JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Loud Fence [s]
by geevee inhi all, whilst i have been a member of this forum since 2004, i have slowed down in my visits and comments.
i have called in to ask if there has been any discussion on the "loud fence" campaign that is to be seen vividly around our home town of ballarat victoria australia?
there are many catholic institutions around this town that have had ribbons of many colors looped onto their fences in support and acknowledgment of child rape/abuse and also as survivors.
I say make the fences around the KH's "loud" and see how the R&F respond to it. Or how long it lasts. -
Went for my first legal session today.
by umbertoecho inthe arc are indeed a patient lot who don't pressure.
they make sure a person feels safe.
they don't hold back with legal information either.
I hope that you continually connect with those who comfort you best in this process. Take care of yourself. I know this is hard and I have barely done any of the work that I need to do regarding previous abuse and separately, my experience dealing with the WT after the abuse. There are a lot of us who care what is happening to you and hope only good things for you as you go through this. -
A faded JW about to see the Circuit overseer
by pleaseresearch inso my mum who is in and really is finding it hard that i have left and faded.
shes asked me if i want to the the circuit overseer next week.. i have never met him and this is more my mum wanting me to get my problems i have with the organisation out.
but should i share everything i've learnt or what?.
I second Dagney. Thats the most loving response you can give her without giving in. Bless you for caring about her feelings in this. Sometimes we get so angry that we are ready to toss almost anything associated with the org-but not most moms! If she is still talking to you, do your best to reasonably keep that relationship. The older she gets, the harder the reality of the WT failings will hurt her. None of them will help her! I am keeping my relationship with my mom because though I don't "need" anything from her, I love her and worry about her well being. I have been tempted to let her issues hurt me and our relationship irrecocably before, but ultimately, they are our MOM's! -
Animals were created without needing Toilet Paper ... but not Man ... Why???
by RubaDub inmy dog and other pets do their "business" and run away and are happy.. man does not have that luxury.
any thoughts on why animals were created with the "poop and go" capacity while man has to go through more steps?
was this perhaps an additional issue that god added on when adam and eve sinned (such as eve having significant more birth pains)?
Animals don't wipe, but humans don't want to smell like a filthy toilet. Not complicated. We wear clothes and sit on furniture, neither of which they do, unless humans let them(ew, another conversation).
I have seen animals in the wild and they can be kinda raunchy smelling/looking. Even on a not so well kept farm animal you will see filth. Some animals lick themselves and then lick you. EW.
The difference is that we care. Not that our bodies need more wiping.
umbertoecho re the ARC
by umbertoecho inhello to everyone.. i hope you are all well and sorting things out between yourselves.
i have temporary internet access which is probably a good thing for now.
i have been contacted by the arc in a respectful and loving manner today.
The organizations, religious a.d secular are indeed facing the consequences of their action and inaction. Which is as it shoud be. There is no overreaction, rather, it is the proper reaction, compounded with the interest of time and the damage that built up in the souls of the victims and the escalation of crimes which could have been prevented. This is the only justice many victims will get. -
Leaving the JWs
by Hurting ini am 32 years and have recently left the organisation.
i got baptised in last feb. please excuse any typing errors i have dyslexia.
it has been so hard this year i have gone through so many ups and downs.
Welcome. Many here have experienced abusive family in the Borg. I'm sorry for every one and it makes mine seem mild. Comparing g levels of abuse just shows what a sick culture we have left/,are leaving.
My best to you. I hope you find peace with knowledge and maturity.
by Leela1 inhello all i am fairly new to this site even though i have been da since i was 16 years old i am now 35 years old.
i have had very little contact with my family since i left maybe a handful of times over the years.
i thought i put the past behind me and moved on i have 4 amazing kids of my own really supportive partner and great friends who have become my family.
He grew old and is dying in this system of things. He is a hateful, miserable humanoid. You are a loving mom, and partner, and in spite of them, a loving daughter and sister. You WIN.
He can't hurt you or help you anymore. You are nicer than I would be to the miserable old coot. Go there, say goodbye and once again be the bigger person. Tell you mom that you are here for her and give her contact info surreptitiously-you never know what she will do with her freedom.
You are a rock star.
CRA screwup for WT Canada?
by berrygerry inokay, they've posted their 2015 return - i am very confused.. http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/ebci/haip/srch/t3010form23-eng.action?b=119288918rr0001&fpe=2015-08-31&n=watch+tower+bible+and+tract+society+of+canada+%2f+la+tour+de+garde+soci%c3%a9t%c3%a9+de+bibles+et+de+tracts+du+canada&r=http%3a%2f%2fwww.cra-arc.gc.ca%3a80%2febci%2fhaip%2fsrch%2fbasicsearchresult-eng.action%3fk%3dwatch%2btower%26amp%3bs%3dregistered%26amp%3bp%3d1%26amp%3bb%3dtrue.
Are there details anywhere for federal auditors? It looks fraudulent. -
To Scully--A Tribute!
by Atlantis inif you are a new person to the board you might want to send scully a pm thanking her for her hard work and dedication.
the boe project owes her for helping it to get started.. example:.
several years ago there was a website called (dirtclod.com) who had the courage to display the boes right out in front of everybody.
Thanks Scully. I appreciate what you are doing. -
am i overreacting?
by freeandcontent inhi, new here but have been lurking for a while.
some background first, i am from the uk, 3rd gen born in, dad, grandad elders etc.
17 years ago i left, no df or da just left, 18 years old and alone but i did it and have had no regrets.
Ensure that you have guardians lined up and a will in place in case you pass before your parents/siblings or beautiful baby daughter will be raised JW.
Nothing wrong with setting boundaries, gently now but less so if they are abusing your gentle kindness. If you lose her over this, then you'd lose her in any case. Best wishes.