Not flustered. Today the doorbell rang at about 11 and since our lawn guy came over yesterday (stellar service! Call HappyFeet Lawn service in Houston-they rock) my husband was looking at me and asked who could it be? I said JEHOVAH"S WITNESSES, they probably came to invite us to the memorial- to which my never a JW husband said-oh yeah, its about Easter time, isn't it?.
But, alas, it was just the postman. After two false starts, I was so ready for them. . . .but they got scared off, I guess. :(
Tom Harley, It's true, btw, that the literature cart is a money making scam. Its not the rank and file JW who is making the money, but the WTS sucks it out of the rank and file while they haplessly try to promote it to the masses. The WTS isn' reallyt trying to recruit, they are just keeping all the nice little JWs out there because they need to feel like they are doing something that matters-since that something is the only reason for the WTS's existence. They take it away (and the carrot and stick of "active service") and they wouldn't get ANY contributions and would die totally and quickly, rather than the slow death they are dying right now..