I think the jig is up. The increase is barely keeping up with population growth. Many churches would be happy with that. . .BUT they are clearly aging out and as the older generations pass away, their kids will give up all pretensions of following the wtbts leaders. I think attrition is going to sock it to them, and soon. The wtbts may or may not have money(or maybe they took out loans against all the rich property after donations dropped off long ago and the money jig is really up too) but I think they have full awareness that they are not getting more converts that aren't dragged in by family. The people numbers are dropping and the people they got are mostly broke, save for elderly. That cash cow will soon be gone. Then what? I know a JW being appt as an elder in a hall with just a few years in org. No other qualified men. Only competition is a teenager. He knows nothing, parrots his wife and is clearly involved just for her.probably too sweet to be an elder.it will break his heart.
Attrition will get 'em.