Richard Dawkins defends mild pedophilia, says it does not cause lasting harm
by chrisuk 320 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I think Dawkins is an incredible genius, but he really screwed up on this one.
As a person who has experienced both physical, and sexual abuse as a young person and now 60+,My opinion is that society as it is comming to grips with this problem of pedophillia(a rather recently developed word) that their is a tendency to swing too much(because of black&white thinking gut reactions) in the opposite direction initially and then become more pragmatic middle road and really looking at the problem and offer better solutions more in line with clear thinking.
So yes I think we are too harsh in our remedies and over state thing in an effort to be in harmony with what we percieve to be the vocal majority.
I think societies over reaction to some of these issues have tendancy to make the child feel more victimized and suffer because of this over reation from low self esteem more so than caused by the actual offence of abuse. This is my opinion and which doesn't really agree with Dawkins, I'm glad he give us some thing to think about that may go against our gut reaction to these issues
Richard Dawkins has his opinion which he is entitle to. He is brave to speak publically about this as it could hurt his reputation in the rather small mind of some that are quick to take offense. I'm sure he has well thought out his response to the subject and just take as the opinion of a rather smart insightful man and leave it at that.
Theists will have a field day with this one. Public enemy number one just put his foot in his mouth.
Witness My Fury
I think the point he was making about judging one era by the standards of another is very valid.
Richard Dawkins defends “mild pedophilia,” says it does not cause “lasting harm”
I could see the Governing Body quoting this in the Watchtower, then claiming they been saying this for years.
Frankiespeaking - I think any talking down of such a vile crime is a terrible thing to do. As for victims feeling worse about about societies over reaction than the actual abuse it self. I'd beg to differ. I'm not anti Dawkins, but common, he should have really kept his opinion on this subject to himself.
Lol AlphaMan.
I think any talking down of such a vile crime is a terrible thing to do.
Classic example of black and white thinking or should we say to stop thinking. Why not allow room in your processing information for the subtle shades of gray, that way you got more to work with.
Black and white thinking? That's fine with me. Child abuse is dispicable, it's wrong! And it's about as black and white as you get. What exactly should we work with? Lowering prison sentnces for child abusers? Showing them more sympathy? Try not to talk about it so much? Give me any label you see fit, but I will always see child abuse as "black and white" Right and wrong. What are these subtle shades of gray? Are you saying you agree with Dawking? That a teacher sitting a child on his knee and putting his hand down his shorts is one of these subtle shades of gray?