My mum is mid 70's and she and her friends do kind of pack rat together a couple of times a week. They have a ladies house that they go to for the broadcast (some to watch for first time, others to rehash and give out spoilers-as my mom described it). They usually go out for lunch once a week and to someones house for sweets another day.Occasional potlucks or game nights(afternoons, really, they are getting up there) My mum is in great shape and many of her friends drive around all the time. She lives in an upscale resort area where there are a lot of healthy and comfortably off retirees (she is less comfortable $, but very healthy). She is among the younger of her group. Those old ladies DO tend to travel in packs, but I don't know that is typical of the age or just that group. She has only lived there a few years, but she does a lot with them when she isn't working (yes, she still works!) I like it better than one of her old congregations where when she was ill, I couldnt get one of them to so much as bring her a magazine or visit. That would not happen in this congregation unless all that crowd dies out without replacements.
I don't find his stories so implausible. He lives in the house of an active, elderly JW lady. There are 2 JW women to every man. And mum has said some crazy things to me as she gets older, so the old ladies flirting with him pretty much seems in keeping with the old lady I know best:)
That being said, there are 7 or 8 of my mum's ratpack.
(my mum's latest crazy talk? She was telling me that while visiting in another country, she was wearing her sandals all the time and as her feet have some very unsightly issues, she was mortified that folks stared at them so much. One day, she "forgot" (which is already nuts for her, ok?) her bra and noticed that no one was looking at her feet anymore. . .so, she stopped wearing a bra for the rest of vacation. Seriously, my JW mum said that and did that. Still shaking my head!)