Does anyone remember Kurtis Blow- The Breaks? 1979 or '80.
Of course!
Or how about Sugar Hill Gang "Rapper Delight"
Or BDP "You must Learn"
Or UTFO "Roxanne, Roxanne"
at the recommendation of our own minimus , and others i thought i would start this thread on " one hit wonders ".
singers, groups that come and go , hardly ever or never to be heard from again !
so, a few come to my mind here are mine .
Does anyone remember Kurtis Blow- The Breaks? 1979 or '80.
Of course!
Or how about Sugar Hill Gang "Rapper Delight"
Or BDP "You must Learn"
Or UTFO "Roxanne, Roxanne"
the wts has sent a letter to all convention overseers expressing their increasing concern at sisters "directing brothers" at district conventions.. with immediate effect (ie for dc 2008), sisters are no longer to be used as volunteers in parking and security / watchman departments.
any sisters volunteering in other departments (eg toilet cleaning) must be subordinate & follow the direction of appointed brothers.
this move will put a huge burden on the dcs in my area - nearly half the volunteers for parking are sisters and there aren't enough volunteers as it is.
I have a real hard time believing that I was a witness for 25ish years and never beat the holy living f#ck out of some of these people. I remember just laughing it off and rolling my eyes (or making smart ass comments) but now it doesnt seem stupidly funny to me like it did then. When I read something like this it literally makes me want to just go to the local hall with a baseball bat and wade right in. It's like reading about the latest Muslim bull$hit to me...
This post made me laugh out loud. Thank you!
new york times.
hotel where dodgers celebrated a title is up for sale .
Well, Well! Now we know why they had to "lay-off" several thousand of the Bethel workers and send them home to be "special pioneers," don't we? It all makes sense now. Throw the worker bees out on their asses so they could sell off the hotel for MILLION$ of dollars. Since Patterson and Walkill are basically done, I see them moving all operations out of Brooklyn completely, out of the public eye all together, and eventually becoming even more of a seperatist cult. Can you say, "Jonestown?" I can, and in a few years when they move all operations out of the city and into the countryside, that is exactly what it will become, some kind of JW cult Mecca.
I wonder how all of those volunteer workers feel that spent many days/weeks/months restoring that place up for the Society, now to see it being sold off for PROFIT?
- Wing Commander
I have been saying this for a few years. Watch the next ten years, things that people thought JWs would never do are going to come out to the forefront.
at the recommendation of our own minimus , and others i thought i would start this thread on " one hit wonders ".
singers, groups that come and go , hardly ever or never to be heard from again !
so, a few come to my mind here are mine .
Somebody's watching me - Rockwell
Just Got Paid, Friday night - Johnny Kemp (I swear I still sing that song on payday when it's a Friday)
Supersonic - J.J. Fad
I have a lot more, but that's right off the top of my head.
i thought of this topic when i was looking at the new memorial invitation.. jesus is pictured, as usual as a caucasian, and there are good reasons for him to be portrayed as such.. angels or other spirit beings however, are also portrayed as only caucasian in the ivory tower literature .. i don't remember seeing any other races portrayed as angels .i threw away all my litterature.. do you ?.
if i'm not wrong, the watchtower is a racist orginazation.. .
Don't you realize that even if you are another ethnicity, or "race" that when you die, you will become "the only true race" which happens to be "white".
And of course, the physical representation of angels will manifest itself as the white race because every other race is either cursed or a devitation of the white race.
Don't get me started on the covert racism in the JW ideology.
if you partake of the wine and you are not "approved" status..... are you supposed to be cursed?
would you be "reproved"?
would they ignore you or call a jc?.
I would go to the Memorial, partake of the emblems and take out some cheese wiz and put it on the leven bread, just to piss them off.
it's no secret that the "organization" has increased it's cia, national security clerance only super-secret attitude in regards to the elder school that is going to be conducted soon.
a few days ago, i had a conversation with an elder who has been in the fold all of his life practically.
in keeping with the conversation style of jws, the gentleman told me that nobody knows what exactly will be taught at the meetings, but in his backdoor conversations with some brothers who seem to be tuned into the bethel's officially, unofficial, communications network, the elders are going to be taught "post-armageddon" teachings.
This is the kind of teachings and secret training that concerns me about my family that is still involved in this cult. As time passes and their Armageddon fear bell continually gets denied, I am concerned they are going to start mass organzing people to leave everything behind and live on JW sanctioned plots of land and there will be mass suicides and other cult hysteria.
The brainwashing is being stepped up.
just because you won't feel guilt the way you used to?.................................oompa
If bad things meaning harming other people or doing anything that is considered a crime, no.
If bad things by the JW standards like puffing on some weed once a year on my birthday and having oral sex and whatever kind of sex with my SO, sure. If you mean going to Vegas three times a year to relax, sure.
As an adult, I feel I am capable of knowing right from wrong without having some religious zealots define it.
we had a guy who used to bang on about natural remedies.. at the doors and meetings he would tell everyone what was wrong with them and what to take to remedy it he even told the brothers of for sell coke at the assemblies.. however there was know remedy for his mental health apart from that he was a fat little porker who looked like you could grow spuds on his teeth and washing wasnt big on his agenda last i heard he joined scientology.. we had 4 sisters in the congro pregnant one nut case confessed to the elders he was father to all of them.. one sister used to attack the po's wife in the kh then stand up through the meeting and abuse at the speaker after that they would call the sike team it wasnt uncommon for her to go door to door at midnight.. last i heard she became a counsellor..
Some of these are hilarious, I literally spit out water on laptop reading them. Can you imagine a laugh reel of skits from JW locoville, kind of like Benny Hill back in the day or madtv now.
what do you think about the reduced time of the public talks?.
i actually find it pleasant, it makes it a lot easier to tolerate some of the boring speakers.
but what about the service.
How often and how long can you repeat the same thing over and over. I truly believe they do a three year circular topic launch. People are catching on and are getting bored.