I found out after I met a (former friend) that the scuttlebut was that I left the org for immorality and gave birth to a daughter. Which was a surprise to me as when I met the old friend, I was pregnant with my second child and my 3 year old son was there with me, but she asked where my older daughter was! The one who would be 8 or nine (I left at 15 and was 24 at the time of conversation).
When I was a senior in HS, I babysat a lot on game nights and was permitted to bring my little friend along with me to football and basketball games. I only attended about 3 or 4 with her, but one of them was the homecoming game and she rode with me on the parade float or whatever. And thus the rumor mill started.
This JW knew my mom well, she did not go to my school. She also went to meetings with me regularly during the time this baby was gestating and being born and growing into toddlerhood. She KNEW ME!!! I was not hiding a secret baby in my closet until I left the borg.
On another note, my mom has a very interesting version of our recent falling out that she is apparently advertising to the world. Her world is very small, but filled with folks I do care about. I won't play defence anymore. I won't play offence. I just won't play.