Maybe the suspension has ended. Maybe Mad/Martian has so much *agape* for us that he just had to start a new account?
Unlikely, given that this is about the 10th troll account he has opened here. Some trolls are more persistent than others!
i propose an online bible study.
no reporting time.
Maybe the suspension has ended. Maybe Mad/Martian has so much *agape* for us that he just had to start a new account?
Unlikely, given that this is about the 10th troll account he has opened here. Some trolls are more persistent than others!
i believe jesus was not a wood carpenter like long believed and taught by the churches.
i think this is a lie!.
i believe he was a stone mason.
Scully, grow up. If somebody wants to make a thread about their opinion on something, just let them without coming across so judgmental. So what if they are trying to make a Masonic connection? Still have that bug up your arse, need-brain? Try some ex-lax..... I guess in between your "I love you all" threads, you still feel the need to incite flame wars with the mods? ..................................whatever......................
i believe jesus was not a wood carpenter like long believed and taught by the churches.
i think this is a lie!.
i believe he was a stone mason.
Hmmmm......I think I'll try Adam and Eve first........easier on the eyes than Charles and Camilla.
LOL.....I thought "Albert and Victoria" were "Adam and Eve"????
so i've got this jam jar of american coins and small bills that i've been squirrelling away for my next shopping trip south of the border.
just the other day, monday, i acquired a $20us bill and added it to my stash... and when i went to add some more coins to it this morning, the $20 bill was missing.. i'm pretty sure it was one of my teenagers.
they come into my room and do their makeup and use my bathroom on a regular basis.
So how do you guys handle things like this?
Hee hee....I dont....I live in a "child-free" paradise!
watchtower, feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. .
" john 6:40 watchtower style .
the watchtower; "12/1/1981, p. 27. .
Personally the wts doesn't practice the spirit of Christ cos imo the FDS are focused on their own survival and importance. They say they rely on holy spirit but in reality they draw their strength from slaving the down trodden, from engaging the service and burdening down people who are already sighing and groaning under the weight of living and from child labour and they show no mercy or compassion
This description can be applied to ALL modern day christian organizations, in one way or another. The Catholic church, The Mormons, etc etc. By this logic, there are no "christian" religions anywhere on the planet. Child labour? Are their underage children working in Brooklyn? There are obviously kids in the field service but this hardly classifies as "child labour" any more than forcing a child to participate in religious services in any other christian church.
i believe jesus was not a wood carpenter like long believed and taught by the churches.
i think this is a lie!.
i believe he was a stone mason.
Forgot your meds again? LOL.............
with the recent tv.
show ghost hunters 7 hours long shown live and on the internet with web cams planted all over the place from east pennslyvania pentitentiary on friday evening from 8pm to 3am, there were many responses from all over the country about people seeing images, ghosts etc.
for those who watched it, was this real or is it a great hoax.. i read that when it comes with dealing with hard evidence of life after death it's been shown that there are three classes of people.. there are those that ridicule idea of anything beyond the grave.. then there are those who have already accepted the evidence of continued existence beyond physical death.. the third group is often thrown offtrack when trying to get at the truth by the folks in the metaphysical camp.. which group do you belong to and why?
"I provided neutral, unbiased and creditable
sources. However, in looking up your sources
you gave me a former magician and skeptic."
Wanderer: What you did (YET AGAIN) was post some links to some parapsychology interest societies. A neutral, unbiased and credible "source" would be a scientific journal citation. It would look something like this: Jones, R.F. et al. Journal of Physiology, Volume 21; pp 187-198; 2004. So far so good? Now, the reason "parapsychological" research is NOT published in reputable scientific journals is because NOBODY has ever been able to "replicate" a single one of these experiments. Let me explain how scientific information is created and published. First, a laboratory (funded by competititive grants) performs a series of experiments. They prepare a manuscript. They submit the manuscript to a peer-reviewed journal. The editor sends out the manuscript to independent colleagues to provide an anonymous review. The manuscript is either accepted, sent back for revision or outright rejected by the editors based upon this peer review. Not a single source you have provided meets this criteria, yet you continue to engage in the promotion of what you classify as "unbiased research".
"I would like to end this discussion because
if science institutions are not respected
then I will not respect a parlor magician."
....sigh.......Again. These ARE NOT "science" institutions. They are special interest "societies" with an interest in the paranormal. A "Science" institution in your country would be "The National Institutes of Health" (NIH) or "The National Academy of Science" which publishes PNAS. I will repeat this AGAIN for you: There are NO peer-reviewed scientific research societies or granting agencies that are funding this sort of research. Do you understand? watchtowerland..the watchtower bible and tract society=mediator to god..if thats true..what good is jesus??
?..none!..he has absolutlely "no use!
"..the wtb$ leads people to think they cannot find god without them!..where is jesus in all of this?
If you purposely go agaist the teachings of Jesus,how can you call yourself a Christian?...OUTLAW
Outlaw, I would challenge you to name a single modern day organization calling themselves "Christian(tm)" that is actually following, 100%, word-for-word, the precise, unerring philosphy and/or theology of Jesus Christ?
And what, prey tell, are the "teachings" of Jesus? Jesus himself did not write down a single word.....all that is left of his teachings are poorly translated ancient texts written by his small circle of followers, 2000 years ago. Did Jesus himself "spell out" the exact "criteria" as to what would constitute a "christian"? If so, where and when?
I would estimate that every single branch of organized christianity today has incorporated traditions and elements of ancient, PAGAN religious elements, be they greek or roman in origin. There is NO "pure" form of christianity today, with the possible exception of self-righteous ex-JW "christians" who believe they have somehow gained some exclusive, "pure" understanding of christianity. Ironically, these very ones betray the most basic elements of christian philosophy by setting themselves up as "judges" over others.
As an atheist, I could care less about who is and who is not a "christian", but it is laughably absurd to suggest that JWs are not simply another "sect" within Christendom, just as we would include Mormons, 7th day Adventists, Mennonites, etc etc. You are ALL drinking at the same bar, just ordering different cocktails! LOL.....
Finally, I have never in my life heard a JW prayer that did not end with the words "We ask all this through your son, Christ Jesus, Amen.".....Now, kinda sounds like a "mediator" role to me, would'nt you think? I was born and raised a JW and I can assure you, my entire life was "Jesus this and Jesus that", so this notion that JWs have no emphasis on Jesus life and death is ridiculous. Perhaps the Watchtower has its OWN "spin" on what this "mediator" role implies, but so does EVERY OTHER branch of christianity.
just a one-page article on an ex-jw support group in toronto.
macleans is canada's version of "time" with a large circulation.
it's also the magazine that did the large article on the septuplets.
What a fantastic article! Macleans is very well read in Canada.
Also provides a nice "reality check" to any members of the general public who were misinformed by Engardio's propaganda flick.
i would like those of you former jws turned christian to post here.
specific denominations can be mentioned.
i'd just like to get an idea of how many of you there are.
"Am I to assume that all posters on this thread are Christians? The heading does say "Jehovah's Witnesses turned Christian....Post Here".
Kid-A, I didn't know!!! When did you become a Christian? "
My apologies Mrs. Smith (or is that Mrs. Elderette? ) ....I will be sure to ask your "permission" before I post on another thread! I guess after your 261 post-count, the board admins have declared you the arbitrator of which poster can post where?.......................whatever................