Carmen's Paradise provided this video. Not as graphic as the WT, and yet, just as ugly.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
JW version of Armageddon (animated-think Beavis and Butthead)
by JWdaughter incarmen's paradise provided this video.
not as graphic as the wt, and yet, just as ugly.
Some incredible new publisher statistics and Graphs
by jwfacts ini have been doing some analysis on the declining growth rates of the watchtower society and they are very encouraging for all ex jws.
i will try to link to some of them below, but for the firefox users or anyone wanting to see the source table they can all be seen at
number baptised compared to increases in publishers and number that have stopped publishing.
I spoke out loud in an empty room when I read this. WHOA. Ok, not very erudite, but it made a lot more sense to my brain than graphs (different learning style)
JT said: "From jwfacts website:
A reason given for why the Last Days have continued for so long is that Jehovah “desires all to attain to repentance.” If, as the Watchtower Society says, only active Jehovah’s Witnesses will be saved then this scripture does not make sense. Everyday on average over 200,000 people are born, but the number of active Jehovah’s Witnesses increases by only 224 (2005 daily increase in average publishers). That would mean that each day Armageddon is delayed there is an extra 200,000 people that Jehovah will be required to destroy.
This is almost precisely my comment at bookstudy two weeks ago. I did use cruder language. I said that IF we choose to embrace this belief, then everyday Jehovah delays Armageddon the only thing accomplished is that the "body count" goes up.
...stunned faces...."
Shelly. . .who wonders what my mom would say to THAT comment!!
Where did everyone go for summer vacation?
by Virgochik inwe are back from our trip to europe.
we had a wonderful time in denmark and scotland.
i have lots of pics i could e-mail, if anyone wants to see some.
I had a wonderful time in Boise Idaho over the 4th of July. Had a huge windstorm. Saw a bald eagle(those things are huge-Ive seen them before, but not close up)Spent time with my niece and nephew. Ok, not exciting, but a pleasant week.
OTOH, During spring break, I left my kids at home and spent 12 days on a cruise in Hawaii that chugged across the Pacific to Ensenada, Mexico. I saw an active Volcano, A statue that had been lost at sea of Kamehameha(I loved that story)a lame luau, lots of tourist shops, a great comedian, and BEST of all, about halfway between Hawaii and Ensenada we went through a HUGE school of dolphins(didn't seem to phase them a bit). There were hundreds-maybe thousands of them-It took about 15 minutes till we didn't see them anymore and they were just leaping about in their classically dolphin way(SO beautiful). It was awesome. I love cruising.
Can Non-JW Spouses Receive JW Funeral/Memorial Service?
by SusanHere inmy jw sister's husband is dying of cancer.
he's never been a jw, though he has pretended interest for years, mostly just to keep her happy and hopeful.
i don't believe he ever intended more than that.
My young cousin was raised as a JW, but never baptised. After his death(suicide) he had a memorial service in a local community center, and it was given by a JW. There were a lot of JWs and ex JWs as it was extremely well attended by his family (I wish he would have known how much we loved him and missed him!) I recognized most everyone there, so I figure there wasn't a lot of his dad's cong. but I couldn't be sure-it was 15 years ago. It felt like a family reunion w/o a bunch of strangers, so I imagine that's what it was. At the time I kind of resented (for his JW family)that they wouldn't give him a service in the hall(his dad was a lifelong JW), but in retrospect, it was much nicer where it was, and the family words were actually by those who loved him-not just standard JW talk. (I have been to a few who only had the canned JW talk-ewww) And there was food. Was it just my cong. or do a lot of JWs skip the socializing, memorializing, sharing part of the grieving?
Dane Cook
by lonelysheep inhas anyone gone to see him yet?
i am buying tickets for his show in new york city next month and can't wait.
last saturday, madtv did a dane!
I have seen his name associated with somebody, have no idea who he is or or what he does.
Shelly-of the 'grew up in the '70's and '80's class
Nathan KNORR announced the big A was coming in 1975 to best friends....
by restrangled ini have posted this under various topics but it just keeps getting skipped over.
i don't care how many times the wtbs denies the 1975 predictions, if a member of the gb told his good friends, and they in turn told their friends doesn't that amount to over riding anything written prior to and after 1975?.
the po in our hall was in his 50's and a very good friend of knorr's.
Scotsman said: Apostates dragging up the past again.
Blah Blah Blah.
WT SAYS: *** w98 3/1 3-4 The Churches Confess *** Between 1980 and 1996, John Paul II ‘recognized the Church’s historic faults or asked forgiveness’ at least 94 times, says Vatican commentator Luigi Accattoli in his book Quando il papa chiede perdono (When the Pope Asks Forgiveness). According to Accattoli, “in the Catholic Church, only the pope can rightly make a mea culpa.” And this he has done, referring to the most controversial pages of Catholic history—the Crusades, wars, support of dictatorships, division in the churches, anti-Semitism, the Inquisitions, the Mafia, and racism
*** w98 3/1 6 Why Are They Asking Forgiveness? *** However, more than ecumenism is involved. Today, the far from exemplary history of Christendom is widely known. “The Catholic can’t just shrug off all this history,” says theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar. “The very Church he belongs to has done or allowed to be done things that we certainly can’t approve of nowadays.”
*** w97 4/15 11 True Peace-From What Source? *** 15 What must not be overlooked is religion’s role in these wars and killings. Mankind’s blood-drenched history can be attributed in great measure to the misguiding influence of false religion. Catholic theologian Hans Küng wrote: “There is no disputing that in negative, destructive terms [religions] have made and still make an enormous contribution. So much struggle, bloody conflicts, indeed ‘religious wars’ are to be held to their account; . . . and this also goes for the two world wars.”
*** w95 2/1 3 Your Religion-A Ship That Should Never Be Abandoned? *** Theologians, especially Catholic scholars, often compare their church to a ship that is weathering a storm. They say that this ship, with Jesus or Peter at the helm, represents the only means of salvation. The position of the clergy is, ‘Never abandon the ship. The church has been through serious crises before, but it is a ship that has weathered all of history’s tempests.’ Some say, ‘Why abandon her? What alternatives are there? Why not stay and help steer her into calmer waters. (my note-I just thought that this was interesting in light of the ‘tacking’ explanation that the WT has given to their own doctrinal changes, in fact it sounds intriguingly similar to statement made fairly recently in WT history--*** w81 12/1 27 The Path of the Righteous Does Keep Getting Brighter *** 2 However, it may have seemed to some as though that path has not always gone straight forward. At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case. This might be compared to what is known in navigational circles as “tacking.” By maneuvering the sails the sailors can cause a ship to go from right to left, back and forth, but all the time making progress toward their destination in spite of contrary winds. And that goal in view for Jehovah’s servants is the “new heavens and a new earth” of God’s promise.—2 Pet. 3:13. 3 There is no question that Jehovah God is continuing to bless the global activity of his witnesses, as directed by the “faithful and discreet slave.” This can be seen by the fruits. Remember, Jesus said: “Every good tree produces fine fruit.” And such righteous fruits are to be seen internationally today in one people only—the united, global society of Jehovah’s Witnesses.—Matt. 7:17. (
*** w90 2/1 18 God's Judgment Against "the Man of Lawlessness" *** 18 This writer concludes: “The record of the Inquisition would be embarrassing for any organization; for the Catholic church, it is devastating. . . . What history shows is that, for more than six centuries without a break, the papacy was the sworn enemy of elementary justice. Of eighty popes in a line from the thirteenth century on, not one of them disapproved of the theology and apparatus of Inquisition. On the contrary, one after another added his own cruel touches to the workings of this deadly machine. The mystery is: how could popes continue in this practical heresy for generation after generation?
*** tp73 24 3 Are the World's Religions Giving the Right Lead? *** 7 Have this world’s religions taught their followers such love? Have they taught them that this love should surmount national boundaries and racial or language differences? Have the churches of Christendom, Catholic and Protestant, proved true to their claim to follow Jesus Christ as “the Prince of Peace”? Though it may surprise many, history proves that the opposite is true.
Shelly says-The WT has given me lessons on digging up history. And when one considers that most of theirs has happened in the last 150 years, rather than millenia ago, I think your statement shows a lack in understanding of the way that the WT org. actually operates.
Is it possible for someone to "Love being a JW"?
by JH ina few days ago, i met an old lady that has a jw as neighbour.
she knows that jw couple since years, although she isn't a jw.
so, i asked that old lady, "do you still see that jw couple once in a while", hoping for some kind of juicy news..... so, my question is, "how can a person love to be a jw" when so many others just "hate" being in that religion?.
Yeah, I figured out how to edit!!!
Is it possible for someone to "Love being a JW"?
by JH ina few days ago, i met an old lady that has a jw as neighbour.
she knows that jw couple since years, although she isn't a jw.
so, i asked that old lady, "do you still see that jw couple once in a while", hoping for some kind of juicy news..... so, my question is, "how can a person love to be a jw" when so many others just "hate" being in that religion?.
I think some people are naturally happy, don't take religion to heart so much that it makes them nuts, and so therefore can equate their happiness to their religion-since they are told that that is the reason they are happy. Some people just manage their lives(in general)well-JW or not. Some people let the religion 'get' to them, and they are not going to be so happy. (Just my theory)
by Dansk inyesterday afternoon my older son, karl, who is studying musical production at brighton university, came round to see his family.
he had just been to see his pregnant girlfriend, who is staying with her mum and dad for a week.. karl is a wonderful boy; the type of son any parent would be proud of.
he is loving, considerate, respectful and has never once caused any trouble or been in any.
I'm so glad your son is OK. He is a smart young man and showed great wisdom. Congratulations to all of you on the new grandchild/child. What a blessing!
family disowning you!!
by awol inafter 8 yrs not being a jw (not dfd just left)... my b.i.l has decided for the good of his family that they are not to associate with me!
my sis was like my best friend, and now .... after they had marital difficulties (which he knows only the half of, cos she has kept her mouth shut) he has now become a mini man!!
he has told my sis and my beautiful nieces and nephews that they cannot associate or speak to me at all.
AWOL-Aw, by their love you will know them, indeed~Good luck and Happy Halloween!
Shelly 0f the been there, done that, class (my mom got over it eventually-there is hope!)