To A Believer: Interesting theory but unsupported by bible.
JoinedPosts by JWdaughter
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
I am glad to have found the true religion
by A Believer init really is great.
i remember browsing this forum the day after i had joined it, and their was a knock on the door.
i thought it was one of my package from ups but instead it was two sisters.
You think you have found the true religion?
James 1:27
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."Religion is personal, not don't find it or join it. You practice it. Supporting and promoting a publishing company is not true religion. Offering magazines or a web address isn't. Picking up a stadium to get preferred rates isn't. Reporting service hours selling mags isn't. Meetings isn't. All the things that the WT expects of you to prove you are really a JW has nothing to do with what the Bible says shows one is practicing pure religion.
Another One - UK JW pedophile faces deportation
by OrphanCrow inman faces deportation after fondling young boy he met through church.
(full article at link).
fiscal depute ross carvel had told the court that komorowski became friendly with the parents of the child as they were members of the same church and were jehovah’s witnesses.“they became concerned about the behaviour of komorowski when their son’s behaviour changed.
Instead of maligning ALL immigrants, it would be good to jail then deport the criminals. I wish they'd do it across the board whether they come as workers, spouses or refugees. Too bad all violent criminals can't be deported, but most are natural born citizens. We should be more alarmed about the ones that remain in our communities after incarceration.
Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 2
by will-be-apostate inwell here am i, a couple of years passed since my original post (link here), somewhat less mysoginistic, more open to relationships, heartbroken again.
this is an official "fuck my life" thread.. being chased by the elders makes one arrive at the conclusion that there is nothing better than not being chased by the elders.
i had a pre-jc meeting a week ago.
One night, drinking and sex. There is no love. It is sex. Money had nothing to with it. Your looks and social prowess and money mean less than you think. Real love is not going to come from hooks ups at a bar. Stop thinking you are a big loser and sending out those vibes. People don't expect perfect looks. Whoever sold you that crap-jws? did you no favors. They and the world tell you that no one will love you unless and until you meet up with some standard. There are million of couples and families that prove that's a lie. Be happy in your skin and with who you are and you will find your lid(every pot has a lid). Don't let a perverse upbringing cause you to lose yourself in their propaganda, or you will forever be hooking up with other lonely, desperate people who are trying to prove they are desirable enough. Sex doesn't mean you are hot and not having it doesn't mean you are without attractions. Sleeping with crazy drunk strangers will bring your whole life down. Use some sense and get some mental health care so you don't become the crazy drunk stranger. You are not validated by having sex or abstaining from it.
My mom told me no one wanted to have sex with, much less marry, fat girls.
Turns out she was really, really wrong. I proved it, but my chubby daughter was NOT sold that lie. Don't tell yourself hateful things or waste your soul on careless, cheating strangers.
Williams sister got engaged to some guy from Reddit
by wozza inso is he a witness or if not what are gb going to do about it since she identifies with the watchtower society?.
I call crap. She goes on at length about her religion and going out in service. She is known as one.
As a former UNbaptised publisher who was Dis-associated and shunned in spite of not ever choosing it or shouting it from ESPN, she has gotten away with more than lesser creatures as myself could get away with. And that ain't right, but it's not wrong of HER, it is a hypocrisy in the org. She is getting away with what she gets away with. Good for her.
New member
by NinaCee ini did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
New member
by NinaCee ini did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
New member
by NinaCee ini did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
Welcome! You are in good company here. Most of us aren't total nutjobs, and most of us who are nutjobs (to whatever degree) are damaged goods (thank you WATCHTOWER)
I am a little worried that you went from a controlling and restrictive religion to a spouse that is doing that with you. I hope I am reading things wrong, but when your spouse is running off your friends, thats concerning to me.
Picture of Let
by Tahoe inmy 'still in' family is passing this pic around facebook like proud parents.
So, he is providing comic relief even to JWs. Good to know.
Bad Press Is The Reason For Watchtower Corporation Move Into The Boonies For Seclusion
by Brokeback Watchtower inwith all the pedophile lawsuits can you blame them?
i think the silent lambs march as well as dire financial straits is making them trying to get out of public eye with restricted access to headquarters, were as in brooklyn ny it was not possible..
Lawsuits can find them even in upstate NY. They have large public conventions all over the world. Moving was about the money from living in the city, maintenance of the complex of buildings and logistical reasons. New Yorkers were never going to rise up and cause grief for the WT by marching on it to any degree or in any way that would inconvenience the WT for more than a minute. Financially, they made a good move by the relocation, that is inarguable. All the implications surrounding it (the downsizing/layoff/what they are DOING with the money, etc) is another subject altogether. It also keeps WT fans out of the big bad city and gives them a small community that they will presumably do their best to make WT friendly for all the visiting JWs who come to spend their money during their visit. NY will never be WT friendly, but Tuxedo NY might find some businesses (informally) blacklisted if they talk any smack about the WT. You can't threaten all of Brooklyn with that, much less Manhatten.