I dont think the Redondo, WA congregation got that memo from the Czechoslovakian office.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
1975 statements
by A Believer infrom jw org.
“six thousand years of human existence”.
in 1969 the watchtower magazine in czech began publishing a series of articles based on the book life everlasting—in freedom of the sons of god.
Selling Sacramento, CA Convention Deal to Skeptical Public
by dannyboy ini live near sacramento, ca and earlier this week the local convention authority held a big deal press conference announcing a "deal" with jehovah's witnesses (see clip below).
based on comments to local news media on their websites, more than a few people are not too crazy about the idea..... i heard an interview on a local station where the head guy [of the convention authority] was defending (sounded very defensive) the city's deal with the dubs, by saying "well, they'll bring hotel dollars, food dollars, and they'll be visiting all of our local museums, evening life, and entertainment attractions.....so the monetary impact will be huge for us...".
specifically discouraged from doing any of those "extra" things..... hope those attractions aren't hiring more employees to handle the witness "crowds"........ also, during the interview, he said that the convention authority would be able to select the dates for the various conventions.
Seriously? man. last night we had the oompapa/Mexican music neighbor having a very rowdy party. till 3am! Some Christmas music of various cultures and a dj who apparently was given one 5 minute bathroom break. 7pm to 3 am. who does that? They yelled and screamed all night. NOW the kids party is going on. doesn't feel Christmassy, I'm hoping they spent their yearly entertainment budget on the last 24 hours.
Selling Sacramento, CA Convention Deal to Skeptical Public
by dannyboy ini live near sacramento, ca and earlier this week the local convention authority held a big deal press conference announcing a "deal" with jehovah's witnesses (see clip below).
based on comments to local news media on their websites, more than a few people are not too crazy about the idea..... i heard an interview on a local station where the head guy [of the convention authority] was defending (sounded very defensive) the city's deal with the dubs, by saying "well, they'll bring hotel dollars, food dollars, and they'll be visiting all of our local museums, evening life, and entertainment attractions.....so the monetary impact will be huge for us...".
specifically discouraged from doing any of those "extra" things..... hope those attractions aren't hiring more employees to handle the witness "crowds"........ also, during the interview, he said that the convention authority would be able to select the dates for the various conventions.
Other than us, who among the public are skeptical? Our neighbors are having the rowdiest Christmas fiesta ever. With a dj. My focus is impaired. Hohoho
The Dangers of Reading books
by Giordano inthe great bugaboo ( something that causes fear or distress out of proportion to its importance) of the jw’s is that you are wasting your time reading books..... and beware of what your reading.
after all you have the wt publications to read and study.
in a world of absolutes most of the jw teachings from it’s onset has been trashed by the wt society itself as old truth........ unfit for modern ‘new light’.
I left around the time Ray Franz did, so he didn't influence me in that way.
Believer? We're you even alive in 1975? My husband lived in a third world village and the ONLY thing they knew about JWs were that they were a laughingstock in the world. He likes JWs modesty and has a former employee that he likes and respects that is JW. Her congregation tried to get him when he was vulnerable after his divorce. (Single, business owner, foreign, well off, alone). Still relieved that he recognized what they were doing.
How the Watchtower Could Grow In Numbers
by Sour Grapes inif i were running the watchtower there are things that i would do to increase the numbers and increase donations.
since so many older witnesses are realizing that the false hope they had of not growing old and not having to die is fading away like a frost on a sunny autumn morning, the watchtower needs to shift gears.. as it has been stated on this forum, the emphasis needs to shift from not dying to the glorious hope of the resurrection, the gateway to paradise.
they need to deemphasize armageddon and emphasize "the way of life" that witnesses have.
- The WT Corp is in complete control. They could take action to deliberately alienate 99.999% of JWs and make it easy for them to leave without rancor, then restructure so that their ministry is located in Hawaii and requires a large compound and little contact with outsiders, then they could take all the leftover faithful-who are without any free will and or conscience to set up their own little paradise earth. No more JWs, no more fake ministry. Who needs to wait on Jehovah? They can afford to buy paradise.
2017 Yearbook - Still Waiting
by berrygerry inhttps://www.dropbox.com/s/t06777k65p11e53/20160521e.pdf?dl=0.
may 21, 2016. we are pleased to inform you that electronic versions of the annual items for 2017 will be made available for download on jw.org beginning in october of this year.
this includes examining the scriptures daily—2017 and the 2017 yearbook of jehovah’s witnesses.
I've seen NEW halls and assembly halls with only a roof (one tiny walled area in back where offices and maybe toilets were located) over the bench seats. . .I'm thinking they were built much more economically than the new branch and HQ buildings. So I'm real interested in learning how all the money is being used.
The Dangers of Reading books
by Giordano inthe great bugaboo ( something that causes fear or distress out of proportion to its importance) of the jw’s is that you are wasting your time reading books..... and beware of what your reading.
after all you have the wt publications to read and study.
in a world of absolutes most of the jw teachings from it’s onset has been trashed by the wt society itself as old truth........ unfit for modern ‘new light’.
Not to be obvious, but reading the WT literature ,from the early 1900's influenced me a lot. I always ask "Why". There is a LOT to ask about in WT history. I also read 1984. That really got me wondering why my questions were being shut down rather than answered.
Reading this forum has made me recognize a few other triggers. One was very recent. Someone was joking about how they thought it was fun how we never quite knew what we'd believe after the next meeting, assembly, or book. Really, that's the crazy truth. I think stayed in for 2years for the drama of seeing what the next dropped shoe would smell like. I lived through 1975 as a young impressionable girl of 9. I left in 81 or 82.
Have you ever known a holocaust denier? How did you feel about them?
by Esse quam videri ini sometimes did work for a lovely old couple who at times needed repairs done around their home.
my wife and myself spent time with them, having tea and crackers from time to time.
one day the husband and myself got into a conversation and he clearly showed himself to be a holocaust denier.
Ex jw who left wt after researching stuff for them got on an Anne Fran denier kick. Ditlieb Federer. -
Does anyone have any fashion sense? Getting Married. Help?
by RavenPearl ini am a man and i have roughly 10 months to prepare for my wedding (including raising the funds etc... my fiance is caught up in her affairs associated with the wedding.
now i do have a pretty good sense of fashion when it comes to 'dress to impress' when required.
however, i'm not familiar with specific clothing lines.
Make a case for everyone going personal/comfy after ceremony and pics.She might actually enjoy complementing your look.. Some surprises are more welcome than others.
The con is completed - comments from the US branch's LDC chief
by sir82 inrecently attended a special assembly day.. guest speaker was thomas chicky, a member of the us branch committee and the head of the us ldc (which has replaced the rbcs).. the last talk of the day is scheduled for an hour.
it was the usual boring mumbo-jumbo.
he appeared to have blasted through his hour-long outline in just about 45 minutes, so he "treated" us to informal comments on recent developments.. he commented on the new wt complex in fishkill ny.. then he dropped the bomb (well, to anyone with ears and at least 2 functioning synapses).. the following is not a word for quote, but presents the gist of his comments:.
And this is different from PTL?