Phizzy,
Yeah, still lurking. I pop up now and then to annoy people! LOL
I do live in Cornwall still but never went to any Cornish meetings, my parents kingdom hall was in a different county.
A precious gift to all from Jehovah (channelled via Focus)
by Focus insome souls here may feel i was a little harsh.
if so, i am deeply sorry.
i was abused by a handful right from the start, presumably on the basis of the avatar picture (and 2001 vintage).. when visiting dubland, i often find that others start fights with me - for whatever reason, and i provide quite a supply of them - and when it doesn't quite go the way they expected, they cry persecution.
To other entertainment: Re the flowchart (the honey to bring in some flies) - A good suggestion to add Epicurus to the (c), though much of the chart is not explicitly covered in his deliberations - I shall.
No, I said replace not add. That Epicurus is more succinct and general does nothing to take away from the fact you plagiarised his work applied it to one specific god and claimed his work as your own.
A precious gift to all from Jehovah (channelled via Focus)
by Focus insome souls here may feel i was a little harsh.
if so, i am deeply sorry.
i was abused by a handful right from the start, presumably on the basis of the avatar picture (and 2001 vintage).. when visiting dubland, i often find that others start fights with me - for whatever reason, and i provide quite a supply of them - and when it doesn't quite go the way they expected, they cry persecution.
I think that flow chart should say copyright Epicurus 300BC.
Question for Atheists.. Did you gain a Greater Sense of Morality and Happiness?
by objectivetruth ini've heard some view points that state, atheists are generally more moral & caring for fellow humans, than are theists.. i'd like to hear some personal stories of life changes and quality of life after you became atheist.
i have a simple theory that may explain this.. i'll explain my theory if you'd like, after a few responses, as i really am interested in the personal changes that you experienced.. thank you very much, and i look forward to your stories..
Objective truth,
I've heard some view points that state, Atheists are Generally more Moral & Caring for fellow humans, than are Theists.
Thread title: Question for Atheists.. Did you gain a Greater Sense of Morality and Happiness?
I dont think the Question is which group is "better". The question is What Positive & Negative Effects does organized religion have on individuals
Well going by your OP and assuming that being more moral and more caring and being happier is generally regarded as being "better" how else would you describe your question? In fact you have reiterated the statement in your OP in subsequent posts on this very thread.
You didn't ask your second question in your OP or indeed in any of your subsequent posts to this thread. In fact your OP specifically asked about atheists not theists.
I can answer to some degree your second question but it seems somewhat strange to complain to someone answering your thread that they answered the OP rather than a question that only exists in your head is baffling and bizarre behaviour.
Question for Atheists.. Did you gain a Greater Sense of Morality and Happiness?
by objectivetruth ini've heard some view points that state, atheists are generally more moral & caring for fellow humans, than are theists.. i'd like to hear some personal stories of life changes and quality of life after you became atheist.
i have a simple theory that may explain this.. i'll explain my theory if you'd like, after a few responses, as i really am interested in the personal changes that you experienced.. thank you very much, and i look forward to your stories..
I think it is patronizing and absurd to suggest one group is 'better' than the other. There are moral and happy atheists and there are immoral and unhappy ones too, theists would be the same. I would be very surprised if atheists were more moral and caring as a group, I would expect the results to be very similar.
I don't believe in it, the evidence supports the theory.