JARED, Elizabeth, Michael, Bartholomew
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Which biblical names do you find cool?
by JH inwhich biblical names do you like, and maybe you'd name your child that way?.
i like this one: bathsheba.
oh, here are a few to choose from .
Would the world be a better place if everyone was JW?
by Gill inthe back of 'the end of false religion is near!
' leaflet makes an interesting claim that in the book 'holocaust politics' published in 2001, says : 'if more people practiced versions of what the jehovah's witnesses preach and practice, the holocaust could have been prevented and genocide would scourge the world no more.'.
do you believe that is true?
If all the world was ANYTHING it would be a problem unless we are made perfect in our thing. How many JWs really do everything PERFECTLY as the WT decrees? How many Catholics? How many Baptists? How many LDS? I would bet that less than 1/2 the people calling themselves by any designation follow it well enough to be fully acceptable.
I would not want to be in a world where everybody thought ONE thing (officially) but (truly)believed however they did. . .in some cases at risk of life, limb, family. Probably, if any RELIGION got the power, it WOULD be risking all of those things.
Shelly of the not liking religion much class.
Stepping out of the shadows ... The Wanderer
by The wanderer inuntitled document <!-- .style1 {font-family: verdana} --> stepping out of the shadows this thread represents my one-hundredth post since .
registering with this discussion board since august 06.. if anyone ever asked me whether or not i was one.
of jehovah's witnesses, chances are that is some-.
Hi, glad to see you here and always enjoy your posts. True friends are rare and precious and it is hard to lose those that we think are true friends. In any way, from any source or for any reason.
When you love you are doing what God wants you to do, and whether othes show it back or not is their issue. Always be glad you can truly love. It is a blessing that all of us here know is not to be taken for granted.
OK, there's this guy.......
by purplesofa inalright, i have been divorce almost 20 years.
my kids are at an age where they are not so needy.
i have two grandkids.
Hi Purps,
I am happy for you to be taking this new step in your life. Being ready to date a real man who isn't married, out of state or otherwise unavailable (hope you dont write inmates!) Those were because you weren't ready for a real relationship. Sounds like you are now. Whether this is the guy or not (who knows! its still in the hearts and flowers stage and delicious, huh?) You know that you are ready for the 'guy'. The real one that you can love for true and ever. Now you get the fun of figuring out who he is. Enjoy your friendship! Wherever it leads.
Dream ticket for next presidential election
by JWdaughter inmine would be lieberman/edwards or edwards/lieberman.
i have never voted dem.
before(for a major office), but for them, i would.
I like nice old Jewish guys, what can I say? And younger Christian guys with nice families. I really think both those men have integrity. I am not saying they would be the absolute best, I just like them. I really liked Edwards last time, and if he hadn't been with the JERK, er, the other guy, I would have voted his ticket then. I actually liked Tipper Gore, but not enough to vote for her husband.
In Ireland, JW's may sue over blood transfusion
by Kenneson inin an unprecedented case, an irish judge overruled an adult woman jehovah's witness objection to blood transfusions.
in the past, only children had been forced to have transfusions where deemed necessary.
when the story first broke out, there were several ambiguities and questions unanswered.
The thing is, there were so many lies told by the woman that I can not blame the hospital for going along with the court order. Jehovah's Witnesses are NOT exactly family oriented, particularly not child oriented and no one in that cong. was likely to care for that child. If the mother was French speaking from the Congo, I doubt that many JWs would have felt close enough to her(as she didn't yet even speak english) to feel like they had a tie to the child. This sweet new baby would be orphaned, of a different race than the majority of the country and without a natural caretaker if the mum died. The court does need to have the best interest of the child in mind, and a mother who is so willing to die after giving birth to a gift from God just makes me sad. I am not sure that she IS in the best interest of that baby. What a hell of a choice to make? The same organization would disfellowship mom if she killed her baby, but are probably guilting her out right now because she is alive (and it wasn't even her choice)! That makes me mad.
I hope they look into the immigration issues going on with that case. Though I doubt trying to mitigate it for the couple would be encouraged by the org. so long as they got to challenge the whole thing in court. Arrrrgggghhh!
another dismissal from bethel ... letter
by What-A-Coincidence inwe were informed that we are being reassigned to the special pioneer service.
this is truly another blessing and underserved kindness from jehovah.
all of the prayers and comments from the table have helped tremendously.
Did the org give them a form letter to send out? Cause that sounds VERY organizational-like, Watchtower-ey, theocratese.
Say You're a Bethelite & Monitoring JWD - How Would You Feel About THESE??
by Seeker4 ini'm talking about the new posters, like kitten whiskers, who started posting today (hope this works: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/120817/1.ashx).
and it seems like we're getting a few like this nearly every day.
people who were raised jws, really worry that they are doing the right thing in leaving, yet who have been made to feel not good enough by the wts, who felt they never measured up, who struggled with it, but came to realize that what they'd been brought up to believe was just not the truth.. the same stories are told over and over again, and they come from sincere, good people - not whiny, fault-finding apostates like the rest of us riffraff around here!
Dozy(responses follow the asterisks), you wrote:
If a large, successful, and intensive preaching campaign is what proves God's spirit is with a religion, the Evangelicals have it nailed down tightly. They are everywhere JWs are, and well beyond. *** Are they? Other than their bizarre TV evangelising efforts filled with demands for money and wild emotional sing-songs and appeals which immediately put off any right minded person , I've never , ever , ever had any contact whatsoever by them (other than when I call on them in the ministry). And I live in an area popular with evangelicals who regularly establish new churches when they fall out with each other. There is a man who shouts at hapless passerbys in the street occasionally , before the police move him on. Does that count as "an intensive preaching campaign?"
Shelly says: I have been witnessed to extensively in a casual way by many Christians when I was a JW. Many took personal evangelism to heart and while it was not a 'campaign' I have since found that christian churches DO encourage personal witnessing, and saw a lot of church growth from it.
Dozy says: Even the Mormons outdo JWs. By a lot. "But," JWs respond, "they teach things that aren't true, though!" **** In fairness , the Mormons have some fairly bizarre beliefs and would admit that they have relegated the bible to second place behind the book of Mormon (which is demonstrably false) - it contains large swathes of the book of Isaiah from the KJV including translation errors despite supposedly being written hundreds of years previously. The preaching is limited to young evangelists on a 2 year tour of duty - the average r & f Mormon doesn't preach or even have much knowledge of their beliefs.
Shelly says: I think that many JW beliefs are demonstrably false and quite bizarre. That their missionaries are generally young men isn't any less a preaching work. They feel they are called to teach and they do. My personal knowledge of LDS people is that they teach and believe that 'every member is a missionary' and many regularly share their faith. I have been witnessed to by LDS people who are not missionaries, and my first experience with LDS people was a bunch of JR/SR high school students who were not ashamed to say what they believed and who witnessed to others.
Dosy said: If a successful worldwide preaching work IS THE MARK, then JWs are beat out by several other religions. *** Such as?
Shelly says: Billy Graham, after 50+ years of preaching and being retired reaches more people during one televised crusade than I bet the WT does in a year with everyone turning in FS slips. The LDS church is growing, the evangelicals, for all that it is said they don't have ORGANIZED preaching, are growing by leaps and bounds. WWashington is the most unchurched place in the nation and we can't go two blocks without running into a church, big, medium, small and convention sized.
Dosy says: If "love among yourselves" is the mark, JWs finish poorly among the religions I have seen. *** What other religious order refuses to go to war and kill fellow members in other countries?
Shelly says: Several pacifist religions are out there! Quakers, Mennonites, and if not organizationally, there are many individual people who are conscientious objectors for faith reasons.
Dosy says: ****If reliance on the teachings of men who proclaimed themselves to be chosen by God is the mark, JWs have no peers and must be the true religion. The above is why some (including my friend previously mentioned) feel that despite all their faults , there is some merit in JWism , and why they point to the preaching work as some support for their religion. I make no claim to be an apologist - I have tremendous doubts myself. However , I do not share Auldsoul's view that Jehovah's witnesses (or more specifically their leadership) are corrupt or evil - I take the view that they are simply sincere , honest men who try hard to discern principles and prophecies from scripture but who are misguided when they claim that they inhabit the sole channel of direction and holy spiri and who have "gone beyond what is written" in imposing further laws on their flock.
Shelly says: That is quite a pass to give a group of men. Being misguided???? You can't claim the HS is driving it when it is organizational INTERESTS that push and pull their doctrine along. If I were to fast and pray and study for a year and presume to tell you to do something I thought was best, based on MY claim that God is speaking to me, would you accept wat I tell you to do because you think I am sincere? If you know I am sincerely wrong-why play around at respecting my nutso beliefs? Do that enough and you WILL be drinking koolaid(not you, people who let them get away with their sincerely wrong business for decades) Where does it end? How can one justify the pain and hurt they cause? How can one justify the lives lost, families destroyed, futures ruined? Once they go 'beyond' and impose further unscriptural rules on their flock they are beyond what is acceptable. I don't think any church or religion has it all right. I don't care about dogma or doctrine or any of that. I believe in God. And I know God doesn't want us harming one another, destroying lives on whims and making issues out of non-issues (blood transfusions, ex). Love God, love one another, take care of widows and orphans. If one can't do that, than one should get out of the religion business.
Dream ticket for next presidential election
by JWdaughter inmine would be lieberman/edwards or edwards/lieberman.
i have never voted dem.
before(for a major office), but for them, i would.
Mine would be Lieberman/Edwards or Edwards/Lieberman. I have never voted Dem. before(for a major office), but for them, I would.
In Ireland, JW's may sue over blood transfusion
by Kenneson inin an unprecedented case, an irish judge overruled an adult woman jehovah's witness objection to blood transfusions.
in the past, only children had been forced to have transfusions where deemed necessary.
when the story first broke out, there were several ambiguities and questions unanswered.
I like how the WT is interested in causing problems, looking forward to 'cases' that they can litigate to bring attention to themselves. That is sick. The whole organization is like a leperous hand, dripping with slime, rotting and festering and hopeless.