JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
Judgment handed down by Court of Appeal in legal challenge to Charity Commission inquiry opened in 2014
by OrphanCrow inthis is good news.
the wt have lost in their attempt to stop the uk charity commission's inquiry into their affairs.
however, the wt is still digging in their heels about turning documents over to the charity commission.https://www.gov.uk/government/news/court-of-appeal-gives-judgment-in-court-case-by-jehovahs-witness-charityjudgment handed down by court of appeal in legal challenge to charity commission inquiry opened in 2014.today, the court of appeal handed down its judgment regarding the commission’s statutory inquiry, opened in 2014, into the watch tower bible and tract society of britain (the leading jehovah’s witness charity in the uk).
How much of a red flag isit that they are digging in their heels on this issue? Makes them look pervy already-like they know they have bunches of creeps . -
Plans for huge Jehovah's HQ take shape
by Formerbrother inhttp://www.chelmsfordweeklynews.co.uk/news/11227290.plans_for_huge_jehovah_s_hq_take_shape/.
its going to be a real beautiful place when its finished.. they are going for quality over quantity.
it used to be accommodation for a few thousand permanent residents, now its looking like less than a thousand permanent with the possibility of a few thousand more in temporary accommodation should the need arise.. some say the plans are going to be like a garden of eden in england :) i mean they had farming in london over the years but this is going to be epic what they are planning for temple farm at chelmsford.. they are planting thousands (literally) of fruit trees, including tropical fruits in huge green houses, huge vines yards and then the same basic farming activities as before.
Lol. JWs have an inflated sense of themselves. Even some former JWs think too highly of the Borg. Going door to door is not required of any worshipers.
No one can stop people from worshipping God. Churches are not necessary for worship, be it true or false worship.
Got a call, my dad is in hospice...
by dubstepped inour last conversation was him yelling at me because i "loved the gays".
translation, i pointed out that nobody chooses their sexuality.
i've been shunned since daing last september, and really for a year or so after visiting my df'ed brother.
I'm glad you get some goodbye time with your dad. I hope your mom wakes up. She has backbone-that bodes well.
Why don't we all schedule memorials for our loved ones and invite non JW relatives and friends and JWs who actually want to remember our loved ones, rather than JWs who just want to control their memories even after death?
Why is it ok for witnesses to go to Church backed hospitals?
by stuckinarut2 inif witnesses should "get out of babylon the great" then why is it ok to go into hospitals that have been set up, and have funding from churches?.
isnt that a little contradictory or hypocritical?.
JW mom was at st Joe's in Washington state taking instruction from a JW nurse about the 10+ page blood refusal contract that was required to refuse blood for a planned procedure. Nurse was hired to do the blood Liason work, from my understanding. I attended with her. Took a long time. JW mom and aunt in a Catholic run hospital getting operation by a gay Dr. I kid yo not. No one questioned Babylon but she was given a lot of direction about how her bible trained conscience should feel and respond to her options. -
1958 Convention Program. 8 days from 9am till 9pm. Anyone attend?
by StopTheTears inhow in the world did they justify this torture?
imagine the children forced to sit in the summer heat at yankee stadium for 12 hours a day.
for 8 days.
We took the metro bus to every day of '76 convention at the Kingdome in Seattle. I eventually learned that pulling the cord made the bus stop more. Very long day. Before that I remember going to high school gyms and the Puyallup fairgrounds(formerly a Japanese internment camp. ,)
Not sure if that was when MJ showed up, but one year he did, with an entourage.
Shoot, I was wondering what stupid joke was being made about your wife until my two brain cells connected that you were speaking about your parrot. I hope the PARROTS are very happy together.
Supreme Court ruling- refusing to photo gay wedding is discrimination
by SadElder inaccording to bloomberg news:.
"the u.s. supreme court turned away an appeal from a new mexico wedding photographer found to have violated a state anti-discrimination law when she refused to take pictures of a commitment ceremony for a same-sex couple.. the photographer, elaine huguenin, argued unsuccessfully that she was being unconstitutionally forced to convey a message conflicting with her religious beliefs.
I think it is stupid to turn away business-and stupid to want someone who is disgusted by your lifestyle to take pictures of the most poignant moment in your life with your partner.
Does a business person have the right to refuse service to people or to refuse to do a job? If a contractor comes to my house and I am a satanist and have satanic stuff around, and I THINK that is why they are refusing to remodel the bathroom can I accuse him of discrimination? What if he says he would be uncomfortable? When a contractor doesn't accept to do a job, you just go to the guy who wants your business! I don't get it. I refused to go to the home of a man once when I was housekeeping. I called and canceled, saying I was uncomfortable because of the isolation of his property and the fact that he was male. I was honest-but that is sexual discrimination, right?
OTOH, I grew up at the time that we were raised RELIGIOUSLY to not discriminate-I remember being told I wasn't supposed to think bad things about blacks or asians just because they were people of color and I thought to myself, well, DUH, why would I do that anyway? But at some point, apparently we needed to be taught decency. OTOH, I don't go to the nail salon that made fun of my chubby daughter, in their own language, with many gestures. . . were they abusing her because of her weight? I dont care! Was I discrimninating against them because I could not understand their language or because they were born elsewhere? No, I didn't like their attitude to my girl. I voted with my wallet. I don't think anyone is going to do as good a job if they viscerally dislike or disrespect a person (for whatever reason). One would think that we are evolved enough that common sense could prevail, but I guess we are still subject to going to courts for our slights. Beats blood feuds, I guess!
I quit the Goodwill :(
by Joliette ini couldnt take seeing people from the kingdom hall.
you guys wouldnt believe how many jehovahs witnesses shop in the goodwill.
i couldnt take it.
Your folks probably wanted to check on you in a way that would not get them busted. -
My "best" friend (active JW) has just died
by Terry injohnny santa cruz and i met around 1959 at a movie theater in fort worth, texas.. the purpose of that meeting was to create a fanclub for horror movie director william castle.
a week or so later, johnny stopped me as i was walking home from elementary school.. "hey--i think i know you.
weren't you at the william castle fanclub thing?".
I'm so sorry that you lost your friend again. -
out for a long time
by Sledracer inmy husband and i have been out for a long time, maybe fifteen years, i must say we are in a bit of a nowhere land spiritually, we find it impossible to attend any other church.
we really resent so much of how they messed up our and our children's lives.
we can't get back all those 25 years we were in.
People in general are kind of. . .human. we need to recognise that just being a long term JW renders us a lot more judgemental towards "worldlings" and more tolerant and able to justify JW stuff and we do-years later we will find ourselves parroting JW verbiage that we don't even think through- out of ingrained habit. Crap we don't really believe!
Don't romanticize JW life. You left for a reason. Don't lose sight of it.