"I have never seen any scientific evidence of a species DNA aquiring NEW information."
>Thats because "new information" has NOTHING to do with molecular evolution, anatomical or neuronal evolution. Mutations are merely the expression of ALREADY EXISTING information in a new format or template. Take an intro biology course if you dont understand this basic principle of genetics. You've been reading too much Watchtower science textbooks.
"The lactose gene was already there. "
>Yup! Exactly. See point above.
"The fact that it made news is because of the thousands of instances of DNA mutations causing negative consequenses, this may be one of thousands that served a purpose. Not evidence to me but more an accident than the norm."
>And so? Random genetic mutations are obviously RANDOM, and are only acted upon by ENVIRONMENTAL conditions. Your point has no bearing on any evolutionary process at the micro or macro levels.
"I will never understand how anyone can deduce that the Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy does not apply to all life forms and organic matter. It is a scientific, totally proven LAW of nature. "
>No, its not. And it has absolutely NOTHING to do with biological or molecular processes in any pertinent way to evolutionary processes. And no, it is not a "law" of anything.
"Everything is winding down, everything decays into smaller particles. Our own DNA is decaying into more and more mutations until we too will die off as a species."
>Interesting, could you please provide PUBLISHED, replicated research reports from a reputable scientific journal demonstrating conclusively that "our own DNA is decaying into more and moremutations" ??? I would be very curious to read your source material.
"There is no scientific evidence that we are evolving into a higher life form. On the contrary the evidence shows us devolving into a violent species headed for total nuclear annialation."
>Nor should there be. Again, this statement underscores your complete lack of understanding of how evolution works. First, can you even define a "higher" life form? This is a COMPLETELY subjective opinion. Indeed, I would argue that sharks are far better adapted to their environments and environmental needs than humans are. There is no imaginary "upward" trajectory in evolution. Again, what EVIDENCE are you referring to about human DEVOLUTION? Or is this just a personal, unsubstantiated opionion, full of fundy sound and fury and signifying nothing?
"I was part of the human genome project and my DNA line has grown so unstable I would not be alive but for regular medical procedures."
>This statement is complete nonsense. DNA does not "grow" unstable. Not to mention the fact that there is no such thing as a "DNA line". You possess a "genome" which is by very definition, a permanent part of your cellular processes. In addition, there are NO "medical procedures" that currently exist that can influence an entire genome. Where the f**k are you getting this bizarre, misinformation from? Kevin Trudeau??? LOL.....
"If there can be found one step forward in science, there will be five steps backwards associated with it."
>No problem. Given your low opionion of science, I suggest you unplug your computer (the creation of scientists), stop using the internet (the creation of scientists), throw out all your electrical appliances (all created by scientists), and move into your nearest cave with some sticks and a few matches. Next time you get sick, find your nearest witch doctor and have him cure you with some magical hexes, or better yet, pray to Jesus and see how you make out. You'll save a fortune at the pharmacy, lest you should be tempted to trust the technology and research of us idiot scientists....