When I was a little little girl, I wanted to be a grandma, because to me my grandma was the greatest person in the world. I adored her.
After being "programmed" I decided I wanted to be a missionary and go where the need was great.
After I saw my father rebel and go to college for undergrad and graduate school, I first decided I wanted to be a nurse. Actually that's what everyone told me, although they said this would not be needed in the "new system" since there would be no sickness. Uh, yeah right.
Started college and realized I actually liked learning about human behavior and I loved writing. So those are the two things I studied, as well as law. I have enjoyed every minute of it.
But honestly, that's all academic.
What I truly wanted when I grew up was to be happy and to be free, to see the world and create my own path. To me, growing up was about finally being in the driver's seat and I feel blessed on that account.