I never thought to turn to drugs before a recent experience as they held no appeal. My limited experience with prescription drugs left me muddy headed or delusional (literally). I don't like alcohols taste or effects. I recognized those things well into adulthood and far beyond the JW experience ( I didn't leave to experience the forbidden, but just because I recognized that I wanted no part of their arrogant claim to have the truth).
I recently had a experience that, with my broader knowledge of the way that drugs and alcohol messes with the consciousness, I can see it as being appealing when going through a serious struggle of any kind-and losing friends and family because of leaving a religion is definitely a miserable thing. I was as close to suicide as I could be (a JW played into it, but it wasn't really about the JWs) and wished that I was one of the people that enjoyed that kind of alteration of my consciousness. I'm just not one of them, but clearly a LOT of people like the feeling of being buzzed, high or drunk.
I think it is an escape from current reality and I would have welcomed it a few times if I wasn't more miserable using those things than otherwise and I know that my family is rather prone to addiction, so I am extra wary of all of it.