JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
The last memorial I went to was decades ago. The 'anointed' brother who gave the talk spoke more about Jesus than I have ever seen in any JW gathering. I think he was secret apostate and a Christian. He was so much the exception to EVERY JW meeting/speaker I've ever been to that it seemed wise to leave on a positive note. No one has invited me in decades, though I have been overtly informed by JWs about it. -
I didn't. I had a big block of cheese from Costco they was meant to mate with butter and macaroni. I had critical business to care for, plus, no one invited me! -
Sweet 16 - Happy Birthday to Us !
by Simon init's the forum's 16th birthday today!.
amazing that not only have we lasted so long but we're still thriving and growing.. thanks to all the people and often colorful characters who've contributed to the site over the years.
some are still here with us, some have since moved on, but all have touched each others lives in some way along our different journeys.. .
Congratulations to all of us! Hey, Simon, here is an interesting statistic to find out-the growth rate of this site vs the lASt organization. Hmmmm. I wonder how they might be connected. -
Go my invite / think I am now a Do Not Call
by rebelfighter inmy son says hey mom that's your doorbell.
so answer it.
next i get, mom it is the jehovah witnesses.
I wish they'd come to my door! -
...the relief of Congregation Members
by Lostandfound injust clearing out all old stuff and came across tyhis line in my copy of the uk memorandum of constitution, passed by each uk cong in (i think) 1997).
this line bemused me as i know of no witness who ever receiver financial help from their congregation.
clause 4.2.4 read for other charitable purposes including the relief of congregation members who are in conditions of need hardship or distress.
I have been in churches and now in a different religious organization (keep the catcalls down, please:) ) and all but the JWs have funds to help the community (not just the church members) in need. BOTH in charitable (such as food pantries etc.) outreaches and specific funds to help with emergencies such as evictions after job loss, electric bills, even (surprisingly) the last bit to pay community college tuition that had to be diverted after a smallish medical emergency. I have seen car repairs, etc. One church had a deal with a member who owned a car repair place that he would donate labor if the churchwould pay for materials when a hard case came through -
California Electrician Dies After Falling 53 Stories...Possible JW and Suicide?
by JW GoneBad inhttp://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-construction-worker-falls-from-l-a-high-rise-hits-cars-dies-20160317-story.html.
social media is saying that this individual was a jehovah's witness.
can someone from the southern california area confirm this.
Whoever lost that man is devastated now. I hope he didn't leave kids behind, but no matter what or who he is, what a tragedy. -
Estimating future growth or decline of Watchtower
by shepherdless ini have seen a few posts here, in various guises, in relation to whether watchtower is in decline.
plenty of people respond, but it is all fairly anecdotal, or "gut feel".
some of it has been wishful thinking.. as of late 2015, watchtower's numbers suggest it is still growing marginally, but there are various anecdotes on this site of publishers typically being older, and younger ones disappearing.
I think the jig is up. The increase is barely keeping up with population growth. Many churches would be happy with that. . .BUT they are clearly aging out and as the older generations pass away, their kids will give up all pretensions of following the wtbts leaders. I think attrition is going to sock it to them, and soon. The wtbts may or may not have money(or maybe they took out loans against all the rich property after donations dropped off long ago and the money jig is really up too) but I think they have full awareness that they are not getting more converts that aren't dragged in by family. The people numbers are dropping and the people they got are mostly broke, save for elderly. That cash cow will soon be gone. Then what? I know a JW being appt as an elder in a hall with just a few years in org. No other qualified men. Only competition is a teenager. He knows nothing, parrots his wife and is clearly involved just for her.probably too sweet to be an elder.it will break his heart.
Attrition will get 'em.
So Proud of Pops
by brandnew inok so a car pulls up to the house and 3 eldurrs from my dads congo come up.
they come in and have thee nerve to ask me to step out so they can speak to pops!!!!
this is the good part.....pops says...and i quote " whatever needs to be said..can be said in front of my son".
You might want to talk to dad about protecting his finances. Perhaps speak to a lawyer, because as his illness progresses, there might be some pressure put upon him. A lawyer is a cheaper alternative preventively than reactively. -
Just got done glancing at live kingdom hall site and I thought of how smugly Jehovah's Witnesses brag about how they don't have a paid clergy. I saw KHs and assembly hall's with built in apts for visiting overseerers, special visiting dignitaries, caretakers. . .Then I am reminded of all the bethelites supported by JWs, the assessments to provide cars and insurance and support for overseers. . .and I know the elders are unpaid and overtaxed with responsibilities and often their own finances and I wonder if JWs wouldn't be better off with a self supporting church like the local baptists, whose congregations are self supporting in spite of paying a pastor and staff. They still support charities, missions, food banks, reach out in real ways to the community. . .all that humility and the JW leadership lives without worrying about their bills while the ranks are CONSTANTLY pestered for more money. The leadership has no organised efforts to help the JWs even. Even the first century Christians managed that! They lived in tents and dirt floored houses. In fact, charity in times of need is the only thing I remember anyone collecting money for in the NT. Except taxes, and that was the role of rome. The wtbts seems more like a tax collector than a charity. None of the options for helping was to help their brothers, it ALL came back to sending money to Brooklyn bethel. Or the Cayman islands or where it goes these days. -
I lied to the elders
by atacrossroads ini stopped attending meetings all together in january 2015. before that my attendance was irregular at best.
my husband followed suit a few months ago after months of research, agony, and indecision on his part.
from the very beginning i laid low and did not share with anyone what i found out about the witnesses because i did not want to be df'd.
I just read the OP and it was reiterated to me that we all belonged to an organization that ENCOURAGED gossip and tattletelling. Seriously, these are all adults who think they need to come to you with repeated gossip from others. Even if it is true, it is really not your mom's business to tattle and not theirs to repeat gossip-which is all that 2nd hand tales is.
The religion is whacked in that they think they have a right and and OBLIGATION to do these things to others. It's STUPID.